
OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

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Old 08-17-2012, 05:56 PM   #153
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Between the CC not allowing any roster edits in an offline dynasty and now the same ole same ole with the demo, it looks like I'll be skipping Madden this year. At least NCAA is playing much better after the patch IMO. I hope I hear different after Madden's release but this is pretty disappointing.
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Old 08-17-2012, 06:52 PM   #154
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by Goodydog
gamers don't want the game of football to change, they want EA to eliminate all of the mistakes that have plagued the Madden franchise for years (example: all versions of Madden are offense heavy; they are also pass heavy). EA has ignored other facets and intricacies of the game of football and focused on a few minor aspects (that people like to exploit) then they slap lipstick on it and sell it to the masses. If there are other aspects of the game of football that you like that aren't included in the Madden Team's focus (line play or the running game), you have probably felt neglected (insert 2K fans here). This is the reason why the debate has continued between 2K players and Madden players.
Arguably EA has the bold right, given that passing offenses in real life have increased in effectiveness and productivity year after year. Heck, didn't we have three quarterbacks pass for 5000+ last year?

I also don't understand how people can possibly say EA has neglected the running game over the years, given Pro-Tak, RTP, and the improvements in line play that were introduced in Madden 10 and Madden 11. Is it where the most demanding fans want it to be yet? Probably not. Should EA continue to work on this area of the game to improve it? Certainly. Can the current implementation it produce a reasonable, believable result and a fun game? Absolutely.

And for the individual who asserted that if you are not a Madden fan then you are not a football fan, dude, you are a joke. I will always break it down like this...EVERY 2K fan was a Madden fan at one time...that's why we tend to have a little more credibility than most Madden fans. The red pill tastes better.
Anyone who plays a football game has at least a cursory interest the sport of football. As to credibility of an offered opinion, that has nothing to do with one's taste in sports video games; a person's opinion isn't more or less credible based on if he prefers Madden or something else.

Last edited by Hooe; 08-17-2012 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 08-17-2012, 07:10 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Arguably EA has the bold right, given that passing offenses in real life have increased in effectiveness and productivity year after year. Heck, didn't we have three quarterbacks pass for 5000+ last year?

I also don't understand how people can possibly say EA has neglected the running game over the years, given Pro-Tak, RTP, and the improvements in line play that were introduced in Madden 10 and Madden 11. Is it where the most demanding fans want it to be yet? Probably not. Should EA continue to work on this area of the game to improve it? Certainly. Can the current implementation it produce a reasonable, believable result and a fun game? Absolutely.

Anyone who plays a football game has at least a cursory interest the sport of football. As to credibility of an offered opinion, that has nothing to do with one's taste in sports video games; a person's opinion isn't more or less credible based on if he prefers Madden or something else.
Why is everyone, most everyone on here so sensitive including the people that run the show??????????????
Like if you mention 2k5, people thro a hizzy lol!
Or if you state your opinion about something you ight get banned lol!!
Cry me a river!!!!!!!!!
Please donrt ban me cause I hurt your feelings or mentioned 2k5 or went off topic!!!!
I got one word, NOODS!!
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Old 08-17-2012, 07:18 PM   #156
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by comen
Why is everyone, most everyone on here so sensitive including the people that run the show??????????????
Like if you mention 2k5, people thro a hizzy lol!
Or if you state your opinion about something you ight get banned lol!!
Cry me a river!!!!!!!!!
Please donrt ban me cause I hurt your feelings or mentioned 2k5 or went off topic!!!!
I got one word, NOODS!!
Mature response.
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Old 08-17-2012, 07:37 PM   #157
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
Arguably EA has the bold right, given that passing offenses in real life have increased in effectiveness and productivity year after year. Heck, didn't we have three quarterbacks pass for 5000+ last year?

I also don't understand how people can possibly say EA has neglected the running game over the years, given Pro-Tak, RTP, and the improvements in line play that were introduced in Madden 10 and Madden 11. Is it where the most demanding fans want it to be yet? Probably not. Should EA continue to work on this area of the game to improve it? Certainly. Can the current implementation it produce a reasonable, believable result and a fun game? Absolutely.

Anyone who plays a football game has at least a cursory interest the sport of football. As to credibility of an offered opinion, that has nothing to do with one's taste in sports video games; a person's opinion isn't more or less credible based on if he prefers Madden or something else.
For those most demanding fans, the current implementation, can't produce a reasonable, believable result and a fun game. What isn't there simply ruins the experience for them. I think that they will soon get to the point where 90% of folks will be golden, but that last 10% will never get the game they want.

