
The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

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Old 06-18-2011, 02:30 AM   #17
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

Dreads. but for real. I would just like better AI and better position. It is getting better, but still can be improved.
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:43 AM   #18
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

It won't be "real" football until they add practice squads and the ability to have a game-day active roster (and inactives).

This aspect has become a HUGE part of the game. It's why teams are now drafting "flex" players (especially offensive lineman). Yet Madden blindly refuses to add this.

Will this be in the game this year? (Seriously...I'm not keeping up with the zillion blogs out there). If not, I'm probably not buying...
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Old 06-18-2011, 02:45 AM   #19
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

I'll explain why you would start Tebow versus Orton right now. First of all let me state that I run my Franchise from a over-head perspective like I would run one in real life. I build through the draft, I try to develop my own players, and I don't over-pay for ANYONE.

So if I started a Bronco's Franchise right now I'd more than likely start Tebow, and trade Orton for another piece of the puzzle to get the Broncos back on track.

Now, the issue people have with that is that Orton gives you the opportunity to "win now," which I'm a pretty strong opponent of in the overall process. I want to win, and continue winning. A flash in the pan is a quick way to lose your job, because the only way that system works is if you win the Super Bowl, and if I'm in charge of the Broncos, winning the Super Bowl isn't the goal in year one.

To me it's apparent that Tebow is the feature of that Franchise over an aging Kyle Orton. Orton can help the team in two ways, as a mentor, or in a trade while he still has value. There are currently plenty of veteran QBs in the NFL, whom I would have no desire to start, but who could mentor Tim Tebow, so I send Orton packing.

The basic idea of starting Tebow is that he is more physically gifted than Orton and represents our long term solution. Playing Orton until he's worn out will leave very little experience time on the field for Tebow and give the Broncos little return on investment. With Tebow starting I get PT for my future QB, which should translate into an improvement in his rankings, and I help my team elsewhere with the Orton trade.
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Old 06-18-2011, 03:21 AM   #20
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

The one major reason why Madden isn't real football yet?

It's a video game, that's why. What'd I win?
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Old 06-18-2011, 03:34 AM   #21
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

i think a letter grade for all ratings would be better than the 0-100

or make all players vanilla but distinguish them only by weapons/skills



i can have an o-line with an average rating of 78 and still have them perform like an All Pro O-line & vica versa

i can take bruce gradkowski or tavaris jackson and make them go 15-17 with 400 yards and 6 td's every game

does it really matter the CB ratings???
i dont think so. they get beat at random and get an INT at random.

my 82 OVR CB can get as many deflections and int's as my 94 OVR CB

but,im waiting to see how DPP works out.
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Old 06-18-2011, 03:36 AM   #22
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

Originally Posted by JMUfootball
Here's an idea that will help with the ratings debate, and also add immersion:

Mid-week practices that, over time, reveal specific ratings.

For example, your franchise starts and everyone has rough letter grades for ratings. If you'd like to keep playing this way, then just skip all the practices and play only the games. If you want number specific ratings, play through mid week practices and eventually all or most letter grades will be replaced by a specific number.

Helps numbers people, helps people who prefer some haziness, helps immersion.
I will not ever, and The Rock means EVER, play a practice mode.

I would hope that would come with the option to skip right to the number ratings for those of us that wouldn't want to play that.
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Originally Posted by l3ulvl
A lot of you guys seem pretty cool, but you have wieners.
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Old 06-18-2011, 04:35 AM   #23
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Icon6 Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

DPP is an awesome idea. I like it because it creates a less robot feel and a bit more organic like.

as for removing the attributes numbers of players, yeah i dont' think so. There are those that love that, (me as well) and i can see where others don't. I think DPP is a great step in creating a bit more of that randomness to the game.

as for practice squads and practice modes. the new cut days I think is a step in this direction and is awesome. the idea makes me very happy. i am all for it.

I like the idea of practice mode to 'get a feel' for the rookies if i may have to cut them before knowing thier full on stats. Great idea. it is the 'not knowing' feeling you have about it that emulates what it is to have to cut some players in real life.

Madden 12 to me, promises some good things baring a solid non buggy game.
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Old 06-18-2011, 04:38 AM   #24
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Re: The one major reason why Madden isn't real football (yet)

Originally Posted by Broncos86
Every single person in this specific forum is a football fan. We love football, we love to follow it. Every year, we get excited at the start of the season. And there's one underlying reason: the questions of how your team will do this year! "How will the kid play? Will the defense improve? Let's see what the new FA signings can do." We all want to find out how this year's team is going to perform.

Now, with Madden, you might be a franchise guy, or an online guy, or something. But nobody ever says "I don't watch football on Sundays. I just read about the off season transactions." When Sunday rolls around, you watch football! When the rookie hits your team, in Madden, there is no question of what he can do. Look at his ratings. You know what he can do. Is the rookie better than the vet? Look at his ratings. There's no mystery, there's no wondering what the team can do.

EA hit the nail on the head when they thought of "any given Sunday." THAT is why we watch football. Because on any given Sunday, anything can happen. We want to see what the rookie QB can do, we want to see the new 3-4 defense in action. But in Madden, it's ratings. Will the rookie make the throw? Do some math and find out. I don't know about you, but math is boring.

I think the devs are on the right track in trying to simulate this "any given Sunday" idea. It's a step in the right direction. But really, so long as we can simply look at a list of ratings and compare players, that mystery isn't going to be there. I like what they're trying to get at with preseason, and hidden ratings. I like that. Traits help define players and give them more character. It helps extend a player beyond a list of values. Evaluating a team is very crucial to a franchise.

What's the answer? I'm not sure. I can't say "hide all the ratings" because boy would that be crazy. But I think if the devs want Madden to get closer to real football, then a philosophical change is needed in regards to how player performance is "calculated." This goes beyond RBP, oline/dline play, and animations. It's about the core value of football itself and why we watch football in the first place. Now don't take this the wrong way, I'm PUMPED for Madden 12. I loved Madden 11. I'm going to rock the franchise mode of M12 until my eyes are blood shot. Anybody who has talked with me on this forum knows I'm jazzed for M12. But you can't stand still, and nothing great comes from stagnation.
I think they should hide all ratings except for a few maybe. Like stuff you can't really change. Jumping, speed, etc. Just show psychical attributes. No throw acc, or catching or elusiveness.

Take a look a Brandon Lloyd. He wasn't much before last season when he exploded. Teams trade for or sign relatively unknown players all the time. Some times those players become stars. This should be represented in madden.
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