
Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

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Old 09-04-2012, 11:59 AM   #9
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Originally Posted by ragnarok1978
Wow, I wish I hadn't deleted my test save already, where I was playing player mode ad a MLB.

By my calculations, my xp gain only rose 9% on goals and other game stats (like tackles made) when going from quick to superstar. Given tho, I didn't use that much time testing it.

If the gain is that much higher, up to an additional 50% from quick to superstar, that makes it an entirely new ballgame, and definately worth getting.
Yeah to be honest, I was surprised as well. But considering it takes about a year to reach to rank 1, and the XP cost of it, it makes sense. The trait is not worth buying if your player is an average player, unless the player has guaranteed play time.

What I am curious is to figure out if practices also earn more xp. I use the 3rd option for my weekly practices which results in 1800xp for my coach, and either 1400 or 1500 xp for my players, even if they didn't play (I play all practices). I am going to check to see if that amount changes as well. The other thing I want to check is if a player can earn their weeklies in practice. Gonna try to send 3 passing TD's with my QB in practice and check his XP gain.

My understanding is, a player receives XP when in a game, probably a fixed number, say 1000 or 2000 XP. On top of it, the player gets more XP by accomplishing their weeklies throughout the game.

I am going to try this

Jordan Parks, next game, 24 pass completions , 3 pass TD's and 250 passing yards. These are the 3 weeklies he has, which should net to 2920 xp by itself. Like in practice, I believe winning or losing a game affects the initial XP gain as well. I'll get back with what I found.

I am hoping to get about 5k XP by accomplishing these and winning the game.
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:24 PM   #10
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Great thread man read every post as I was also curious about the progression myself . Quick question , what is rank 1 if there is one ?

Because I'm guessing it goes ... Slow,normal, quick, superstar ?
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:39 PM   #11
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

I don't think there is slow development trait. I think it goes from Normal to Quick and Superstar. So every player starts with Normal XP gain. In this case Rank 1 (or level 1) would be Quick and rank 2 would be superstar.

P.S: Just tested practice. Doesn't matter how many TD's/rushing etc you have, the amount of XP gain is fixed. With the 3rd practice option, all my players gain fixed 1500k XP if they win (and half of that if they fail the practice).

Time to test a season game.

Last edited by Sigil; 09-04-2012 at 12:43 PM.
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:05 PM   #12
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Originally Posted by Sigil
I don't think there is slow development trait. I think it goes from Normal to Quick and Superstar. So every player starts with Normal XP gain. In this case Rank 1 (or level 1) would be Quick and rank 2 would be superstar.

P.S: Just tested practice. Doesn't matter how many TD's/rushing etc you have, the amount of XP gain is fixed. With the 3rd practice option, all my players gain fixed 1500k XP if they win (and half of that if they fail the practice).

Time to test a season game.
Cedric Benson has a slow development trait.
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:13 PM   #13
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Good morning gentlemen. I have an issue that you all might be able to assist me with. In my connected careers journey I am a Wide Receiver. To be extra clear, I am NOT a coach. I was on special teams for my whole rookie year and still am for that matter but now I get time as a 3rd stringer in my 3rd year. I have saved up enough for the Development Trait and have exactly Zero results. Now I have enough to go from quick to superstar but I'm not going to waste my xp anymore on something that will not produce any results. Everything costs the same and my earned xp is the same. What am I doing wrong?
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:20 PM   #14
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Originally Posted by DerkontheOS
Cedric Benson has a slow development trait.

This appears to be correct. I have not gone trough my whole roster as Bills and missed this important detail. My LOLB draft pick indeed seems to have Slow Development trait. Therefore there are 3 ranks of said trait. Will address and make changes to my original Post.

Thank you for correcting me.
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:21 PM   #15
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Originally Posted by DerkontheOS
Cedric Benson has a slow development trait.
Thanks for the info . So there are four levels.


Or im I wrong ?
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Old 09-04-2012, 01:31 PM   #16
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Re: Development Trait, and how it works, quick analysis!

Originally Posted by Joobieo
Thanks for the info . So there are four levels.


Or im I wrong ?

You're indeed correct. The worst a player can start is with Slow Development Trait it seems, hence going to Superstar will cost 150k XP, or about two and a half years, assuming that said player plays in all games, and accomplishes weekly/seasonal/milestone goals throughout his play time.
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