
Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

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Old 08-04-2012, 12:18 PM   #65
StrawHat Patriot's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by Stampede_94
Please step down from the defense of Madden bit. There is no excuse that at least 6 players on 32 NFL teams who happen to be the key players on offense and defense and are shown before each game in an intro scene. There is no reason that 192 players FACES and PORTRAITS mind you can't be updated in this game when NBA2K and MLB The SHOW do what they do in the time allowed.

It's no secret EA has alot more money to work with and available people. I am not even asking for the whole friggin' league, I am asking for Ryan Fitzpatrick to get a damn update from his Rookie pic etc. It's bullcrap in it's purest form!
I can't believe they left out his main feature, his beard. And they gave him black hair in the M13 E3 demo!?!
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:18 PM   #66
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by Stampede_94
Please step down from the defense of Madden bit. There is no excuse that at least 6 players on 32 NFL teams who happen to be the key players on offense and defense and are shown before each game in an intro scene. There is no reason that 192 players FACES and PORTRAITS mind you can't be updated in this game when NBA2K and MLB The SHOW do what they do in the time allowed.

It's no secret EA has alot more money to work with and available people. I am not even asking for the whole friggin' league, I am asking for Ryan Fitzpatrick to get a damn update from his Rookie pic etc. It's bullcrap in it's purest form!
I'm not really defending madden that much. I'm just stating that they could be a lot worse than they already are. Honestly I could care less about how the players look and focus my attention to gameplay more. I am in the same boat you are buddy. I was pissed off that in Madden 11 a 2ND STRING DE named "C.J Wilson" on the Packers(My fav. team) had the completely wrong profile picture... You know how mad that made me feel. I was upset everytime i edited/updated my roster.. I weeped, cried, screamed at the t.v.. I have a passion for how much the game takes a **** on us each year just as much as the next guy. I guess I want to enjoy the game for what it is.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:20 PM   #67
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by Gaycandybacon
Well everyone doesn't look the same... Compared to backbreaker this game his 10 times better player models. Everyone looks like defensive linemen in that game...
What's sad to me, is to compare maddens player models to a game that has all the same body types, and futuristic uniforms. Backbreaker's models were terrible, and one of the many reasons there was no sequel. I don't know that helps make Maddens models look any better.....

While Maddens art work inside the models are better then APF 2k8, the player models from APF's one time half attempt 2008 title were much better then current Maddens IMO. Would have loved to see how a APF 2k13 would look!
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:20 PM   #68
StrawHat Patriot's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by Gaycandybacon
I'm not really defending madden that much. I'm just stating that they could be a lot worse than they already are. Honestly I could care less about how the players look and focus my attention to gameplay more. I am in the same boat you are buddy. I was pissed off that in Madden 11 a 2ND STRING DE named "C.J Wilson" on the Packers(My fav. team) had the completely wrong profile picture... You know how mad that made me feel. I was upset everytime i edited/updated my roster.. I weeped, cried, screamed at the t.v.. I have a passion for how much the game takes a **** on us each year just as much as the next guy. I guess I want to enjoy the game for what it is.
Could be a lot better considering the tech current gen consoles have along with the money EA has.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:22 PM   #69
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by StrawHat Patriot
Could be a lot better considering the tech current gen consoles have along with the money EA has.
Definatley no arguement there lol.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:49 PM   #70
Stampede_94's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by Gaycandybacon
I'm not really defending madden that much. I'm just stating that they could be a lot worse than they already are. Honestly I could care less about how the players look and focus my attention to gameplay more. I am in the same boat you are buddy. I was pissed off that in Madden 11 a 2ND STRING DE named "C.J Wilson" on the Packers(My fav. team) had the completely wrong profile picture... You know how mad that made me feel. I was upset everytime i edited/updated my roster.. I weeped, cried, screamed at the t.v.. I have a passion for how much the game takes a **** on us each year just as much as the next guy. I guess I want to enjoy the game for what it is.
Allow me to add, what do you really have to complain about player wise? Your QB is the golden boy of EA Sports, the guy shaves mid season and EA will make a patch for it ( I kid, lol but he is quite updated every season). The packers are well represented and it's deserved because they are a great team, but should it be about great teams or all 32 teams in the ONLY game that represents the NFL and not their records that create the "cool kids" vibe?

Like i said, at the LEAST, the QB should be well detailed in this game as the leader of the team, and one of the main faces. Fitz was all over the media last season, but then the BILLS disintegrated and that was that, but should the consumer suffer? Those guys along with other shafted NFL players in Madden had great stats and performed well. Why not give them the treatment in game?

Instead of Michael "hulk" Irvin, I should have gotten Stevie Johnson, now Cowboys fans rejoice, and I get Flava Flav's generic face.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:50 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by Stampede_94
Please step down from the defense of Madden bit. There is no excuse that at least 6 players on 32 NFL teams who happen to be the key players on offense and defense and are shown before each game in an intro scene. There is no reason that 192 players FACES and PORTRAITS mind you can't be updated in this game when NBA2K and MLB The SHOW do what they do in the time allowed.

It's no secret EA has alot more money to work with and available people. I am not even asking for the whole friggin' league, I am asking for Ryan Fitzpatrick to get a damn update from his Rookie pic etc. It's bullcrap in it's purest form!
This is the problem. People who complain about a stupid picture. Can you not fap to his rookie pic or something? I know what he looks like. You know what he looks like. Why the hell does a picture matter when the only time you see it is if your looking at the roster or the 5 seconds they might show it during a stat overlay? This is honestly the most ******** complaint i have ever seen.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:54 PM   #72
Stampede_94's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Screenshots - Michael Irvin

Originally Posted by KCmizzou852
This is the problem. People who complain about a stupid picture. Can you not fap to his rookie pic or something? I know what he looks like. You know what he looks like. Why the hell does a picture matter when the only time you see it is if your looking at the roster or the 5 seconds they might show it during a stat overlay? This is honestly the most ******** complaint i have ever seen.
It's all about presentation and up-to-date content we pay for it, it should be in, it says MADDEN 13' not MADDEN 10 (Fitz dates back well before that). Have you ever modded a game? It takes no time to switch out graphics and add things, I have seen a small team of fans update and entire game like NBA2K. Why Can't EA switch in and switch out these things? Your argument is a fail.

You know what they say about opinions... i'll just leave it at that.

Last edited by Stampede_94; 08-04-2012 at 01:00 PM.
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