
DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

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Old 04-03-2014, 10:42 AM   #9
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Originally Posted by Teleo
Have you used these in coach mode?
Yes, coach mode where I do NOT interact other than to call plays, also CPU vs CPU, supersim, let er rip... tastes great, less filling.

You might want to modify the sliders which I use in PLAY NOW and I take control of players, CPU run block set high to counter my D? etc.

The Schwami
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Last edited by theschwami; 04-03-2014 at 10:53 AM. Reason: addition
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Old 04-03-2014, 01:24 PM   #10
Teleo's Arena
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Thanks...are these on All Madden or All Pro?
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Old 04-03-2014, 03:24 PM   #11
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Originally Posted by chargersfan21
These are AWESOME, I am very excited to play with these. Thanks for posting.

One q though, can these be used in CFM? My system has locked up twice when trying to start CFM, apologies if I missed this somewhere in the posts above.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Seems I am not the only one having this roster problem with offline CFM. Rysumm is having the same issue with Playmakers ported 1990 roster.

I was able to resolve the issue and have uploaded a new version of the roster which will load in OFFLINE CFM. How far it will go from there, remains to be seen.

You are now free to roam about the offline CFM world, you should see 1579 players imported, please let me know if you can sim through a season.

For those interested....

I tried bumping all teams to a minimum of 48 per roster, not the problem.
I tried deleting players to get under 2100, not the problem.
I tried auto reordering before loading in to offline CFM, not the problem. (But you should do this anyway, its a good practice, and in some cases will resolve "freezing" issues.)

The resolution was to put some bleach in the free agent pool as something had contaminated it.

Rather than delete 643 free agents one by one... using the Generic EA DB editor, I added two lines to the team table: 1. HOF locked and 2. NFL Greats HOF unlocked databases. These lines can be found in most M25 Pre2013 roster files.

I then reassigned Hines Ward to TGID 0, unlocked NFL greats HOF, reassigned all free agents TGID 1009 as locked HOF members TGID 1021.

Worked like a charm, the offline CFM ate it up, only taking in the actual 32 team members TGID 1 - 32 totaling 1579 and not sucking in the quarantined free agent pool.

My assumption is since I had drained the free agent pool and I was not on PSN (not signed in to EA servers), to make up the difference for teams with less than 53 players (some 60/70 teams have only 39 players on roster) and to provide a free agent pool, the game reads this data off the DVD (The Packers signed Aldon Smith!).

The Schwami
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Last edited by theschwami; 04-04-2014 at 06:02 AM.
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Old 04-03-2014, 04:40 PM   #12
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Originally Posted by theschwami
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Seems I am not the only one having this roster problem with offline CFM. Rysumm is having the same issue with Playmakers ported 1990 roster.

I was able to resolve the issue and have uploaded a new version of the roster which will load in OFFLINE CFM. How far it will go from there, remains to be seen.

You are now free to roam about the offline CFM world, you should see 1579 players imported, please let me know if you can sim through a season.

For those interested....

I tried bumping all teams to a minimum of 48 per roster, not the problem. I tried deleting player to get under 2100, not the problem.
I tried auto reordering before loading in to offline CFM, not the problem. But you should do this anyway.

The resolution was to eliminate the free agent pool as something had contaminated it.

Rather than delete 643 free agents one by one... using the Generic EA DB editor, I added two lines to the team table: 1. HOF locked and 2. NFL Greats HOF unlocked databases. These lines can be found in any M25 Pre2013 file.

I then reassigned all free agents TGID 1009 to locked HOF members TGID 1021. The offline CFM ate it up, only taking in the actual 32 team members and not sucking in the reassigned tainted free agent pool.

Fantastic!!! Thanks for resolving and also for the great team choices. This should make for a heck of a one-season, five-decade battle of NFL greats to kill time until the draft. Will try to start a CFM tonight and will let you know if it works.
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Old 04-03-2014, 09:49 PM   #13
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

First of all I would like to thank you for your recognition of myself and others at the start of your thread. Next I have got to give you a applause . You have done a fantastic job with this roster file and sliders. I do use a different set of penalties though. I have played 2 games...(03 panthers vs 04 pats, and the 85 bears vs the 98 broncos). These games where like night and day....which is what you want. PS3 Community, I highly recommend that you download this roster file and sliders.This fellow roster maker has done a superb job.
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Old 04-04-2014, 08:31 AM   #14
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Originally Posted by tmac747
First of all I would like to thank you for your recognition of myself and others at the start of your thread. Next I have got to give you a applause . You have done a fantastic job with this roster file and sliders. I do use a different set of penalties though. I have played 2 games...(03 panthers vs 04 pats, and the 85 bears vs the 98 broncos). These games where like night and day....which is what you want. PS3 Community, I highly recommend that you download this roster file and sliders.This fellow roster maker has done a superb job.

Thank you for the kind words Sir. I too enjoy playing with yours and the others rosters as much. I applaud and recommend that others download and enjoy your efforts as well.

I would love to compare notes, and know what Penalty set you are using. The slider and penalty sets are an area of consternation. There are three penalties I have NEVER seen called, DPI, Running into kicker and running into P/K return.

IN SIM: I had never seen a blocked punt or kick, until I dropped running into kicker to 5, started seeing blocked punts, dropping to zero, I have seen a blocked FG in the stats. Still have not seen "live" block animation in play now.

By setting OPI high 90, I have actually seen it called twice in PLAY NOW, and the receivers tend to be more cautious in their route running/pushing off the DB. I set DPI lower 85 to ALLOW the DB to be slightly more aggressive. My fear is if I set DPI to 100, I not only will see the penalty, I will see my DB's play turn into a matador's defense, please come right this way.

