
Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

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Old 06-10-2011, 11:07 AM   #49
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
Have to wait until next year for the commentary? Why? Where Chris and Gus too busy getting 3d grass into the game that they couldn't sit down in the booth together?
no.....it's not a chris/gus thing...it's the *program* running that chooses how & when chris/gus lines get said.

That *program* is outdated.....IT needs to be replaced with a new program that improves the commentary......that happens in the "near future" (likely M13)
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Old 06-10-2011, 11:11 AM   #50
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
Have to wait until next year for the commentary? Why? Where Chris and Gus too busy getting 3d grass into the game that they couldn't sit down in the booth together?
It's called "limited resources." You seem to have this concept that commentary simply involves the actual commentators. The game requires logic that determines when specific commentary is to be played. So when you chuck a ball deep in the 4th quarter, you don't want Gus staying silent or saying something out of context. There is a LOT more that goes into this work, and human resources are limited. I'm perfectly fine with how they're addressing commentary.
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Old 06-10-2011, 11:13 AM   #51
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

Originally Posted by blklightning
to me, very near translates to a patch for '12. very near is not 1+ years from now.

also, he put emphasis on the term very. so it must be a patch for '12 or he just lied. you simply cannot translate that to the meaning of next year or the year after. so you heard it here first, folks -- commentary will receive a patch for '12 and it will be awesome.
Unless you're dropping sarcasm on us, wake up. Don't fool yourself into thinking that new dynamic commentary is coming to us via a patch.

Originally Posted by ryan36
again, I think it's gameflow that screwed it. It's not so much the commentary, it's all the DEAD SPACE if I turn off the coach audio
That's been my idea since the implementation of Gameflow. I think Gameflow definitely ruined some aspects of the presentation. At the time though, I don't feel as though presentation was a priority for Madden -- that despite us banging our collective heads against the wall the last few years.

Don't be surprised if coach audio is scrapped next year with the presumption that commentary will get a facelift.

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
Have to wait until next year for the commentary? Why? Where Chris and Gus too busy getting 3d grass into the game that they couldn't sit down in the booth together?
Was it confirmed that they didn't spend time in the booth and record new lines? The problem isn't the lines or the commentators -- it's the stitching and more importantly the tech that nullifies everything.
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Old 06-10-2011, 11:29 AM   #52
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

commentary has never been any installation of Madden's strongpoint. So a year of dedication to it may be a good thing. There's tons of things to talk about during a football broadcast. I hope they make it good.
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Old 06-10-2011, 11:50 AM   #53
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

Originally Posted by Broncos86
It's called "limited resources." You seem to have this concept that commentary simply involves the actual commentators. The game requires logic that determines when specific commentary is to be played. So when you chuck a ball deep in the 4th quarter, you don't want Gus staying silent or saying something out of context. There is a LOT more that goes into this work, and human resources are limited. I'm perfectly fine with how they're addressing commentary.
Do you remember when the devs were here for Madden 10 development? There were numerous threads asking for colored cleats and others not wanting them because it would take away from them working on gameplay. It was pointed out over and over again that there were several departments working on the game.

Also madden 11, Ian pointed out that alot of the funds for sound went into securing the rights to use songs like "crazy train" and the others so they didn't have the money to upgrade equipment. Madden 12 would see improvements in the technology.

I understand limitations, but last year the added stadium songs, chants, Gus Johnson's complete commentary, game planning coordinator lines and this year they apparently could barely build off that at all?
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Old 06-10-2011, 11:54 AM   #54
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
I understand limitations, but last year the added stadium songs, chants, Gus Johnson's complete commentary, game planning coordinator lines and this year they apparently could barely build off that at all?

This year the money went to improving technology as stated earlier.
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Old 06-10-2011, 11:55 AM   #55
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

There is new Dynamic Player Performance commentary.

However, I doubt they fixed the other commentary (they had to rebuild the framework to match FIFA's commentary system this year).

Expect full-fledged commentary next year.
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Old 06-10-2011, 12:05 PM   #56
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Re: Straight from the horse's mouth about commentary in Madden 12

That's been my idea since the implementation of Gameflow. I think Gameflow definitely ruined some aspects of the presentation. At the time though, I don't feel as though presentation was a priority for Madden -- that despite us banging our collective heads against the wall the last few years.

Don't be surprised if coach audio is scrapped next year with the presumption that commentary will get a facelift.

I agree that something will probably change about commentary in relation to Gameflow. Either removing the voice over or finding a way to allow it and commentary to be played simultaneously.

I tried Gameflow like twice last year but I will definitely be using it more this year so I can spend more time viewing the field and less time in the menus. Those using improved Gameflow in Madden 12 probably will not have as big of an issue with the "dead air".

I like the upgrades they have made to the system with specific play call styles and the pop-up windows for each team. Not many people have commented on this but those pop-up windows are laying a great foundation for gamers being able to select their entire playbook from the field view without having to go into the classic play calling menu in the future.
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