
Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

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Old 06-19-2010, 07:23 AM   #97
C*t*z*n *f RSN
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by Gosens6
Not buying it. Too be completely honest iv'e bought every Madden since 93. Then when we got to next gen they decided to stop delivering the best product they could to us every year.

Iv'e given them hundreds and hundreds of dollars, and, I feel that myself and others who have been playing the game that long is owed a little bit of something.

This is the first year i'm truly disappointed in Madden. I won't go on some tirade about how they're the worst people on earth or that they don't try when making their games, but, just some of the things I see.

It just seems like this year they decided to take a year off. I respect you for supporting the game you enjoy playing, nothing against you for that at all.
fair enough.....I used to be a 2k fanboy myself....but I can't play 2k5 on my ps3 and the game has run its course (in my eyes) so I embrace madden....its my only option for NFL gaming.
Bummed that you're not on my ignore list yet?.....Don't worry, I'm sure you will be very soon.
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:29 AM   #98
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by K_GUN
but I can't play 2k5 on my ps3 and the game has run its course....its my only option for NFL gaming.
And this is why many are so frustrated with EA/Tib and Madden. It IS the only option. And it's not anywhere near where it should be. We can always expect SOME game play flaws (it can't be perfect), but EA is expecting everybody to be satisfied with a somewhat flawed and VERY stripped down version of an NFL game. That's my beef. The game isn't even where it was at 6+ years ago, or where the competition was at 6+ years ago. That deserves a huge SMH.
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:42 AM   #99
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by bucky60
It is a choice, but that's not much of a choice. EA and the Exclusive License made sure there wasn't much of a choice.

Old Engine has absolutely nothing to do with lack of franchise and franchise flaws. We did have EA/Tib tell us that the Head Coach guy would be working on Franchise for 11, but that obviously got put off to the side. Still, whether they said they would work on it or not, franchise is still no anywhere near what it was in last gen. They have had 6 years to put a good franchise in. There is NO excuse for that and it is a valid complaint.

Current Engine limitations have NOTHING to do with Franchise and other features. If the Engine is so broken and limited that they could not do anything with it over the last 6 years, then what have they been doing? other than removing a bunch of things that were in the game on the PC and last gen?
You keep telling yourself that, buck-o...

Originally Posted by sois
I really don't get this type of comment. We're all sports fans over here (said in a Jersey accent). Did you sit without opinion on the Jets starting QB situation from 04 to 07 or so?

Sports fans, in their nature, want changes when things are bad. That's why we all love the draft, it is a beacon of hope. Ironically, Madden 11 elected to neglect that crucial aspect of being a sports fan by leaving franchise mode broken.
What's not to get? We all have choices in life and when it comes down to Madden, this applies, as well. Now, if you read what I originally wrote then seen what that person said in response, your remark, logically, shouldn't have come off your finger tips in context to what I wrote. You let your emotions get the best of you then you jumped into a "conversation" only taking a portion of what was said to add your own 2 cents to.

Originally Posted by rangerrick012

"It's not just a bunch of people attactching and tackling a guy". That's exactly what it is!
Nice catch but it still doesn't speak to what what's his name said in response to my original post. Nothing said about eliminating canned tackling animations or adding real physics. Ian said, "It ends up giving you a lot more of a more physics based feel". He didn't say real physics are there.

Again, not saying that the vid is not out there, but that vid provided didn't prove other dude's point, at all. If it is provided, I will concede the point.
Just cuz you pour syrup on ish....
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:47 AM   #100
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by bucky60
And this is why many are so frustrated with EA/Tib and Madden. It IS the only option. And it's not anywhere near where it should be. We can always expect SOME game play flaws (it can't be perfect), but EA is expecting everybody to be satisfied with a somewhat flawed and VERY stripped down version of an NFL game. That's my beef. The game isn't even where it was at 6+ years ago, or where the competition was at 6+ years ago. That deserves a huge SMH.
mostly agreed....but I don't think they EXPECT you to accept their product....look, they can only do so much...the dev team has to answer to marketing et al---so they pick their battles and go forward.

side bar----

i think next-gen sports as a whole has been a major letdown...

......2K has been an absolute joke with the baseball license on next-gen...(the last 2 years of which have been from the same dev house as NFL 2k5).

it will be interesting to see if 2k can get the license back AND what they do with it.
Bummed that you're not on my ignore list yet?.....Don't worry, I'm sure you will be very soon.
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:53 AM   #101
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by TreyIM2
You keep telling yourself that, buck-o...
Because it's true Buck-O. The Exclusive License did kill competition. There are no other choices for an NFL Licensed game. No other NFL Licensed game is out there.

And I've been in the software design business for over 30 years. The game play code limitations should have absolutely nothing to do with limiting a franchise or other features around the game play. There should be almost no interaction between the two. Franchise and other features like it should have nothing to do with specific coding for specific game console. A higher level language will compile down to the specific machine language.

The only coding that should have anything specific to a game console would be the real time computations, and real time graphics. Franchise doesn't fit into either of these. It wouldn't, shouldn't be coded to the specific machine language


There is no reason to have gone 6+ years and not have the franchise depth that Madden and other competitors had 6+ years ago.


You can say buck-o all you want, it doesn't change that what I've said is true.
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:55 AM   #102
adamgod8's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Imagine that the dev team reading all the complaints....

...and then reading the Maddenites trying to defend their game by telling people that point out issues just to not even buy the game and stay away from it....

pretty sure that is the very exact opposite of what they'd want
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Old 06-19-2010, 11:59 AM   #103
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by K_GUN
but I don't think they EXPECT you to accept their product....look, they can only do so much...the dev team has to answer to marketing et al---so they pick their battles and go forward.
That's why I don't blame the devs like others have. I blame the NFL and EA for the Exclusive License killing competition, and EA Execs/Marketing for the decisions/direction they have taken Madden on next gen. So I pretty much agree with you on this.

And I would also like to see 2K, and as many others as possible, get in or back in the game. Go 2K, 505, or anybody else to help provide some kind of competition. I wouldn't even mind if EA/Tib ended up with the best game in the end. As long as competition can come back and push NFL game developers. It's a dream.
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Old 06-19-2010, 12:06 PM   #104
KensaiKatai's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 11 Video: Tim Tebow Highlights (OS @ E3)

Originally Posted by bucky60
Because it's true Buck-O. The Exclusive License did kill competition. There are no other choices for an NFL Licensed game. No other NFL Licensed game is out there.

And I've been in the software design business for over 30 years. The game play code limitations should have absolutely nothing to do with limiting a franchise or other features around the game play. There should be almost no interaction between the two. Franchise and other features like it should have nothing to do with specific coding for specific game console. A higher level language will compile down to the specific machine language.

The only coding that should have anything specific to a game console would be the real time computations, and real time graphics. Franchise doesn't fit into either of these. It wouldn't, shouldn't be coded to the specific machine language


There is no reason to have gone 6+ years and not have the franchise depth that Madden and other competitors had 6+ years ago.


You can say buck-o all you want, it doesn't change that what I've said is true.
I have to agree with this even if i wish it were said with a little more tact.

Funny thing is the person Bucky was quoting says we have a choice, when we indeed have NO choice. If we want current NFL football in 2010 we only have ONE choice or no football at all. Those are our choices. I wouldn't even be upset at that if they prioritized better.

And for those making comparisons to the show..saying the show is just as 'flawed' (which is laughable), If madden were 1/5th the game the show were i would be ecstatic. shoot we haven't even been able to upload our own rosters yet in madden...
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