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Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

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Old 06-16-2012, 04:13 AM   #537
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by DaBlackGoku
Really, the only thing I'm kinda ticked off about is the editing of equipment/numbers. I could care less about fantasy drafts (I play the REAL NFL) Co-op franchise (I play games alone mostly) and definitely editing ratings (come on, no one likes a cheeser). One of my biggest pet peeves is when a RB or a WR doesn't have gloves. Seriously, how many backs in the NFL don't wear gloves anymore? So I'm hoping that they're all automatically given gloves so it won't bother me much. If I ever trade for Larry Fitzgerald or Calvin Johnson, I'll just release the player that holds their number before acquiring them (unless they're really good).

All in all, the pros FAR outweigh the cons. New presentation, infinity engine, the amazing CCM that is TONS better than that BS franchise from M12. Yeah, this is a Day 1 buy for me
Not everybody edits rosters to be a cheeser.. Some guys like to edit players around the league that either progressed or regressed too much.. Lets be real the progression/regression system on 12 stunk. You can see players having career years only to lose key attributes the next year while young guys with A potential shoot all the way up to the high 90s by there 2nd and 3rd years without doing much on the field.. Also one of my pet peeves is seeing players lose speed while they are young just because they aren't getting alot of playing time. Just watch all the players that are in there 3rd year and you will see just about half of them lose there speed going into there 3rd or 4th season. Way too unrealistic for my taste and I spend hours tweaking all of that stuff not to cheese the AI. I'm in the other boat where I'm trying to help the AI as much as possible to give me a challenge.

That's cool that you don't care about these features being gone but as you can see there are ALOT of other gamers that enjoyed these features and it's a big deal to them that these features are no longer on the game...
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Old 06-16-2012, 04:19 AM   #538
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

I can see it now, E3 2014:

"The Madden fans have been grumbling about the shackles that Connected Careers put on them for years now. So now we've completely scrapped that mode. Madden 15 introduces a brand new mode never seen before that we like to call: FRANCHISE MODE."

I understand that EA is marketing this as a whole new mode and its time to change it up, which I agree to. But literally shackling the users is the worst way to do it. They said, say goodbye to customizing the team you'll have to use, say goodbye to playing as other teams just to spice it up every now and again, and say goodbye to having fun with friends playing on the same team because we know you guys have hating doing that for the 20+ years the franchise of Madden has existed. Now say hello to Superstar mode combined into season mode but now including Twitter? Man this isn't the way to do it guys.
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Old 06-16-2012, 04:52 AM   #539
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

I think the decision to buy Madden 13 ultimately lies in the quality of the demo. I skipped Madden 12 because I thought the demo was poor and I think the Madden 13 demo will be crucial in determining whether I'll buy it or not.

In terms of the CC mode, I'm mostly turned off by the ability of not being able to edit positions. Previous Maddens has had roster requirements, which have been annoying at best. If I want to use a player out of his position, why should I be forced to have too many players on my roster instead of letting me edit their position...

For example, if you want to turn a 3-4 defense into 4-3 defense and want to use your OLBs as DEs, you are forced to carry backup DEs on your team (to meet the roster requirements) that you are never going to use. Furthermore (and correct me if I'm wrong) there are still no designated special teams depth chart, so you can ensure that these backups players are not a complete waste of cap room.

That being said, I'm still not sure I'll buy another Madden until the next-gen consoles (xbox 720/ps4) are here.
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Old 06-16-2012, 05:51 AM   #540
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by Jarodd21
Not everybody edits rosters to be a cheeser.. Some guys like to edit players around the league that either progressed or regressed too much.. Lets be real the progression/regression system on 12 stunk. You can see players having career years only to lose key attributes the next year while young guys with A potential shoot all the way up to the high 90s by there 2nd and 3rd years without doing much on the field.. Also one of my pet peeves is seeing players lose speed while they are young just because they aren't getting alot of playing time. Just watch all the players that are in there 3rd year and you will see just about half of them lose there speed going into there 3rd or 4th season. Way too unrealistic for my taste and I spend hours tweaking all of that stuff not to cheese the AI. I'm in the other boat where I'm trying to help the AI as much as possible to give me a challenge.

That's cool that you don't care about these features being gone but as you can see there are ALOT of other gamers that enjoyed these features and it's a big deal to them that these features are no longer on the game...
I think most people on here used the edit ratings to better portray their version of realism not to 'cheese' personally I edited hundreds of players on all teams but the majority of the edts on my team (skins HTTR ) were dowmwards, think Cooley, Moss, MeAngelo, Rex, Beck,Brown.
The point being each person has their own idea of what's important and removing the choice to play their game their way is bad business
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Old 06-16-2012, 06:40 AM   #541
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by PGaither84
@Josh_Looman I like the updates, but I hope you don't mean those features will be gone for good, or I will be from Madden.

@PGaither84 Some of the stuff just didn't make it. Not sure about all of it. It's a new mode from the perspective of one character.

@Josh_Looman I understand... and I am excited for the improvements! I just hope a lot of that stuff is on the "to do list" instead of cut
One of the my problems is not about one character, it about the team. Players and coaches go all the time, but I am still the fan of a team. Everything else is secondary.
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:08 AM   #542
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by elsid13
One of the my problems is not about one character, it about the team. Players and coaches go all the time, but I am still the fan of a team. Everything else is secondary.
Makes alot of sense.Never actually thought about it that way.

I used to always say I hated it when the players would demand more money.Dont people know that if the owner didnt own them it wouldnt be a team for them to play for??

But yeah players come and go.When Primetime left Dallas I was still a COwboys fan.

Football is a Team sport.Theres no I in Team.
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:49 AM   #543
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by elsid13
One of the my problems is not about one character, it about the team. Players and coaches go all the time, but I am still the fan of a team. Everything else is secondary.
Originally Posted by ZoneKIller
Makes alot of sense.Never actually thought about it that way.

I used to always say I hated it when the players would demand more money.Dont people know that if the owner didnt own them it wouldnt be a team for them to play for??

But yeah players come and go.When Primetime left Dallas I was still a COwboys fan.

Football is a Team sport.Theres no I in Team.
I dont understand what this has to do with anything. There is no I in what? Is that what youre gonna tell me is the reason for cutting customization out the game? Why is superstar mode even in the game then? Why cant I TEAM up with a friend against the cpu?
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Old 06-16-2012, 07:53 AM   #544
StrawHat Patriot's Arena
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by kingkilla56
I dont understand what this has to do with anything. There is no I in what? Is that what youre gonna tell me is the reason for cutting customization out the game? Why is superstar mode even in the game then? Why cant I TEAM up with a friend against the cpu?
I don't think that's what he meant when he said that.
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