
Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

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Old 08-16-2012, 01:44 PM   #105
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

My only question is are the teams going to play any different. I've played with all the teams in the demo, and there didn't seem to be a difference in the way each team played even though 2 of the four teams use a 3-4 defense. I could stop Eli and Alex using the same tactics as I used to shut down RG III (although RG3 was prone to run more after getting abused a few times). The AI is what is holding this game back from me immersing myself and forgiving any minor annoyance or peeve I might have with the game. I already have to play with house rules to give the cpu a fighting chance, so if each game feels the same the gameplay will pretty much look the same after a while.

If they can fix the AI (vary play calling, better time management, other CC logic), incidental contact flopping, the dead silence in the stands once you put up a 40 burger, and stop Sims from calling my olb a CB just because I changed defenses then Madden 13 has my money. I don't think any of that will happen though.

forgot to add they have to fix the replays. If you don't show the whole play displaying what happened....what's the use. When i watch a replay on tv they usually show a breakdown in coverage, a good double team, an excellent cut... the demo shows you really short clips drawn out by slow motion.
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Last edited by TreFacTor; 08-16-2012 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:46 PM   #106
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

Originally Posted by RLaguna
I think it goes further than just the tackling in the infinity engine, I think one of the problems as much as the wonky player collisions is the actual player movements.....

Its as if they dont have gravity or weight pulling them down, they seem to just glide and float all over the field as if they arent actually planting their feet and pushing off them. Players dont have any sense of physical weight when they run, juke, spin, and collide into each other.....And perhaps that too is what is causing alot of wierd flopping and bumper car style collisions and players doing all kinds of odd flips and over exaggerated rolls on contact.

Im not a physics programming expert so who knows...but the sense that I get is if they tweaked some of those physics algorithms for player weights and/or toned down some of the impact calculations, perhaps things would fall better in place.

I popped in to get a feel for Backbreaker's engine after playing so much of Madden's demo recently to compare and I believe that the Backbreaker physics are much tighter, more grounded and feel much more like real physics....(Now the football gameplay is a whole nother story)

Im wondering if the RELEASE version of Madden addressed player movements and better more natural weight distributions?
Even with BB, there were some ragdoll moments.

On OS, we knew they didn't overhaul OL/DL, player weight and momentum. There is a big hope these are addressed in 14.

I will say, with the IE, it's a bit better with player momentum, but it has a long ways to go.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:55 PM   #107
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

Originally Posted by TreFacTor
My only question is are the teams going to play any different. I've played with all the teams in the demo, and there didn't seem to be a difference in the way each team played even though 2 of the four teams use a 3-4 defense. I could stop Eli and Alex using the same tactics as I used to shut down RG III (although RG3 was prone to run more after getting abused a few times). The AI is what is holding this game back from me immersing myself and forgiving any minor annoyance or peeve I might have with the game. I already have to play with house rules to give the cpu a fighting chance, so if each game feels the same the gameplay will pretty much look the same after a while.

If they can fix the AI (vary play calling, better time management, other CC logic), incidental contact flopping, the dead silence in the stands once you put up a 40 burger, and stop Sims from calling my olb a CB just because I changed defenses then Madden 13 has my money. I don't think any of that will happen though.
Tre, this is also an excellent point.

With all the focus on the infinity engine quirks, it kind of hides some of the other concerns. I also agree that playing with each of the 4 teams didnt really yield a different experience and set of tactics and strategies. I really never got a true sensation of the differences in styles of play or player abilities. When I load up a game of ALL PRO 2K8 with the NFL Rosters, I can clearly get a feel for the different players strengths and weaknesses which make for a much more diversified gameplay experience with each of the teams.
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Old 08-16-2012, 01:58 PM   #108
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

I'm still on the fence. I'll be waiting for Season Pass to realse it before I make my decision.
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:08 PM   #109
JBucc's Arena
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

I've really come around to the demo. After playing with the sliders and speed settings, I think there's a really good game in there. I just pre-ordered, first time I've bought Madden this generation. I don't play online so I won't use the online pass code, so hopefully if I end up not liking it I can recoup most of the money.

Last edited by JBucc; 08-16-2012 at 02:12 PM.
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:19 PM   #110
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

Originally Posted by threatlockz
I was prolly not picking it up but after playing the demo I will definitely get it.
Presentation was vey nice, gameplay felt right and the graphics just blew me away.
If only 2K could use EA's graphics engine!!
Oh dear god no. EA's graphics are horrible, especially this year. Keep them away from 2k.

Originally Posted by Mouse
I'm confused on how people have so many complaints about the game for years, but still say they are going to buy it?

EA is still getting your money, for a product you deemed bad? where is the logic in that?

I think some people buy it just to complain about it or they just don't want to be left out

You guys are one of the reasons things take forever to change
Because there is no alternative because EA decided they didn't want to face any competition.
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:30 PM   #111
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

Originally Posted by Franchise408
Oh dear god no. EA's graphics are horrible, especially this year. Keep them away from 2k.

Because there is no alternative because EA decided they didn't want to face any competition.
The graphics this year are better than in any other Madden, what are you talking about them being horrible?
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Old 08-16-2012, 02:44 PM   #112
bucknut88's Arena
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Re: Has the demo changed your mind about buying Madden 13?

Originally Posted by TreFacTor
My only question is are the teams going to play any different. I've played with all the teams in the demo, and there didn't seem to be a difference in the way each team played even though 2 of the four teams use a 3-4 defense. I could stop Eli and Alex using the same tactics as I used to shut down RG III (although RG3 was prone to run more after getting abused a few times). The AI is what is holding this game back from me immersing myself and forgiving any minor annoyance or peeve I might have with the game. I already have to play with house rules to give the cpu a fighting chance, so if each game feels the same the gameplay will pretty much look the same after a while.

If they can fix the AI (vary play calling, better time management, other CC logic), incidental contact flopping, the dead silence in the stands once you put up a 40 burger, and stop Sims from calling my olb a CB just because I changed defenses then Madden 13 has my money. I don't think any of that will happen though.

forgot to add they have to fix the replays. If you don't show the whole play displaying what happened....what's the use. When i watch a replay on tv they usually show a breakdown in coverage, a good double team, an excellent cut... the demo shows you really short clips drawn out by slow motion.
Tre I agree about how each individual team should play. I want to go into each individual game having some sort of gameplan because this team likes to do this or that. I didn't get that feel in the demo either.

Really stupid question and not a big deal....but has everyone noticed that the cpu always receives when they win the toss? I know a few teams like to get the ball first but there are probably more that like to start the game off with their D. Not a big deal like I said, just an observation.
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