
The Abomination That is Madden Nation

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Old 10-21-2008, 03:09 PM   #49
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baumy300's Arena
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Great article.

It's sad that they can even enjoy playing like that.

Wouldn't Blitz be more their style?

Last edited by baumy300; 10-21-2008 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 10-21-2008, 03:45 PM   #50
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Re: The Abomination That is Madden Nation

It becomes more obvious that EA is not committed to sim style football. I guess thats fine, at least we know it. This is my last Madden game that i purchase. But what shows me even more that EA is not about real football is the fact that they have on Madden Nation nothing but a bunch of players acting like ghetto trash hoodlums, who could care less about football, as long as they get to be on TV acting the fool. Or on the other hand, maybe Madden Nation is modeling what the NFL has turned into. Half of the players have either been arrested, or are incarcerated. And when a certain percentage of NFL players cant score a touchdown without acting like fools, i guess the Madden Nation participants fit the bill.
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Old 10-21-2008, 04:07 PM   #51
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Re: The Abomination That is Madden Nation

Originally Posted by cpdfrank
It becomes more obvious that EA is not committed to sim style football. I guess thats fine, at least we know it. This is my last Madden game that i purchase. But what shows me even more that EA is not about real football is the fact that they have on Madden Nation nothing but a bunch of players acting like ghetto trash hoodlums, who could care less about football, as long as they get to be on TV acting the fool. Or on the other hand, maybe Madden Nation is modeling what the NFL has turned into. Half of the players have either been arrested, or are incarcerated. And when a certain percentage of NFL players cant score a touchdown without acting like fools, i guess the Madden Nation participants fit the bill.
You read my mind.............
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Old 10-21-2008, 05:22 PM   #52
kt-od's Arena
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Re: The Abomination That is Madden Nation

Originally Posted by cpdfrank
It becomes more obvious that EA is not committed to sim style football. I guess thats fine, at least we know it. This is my last Madden game that i purchase. But what shows me even more that EA is not about real football is the fact that they have on Madden Nation nothing but a bunch of players acting like ghetto trash hoodlums, who could care less about football, as long as they get to be on TV acting the fool. Or on the other hand, maybe Madden Nation is modeling what the NFL has turned into. Half of the players have either been arrested, or are incarcerated. And when a certain percentage of NFL players cant score a touchdown without acting like fools, i guess the Madden Nation participants fit the bill.
Great post!!! I don't watch Madden Nation anymore because of what you just explained.
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Old 10-21-2008, 06:14 PM   #53
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NFL fans have no choice but to play arcade style Football...............Very Sad
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Old 10-21-2008, 07:27 PM   #54
asu666's Arena
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Originally Posted by kt-od
Great post!!! I don't watch Madden Nation anymore because of what you just explained.
I watched one of the first episodes of Madden Nation hoping to learn how some of the really good players have mastered the game. What I saw was a bunch of what-a-be thugs (read dorks) using the same exploits over-and-over again. The current gen Madden has pretty much lost any simulation credit it built up on Xbox and PS2 over the years. Too many missing options and too much tuning for the five minute quarter crowd. I don;t think the game is so far gone that it can't be saved, but it will probably take Petter Moore putting his foot in someone's rear to get the dev team's attention.
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Old 10-21-2008, 08:05 PM   #55
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Re: The Abomination That is Madden Nation

Originally Posted by grunt
I like the show. it is what it is. There will always be cheese in the game, no matter what. Pick sim friends and have fun. I don't know why so many people get mad cheesers.
I'm not for sure people get mad with cheesers. I think it is more that people get mad with EA because the game tends to favor the tactics that cheesers like to use. The issue isn't that there will always be cheese, but at least give me a different flavor. They have had the same flavor of cheese since the game went online with the 2003 version on PS2, rocket catching, audibling up and down formations, screwing up defensive assignments, pocket rolling ect. Some of it can be contained but it will require a particular effort. Pocket rolling, dropping back and heaving, FB Dives, Rocket catching all of this stuff shouldn't be still hanging around for people to exploit almost 7 to 8 years later.
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Old 10-21-2008, 11:01 PM   #56
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Just because someone doesn't play the same way as you, it doesn't make them a bad player. I understand the author's gripes about cheesing, but all of the snide comments that make them sound either less intelligent or less able to play a simulation style... that's aggravating. You put them down because they play to win and not to make it look like the NFL. Give it up. Let the people play the way they want AS LONG AS it is not an actual glitch or cheat.
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