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Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here (360, PS3)

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Old 08-14-2012, 08:58 AM   #145
Tyler_Bullard's Arena
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

I'm loving it. NCAA will be traded in soon.
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:58 AM   #146
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by jg8809
Sorry if this has been asked and answered but...

Is the demo available in the UK today? More specifically on PS3. I am desperate to get my hands on this after work and will be gutted if I am stuck playing NBA 2k12 while you guys get to Madden it up.
I think it should be available later today.. hopefully. I'm in the same boat, UK and PS3. (Vita too!)
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Old 08-14-2012, 08:59 AM   #147
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by DukeC
Yeah, I'm only running that play. Playing against Seattle.

It's looking even worse now (It's on All Pro, default threshold). I have 10 carries for 214 yards and 3 TD's. Still in the 3rd quarter.

HAHA I mean it is Seattle, but still. I never run that play so I do not see it being an issue for me, but you are playing against the CPU. I understand you like to run it, but I would just switch up the play calling. Play against a HUM and that ish is getting shut down. I do understand what you are saying though. It is a little ridic.

Here is a Hug BROOOOOO

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Old 08-14-2012, 09:00 AM   #148
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by BezO
I was hoping to be surprised by some positive impressions of line play / blocking interaction. Everything else sounds like what I expected.

Anyone care to share an indepth review of the blocking interaction on runs & passes?
Bezo, I have played about 4 games of the demo so far. As far as overall gameplay it is very smooth and overall a much better game of football then we have had in the last few years in Madden. This is the first year that I legitimately think there is a VERY good foundation to build off.

With that said I know you are a huge advocate for O-Line and D-Line play. This is an area of the game that I think you will have to wait until next year to really be impressed. I actually think the run blocking is pretty solid this year. It feels much better then last year and in NCAA 13 IMO. However, the pass blocking is still same old, same old. As well as the D-line play and animations. I believe EA is going to overhaul the OL/DL play next year similar to the way they did with the passing game and catching animations this year. I expect a complete re-write of the logic as well as adding 400+ new animations to both the OL AND DL. The re-write this year to the passing game is a huge success IMO. The pass trajectories are much better then M12 and more importantly the catch AND swat animations really make everything play out much better. I also havent seen any psychic DB's or superhuman LB's in my first few games with the demo.

Overall, I am actually really enjoying the demo this year. I absolutely hated Madden 12 but this really does feel like a different experience in many areas. One being the commentary which is literally light years better then last year. This game feels very much like Madden 05 as far as gameplay goes. That is a good thing IMO because Madden 05 was a very smooth playing game experience. I think most of the complaints coming for Madden this year is going to be two areas. They are two very important areas as well. That is OL/DL play and overall locomotion and running animations. Most other parts of Madden are finally starting to really come together in M13. I cant speak on the AI much yet but it seems a lot sharper then the past. The graphics really pop with the new lighting and grass textures. (Lighting in Candlestick looks a lot better the FedEx in the demo for some reason?) The audio has taken huge strides as well with the fresh commentary and field sounds. I would still like to hear improvement in crowd audio but it is a lot better then last year.

These are just my initial first impressions of the demo this year. For someone who would have rated Madden 12 a 4/10 at best this feels like a much better experience. I would give it a solid 8/10 so far and that is a pretty big jump from M12 IMO. Hope that helps a lot of you out...

EDIT- One big complaint in NCAA was straff not working and buttons not triggering when trying to swat and catch. This is absolutely not an issue at all in the M13 demo. The buttons are very responsive and there are a TON of catch and swat animations that play out very well.

Last edited by ch46647; 08-14-2012 at 09:06 AM.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:01 AM   #149
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Originally Posted by orion523
I'm going to find it hard to go back to NCAA after this, the difference between the game's is like night and day, finally a Madden I can actually enjoy.
Oh, Ive just really started getting into NCAA 13, I dont want to find it difficult to go back to!! At the same time I really really wanna feel this game, as usual, Madden will prevail! Hope it's as good as people been saying. Madden 12 was deff a step in the right direction but I want it to be more than that and finally it looks like this is going to be the year!
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:01 AM   #150
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Originally Posted by twimstaxs
Do you only run that play?! What team are you playing against?
does it even matter who he's playing against....this is alarming. flash forward..your online, there is some 12 year old on the other end, his favorite player is RGIII and can you guess what his favorite play
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:03 AM   #151
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re: Madden NFL 13 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here *(PS3 Vers. Online)*

Originally Posted by shavane
does it even matter who he's playing against....this is alarming. flash forward..your online, there is some 12 year old on the other end, his favorite player is RGIII and can you guess what his favorite play
And you aren't a you'll find an effective D versus it.
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Old 08-14-2012, 09:03 AM   #152
Calvin_Johnson81's Arena
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Just had a great game playing as the 49ers against the giants lost in overtime because of challenges by the giants that got huge plays overturned loving this game so far!
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