Despite setting tackling at 45 & pass coverage/reaction at 90, QB acc at 10/15, pass block at ZERO, its still WAY too easy for a human to pass in this game. However, this is where the statistics on SUPERSIM and HUM vs CPU panned out.

Per team around 180-300 yds pass & 70 -150 yds run per game avg. and in HUM vs CPU the game played decently. I tried HUM QB at 8, still too easy, set it at 5, a little tougher, set it at 3 and suddenly the most accurate QB is throwing wild and couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat.

If you crank up the tackling (which makes all your defenders better, not just vs run) to stop passing, you must crank up the run blocking to preserve your running game. You must also crank up the pass blocking, because now your QB gets sacked 6 times a game in SIM and 9 if you control a DE.

Problem solved, right? Wrong, because pass block is now higher, the CPU thinks it can throw all day and abandons the run, even though you have a 1500 yd back. In SIM, you wind up with AFL stats (arena football league) 65 pass attempts and 12 run attempts per team....

You can't make tendancy adjustments in PLAY NOW, What are you gonna do? (shoulder up shrug with both hands in the air like Mother Mary.) muttering Good times.... Good times.

The whole night and day thing, glad to hear your experiencing it as well... at first I thought something went awry in my efforts, IN MOST CASES little predictability, went wild adjusting penalty & slider sets, to no avail.

Decided to conduct an experiment in terror, with two teams decided to play vs opponents 100 times, 50 times home, 50 times away. Would SIM through to Q4 and sometimes intervene in closer games, my interventions had little effect.

Isolated two teams and bastardized them, one team, 91 Redskins, lobotomized AWR and cut speed, dropped them from averaged 80 to 78 ovr (using my averaging method mentioned in previous post).

The random effectiveness of pass/run game for either team, and on any given Sunday still applied, but MUCH LESS so. More often than not, the other "bully" would pound the weakling Redskins, who couldn't win or run even at home, one out of ten at home vs 80-84 averaged ovr Jags/Titans/Texans. Wuck? TWO lousy OVR points?

Next, took the Patriots, put them on "roids", added AWR & speed, not even a 2 pt OVR bump.... a lousy 1.4... they went on a victory tour, destroyed me with the 83 Raiders in Oakland, etc. These minutemen were INVINCIBLE, Brady unstoppable, destroying opponent after opponent.

Bottom line: The results with the "engineered" teams were somewhat predictable. The results among the "untampered" teams was anything but. Its a fine line that divides these champions from each other. However, its a slightly broader deeper stroke that divides the repeaters from the one timers.

Observed that if both teams were within 4 (averaged) OVR points of each other, despite the overall roster OVR diff ranging from 75 to even 85... FOR THE MOST PART, anything could happen, anywhere, anytime with any of these teams.

A byproduct of the process: It all goes to a blend of broadness in starting talent at 24 positions (K,P included), and how deep your bench is. Observed that MANY game changing plays occur when backups are in the game. As a result of this experiment, I made some adjustments to correct certain oversights I had committed in the initial "vetting" process.

Hence, paying close attention to the quality or lack thereof in backup players, and the frequency effect of AUTOSUB settings is VERY important and UNDERRATED.

To this end, SF, DEN, DAL, GB, NE, MIA, PIT are for the most part, broad and deep. In contrast, CHI, NYG, TB & BALT have a stronger concentration of strength among starters, especially on defense, but are slightly thinner offensively and at the edges. Coincidence that the broader, deeper teams repeated? I think not.

Ponder this Batman, take the higher overall OVR 06 Colts at home vs 92 DAL, (yeah, no kidding, I did not plan it that way, and was ready to juice the Pokes, however....) see what happens, I did, on more than one occasion, the Pokes took care of business quite well, no intervention from the "creator" needed.

Took the higher rated Pack to the Browns, got my A** kicked on multiple occasions. Took the higher rated 06 Colts to see the 00 Ravens, watched Peyton act like he did in the SB... on occasion he acted like he did in 06 vs Ravens. Go figure.

Repeated this process with all the teams, and that's how and when I knew to finally, leave well enough, alone. How does that work? On any given Sunday, and that's why they play the games.

This whole process has restored my faith in the fact that not everything can be distilled into or ascertained from a single number or even a set of indicators. Metrics, quantify, qualify, damn statistics... whaddaya gonna do? Good times, good times.. stay thirsty my friends and enjoy.

The Schwami
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Last edited by theschwami; 04-04-2014 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 04-04-2014, 01:16 PM   #15
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Worked importing in CFM and advancing to week two of the regular season. I think it's good! Great work
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Old 04-04-2014, 02:43 PM   #16
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Re: DaSchwam's M25 PS3 Classic Roster/Sliders

Originally Posted by chargersfan21
Worked importing in CFM and advancing to week two of the regular season. I think it's good! Great work
Thanks for the feedback. I loaded into CFM, left all settings on default 50 sliders/autosubs, let CPU advance players, disabled trades & relocation, quick & dirty, simmed to 1st off season, SB Eagles 35 vs Chargers 17.... alrighty then.

At least it works for one season. Now lets see what happens with my sliders/autosubs...

This was my first time using CFM, I usually just go to PLAY NOW and have at it.... I could not find any settings limiting free agent signings or release of existing roster members.

Other than taking control of all 32 teams, which is probably a PITA on initial setup, is there anyway to disable or limit free agent moves/cuts to somewhat maintain the roster integrity?

The Schwami
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