Not everyone will say it, "out loud", as it were, but many, many people here most definitely decide credibility based on which game a person prefers. It's one of those Internet Truism.
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Old 08-17-2012, 08:17 PM   #158
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

The demo is a demo. I don't place much stock in what comes out of demo releases - never have.

That said, one thing that was irking me was some of the pointless moments shown in the instant replays. I threw a nice TD pass to Santana Moss and the majority of the replay was focused on RGIII walking around AFTER throwing the ball.

The final release version being shown by those fortunate enough to have early copies leave me wanting more. I hold hope for Madden 13.
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Old 08-17-2012, 08:25 PM   #159
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by roadman
I think I can answer that.

Some people were looking for a different priority of legacy issues to be dealt with from EA.

For example, some people wanted OL/DL overhauled, momentum, plant footing worked on before pass trajectories, read and react, leaping LB's and CB's, etc.....

At the end of the day, EA makes the decision, we can only make suggestions.
I would have much preferred what Roadman listed here over IE. OMG this would have been insane
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Old 08-17-2012, 09:24 PM   #160
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Re: OS Roundtable: Madden NFL 13 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
I would have much preferred what Roadman listed here over IE. OMG this would have been insane
I'm with you Tyrant, and while I welcomed the physics engine, I was on record stating that I didn't think a physics engine would solve the problems with the game.

Also, to touch upon the mention of pro-tak, the line play and the physics being added as not "neglecting" the run game - let's examine the big elephant in the room now shall we? The only thing that was implemented remotely well of those three was the run blocking, and it's OK. It is still silly at times, and the player movement ruins what is actually done well in that area. The physics gets a pass because it's new, innovative and they made an effort with it in it's first release. It's not that bad for a first try. ProTak was nothing short of an abomination, and to say that it enhanced the realism of the game is embarrassing. The concept was good, but once again, the implementation was poor like most things from Tiburon.

Also, I'm not interested in 2k vs. Madden debates, but I do agree with the guy who said that most 2k fans were Madden fans. That is absolutely the truth. I grew up playing Madden, and I probably played more Maddens than a lot of guys on this board. The fact still remains, those of us looking for a simulation are going to gravitate towards what is better, not what we played in the past, not what we WANT to be better, but what IS better. The only reason I prefer 2k football is because it is better at representing the real life game on the field. That, of course is a relatively subjective stance. However, if you are looking for realism in your game on the field, it's hard to argue that Madden's player movement, interaction, line play, penalties and ball physics are nearly as realistic as 2k football. Now, I don't really care whether it's 2k or EA, I just know that I got a taste of realistic play and I know that it can be done without the slew of excuses that are made for Madden's failure to nail down these concepts. I got to drive the Porsche for a year, now I'm being told to drive the Subaru without having the option to go back to the Porsche. Am I going to be upset by that? Of course I am. For others who have always liked the Subaru better without even trying the Porsche it isn't going to matter as much. Now, I look at Connected Careers mode, and I see something that looks like a separate company built it. I see amazing depth, polish, attention to detail and passion all exhibited in its creation. It doesn't at all match up with what we get on the field. For the last 5 years we've been told that things like line play, player movement and running were big issues that they were aware of and would be fixed, and here it is 2012 and they are not fixed. Why couldn't those be fixed along with the new things they added? Not a whole lot was added to this Madden. The things that were added were welcomed additions for sure, but it's not enough. There was the big hype for the physics engine (which is still a beta and only affects collisions) and the rest was low hanging fruit that could not have possible taken 9 months to build. Where are the player movement, the proper line logic and the interaction fixes? Sorry - but people don't deserve a pat on the back for enabling me to throw the ball over a defender in a version 8 next gen football game.

All that being said, Madden 13 is certainly not going to be a bad game. It has a lot of potential. However, we are past the point of recognizing potential. I, for one, am sick of that word, and so are a lot of other football nuts. It's time to make the game worthwhile NOW. Madden is not a AAA title that belongs in the same sentence as NHL, FIFA, MLB and NBA. Not even close. A decent game that is fun to play for sure, but not the wowing, powerhouse that we should expect from a powerhouse publisher with a 25 year old product.
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