
Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

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Old 09-14-2012, 05:38 AM   #217
aussieBKR's Arena
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Originally Posted by Christian Antonio
If you're not in the civilized capitalistic western world, then why the hell do you need an Xbox or Madden 13?

You're describing an incredibly unambitious life where people who are in bad situations, wherever the country, simply sit back and play video games rather than try to make the necessary moves for a better life for themselves and their children.

If you can get your hands on and have the necessities for video games, then you at the very least have the opportunity to get out of the position you're in.

I can't respect a person who would rather play video games offline for the rest of their lives while sitting back and having their lives ruined around them. It's an incredibly immature way to think.
hahah your so for lack of a better word stupid.....you have such a closed mind frame, not even going to bother with you anymore, your dumb and ignorant to the fact that other people may have circumstances differing to ones you are familiar with. there are so many flaws in your arguments im not even attempt to go through them all. down under here in australia were we ride kangaroos to school, and they just roam through our cities, and dingos eat our babies, we call you a wanker.
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Old 09-14-2012, 05:38 AM   #218
prey2god's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

Originally Posted by aussieBKR
it is not fair, you bought a product that does not let you do what you payed for. i agree with you, it feels like a complete ripoff......i wonder what would happen if we took a law suit towards EA and got everyone that feels the same to sign a partition, you reckon we could win?? we could take a class action suit, just like people did here in australia against bank fees, and they won with ease. im down
That's why you don't see "If it's in the game, it's in the game" which was their motto for more than a decade. It's not in the game. It's false advertisement. Very sneaky those EA people.
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Old 09-14-2012, 05:59 AM   #219
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

Originally Posted by aussieBKR
hahah your so for lack of a better word stupid.....you have such a closed mind frame, not even going to bother with you anymore, your dumb and ignorant to the fact that other people may have circumstances differing to ones you are familiar with. there are so many flaws in your arguments im not even attempt to go through them all. down under here in australia were we ride kangaroos to school, and they just roam through our cities, and dingos eat our babies, we call you a wanker.
Ha Ha would rather make a class action suit against that guy( christian Antonio)
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Old 09-14-2012, 07:51 AM   #220
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

My problem with adding fantasy drafts is this: Why continue to add to a game that remains fundamentally broken in several key areas. Fix it first, then add features.
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Old 09-14-2012, 07:59 AM   #221
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

EA can't win...there's been loads of posts on here, and I mean loads, asking for fantasy draft. They add it in, and you get a load of people complaining cause they should focus on other areas first!

If I was EA I wouldnt bother updating anything lol...i'd just tell everyone "if you want something different, make your own game"
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Old 09-14-2012, 08:18 AM   #222
aussieBKR's Arena
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Originally Posted by Christian Antonio
If you're not in the civilized capitalistic western world, then why the hell do you need an Xbox or Madden 13?

You're describing an incredibly unambitious life where people who are in bad situations, wherever the country, simply sit back and play video games rather than try to make the necessary moves for a better life for themselves and their children.

If you can get your hands on and have the necessities for video games, then you at the very least have the opportunity to get out of the position you're in.

I can't respect a person who would rather play video games offline for the rest of their lives while sitting back and having their lives ruined around them. It's an incredibly immature way to think.
who says ppl are sitting back gaming all day, who even came to that assumption?? did i mention that, no i didint...u should actually take a step back n realize that there are different races, different ppl, different beliefs out there, instead of resorting to your ignorant close minded thought process....but i guess like kendrick lamar says it ignorance is bliss....thats why america is quote un quote the best country i the world.....because ignorance is f'n bliss aint it
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Old 09-14-2012, 08:25 AM   #223
kongemeier's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

Well, congrats to the Fantasy Draft people! Not exactly what I was hoping for, but we can't all win!

With that being said I really REALLY hope their next focus is on getting all the things within CCM that don't work fixed - including game play!! They can continue to add all the things people are yelling for, but if the mode itself is... broken, then I won't play it! I've spend all my time with Madden 13 playing with sliders without getting to a spot where I'm happy

The game plays a real solid digital football simulation in Play Now! So if they can add Fantasy Draft a few weeks after release it shouldn't take too long to "import" the game play from Play Now to CCM! So here's to hoping that's their next focus!
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Old 09-14-2012, 08:32 AM   #224
ajk49er's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

agree, why havent more asked this.

wasnt fantasy draft removed in theory, to improve it? so that when its back in it is "perfect"? wouldnt that mean more of what we see from other games(I wont list them to not piss people off)

but dont we want logic where the cpu will take the better younger player over the soon to retire next year player of a same overall etc? cant tell me that those other games dont make fantasy draft actually awesome due to the CPU taking those high potential(or development) rating players
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