
Madden NFL 25 Video - MNF Simulation: Colts vs. Chargers (Xbox One)

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Old 10-14-2013, 02:04 PM   #129
mestevo's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - MNF Simulation: Colts vs. Chargers (Xbox One)

Reminds me of trailers from car games... 'pretty car taking a corner' 'pretty car passing another pretty car' and nothing from the angle you play at. Of course that's not the point of this video, but as a result I can take away only so much from this.
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:06 PM   #130
Tiger Paw
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - MNF Simulation: Colts vs. Chargers (Xbox One)

I watched the video went to gamestop cancelled madden next gen ..

Nuff said!
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:06 PM   #131
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by TheTruth437
No, I want something better than APF2k8 . APF2k8 doesn't have the same quality of MLB the Show and Nba2K imo. APF2k8 was good for its time but it came out over six years ago on what will be last-gen hardware.

I want Madden to consist of similar quality to MLB The Show, NBA2k and FIFA.

APF2k8 was a amazing engine to build on. There are many moments where it looked real for a moment or two (Something Madden never accomplishes). Go play NBA 2k8. Imagine what APF2k would be right now if it had sold well. Next gen would have added even better gameplay and graphics. APF2k8 was a great engine, that felt rushed in graphic polish, and features. The animations would have been smoothed out through the years, just like NBA 2k8 vs NBA 2k14
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:07 PM   #132
radatdude2's Arena
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by djordan
It's starting to hit home guys. Remember how everyone says "Operation Sports are the hardcore fans which is 10% of the total user base". Well here are some of the casual fan comments that don't visit Operation Sports or other Madden sites.

From the 1st Saints VS Dolphins ESPN Sim video.
yeah its getting real ugly out there, im glad ESPN got involved cause now they will see feedback on a much larger scale. One can only hope the NFL sees this as negative press and remove this exclusive license stuff so other developers can make an attempt on producing a much better brand of NFL football

lol video has been removed, last time the question was id this netgen smh
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:07 PM   #133
wordtobigbird's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Video - MNF Simulation: Colts vs. Chargers (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by mestevo
Reminds me of trailers from car games... 'pretty car taking a corner' 'pretty car passing another pretty car' and nothing from the angle you play at. Of course that's not the point of this video, but as a result I can take away only so much from this.
Yeah, if in that video one the cars spun out, began going into reverse at the same speed and the other car made a wrong turn. The angle of the video has nothing to do with the bad animations/AI present.
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:08 PM   #134
Jet Sufferer's Arena
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by dghustla
That right there is the post of the year. And maybe even the post of the last 5 years! When there was 2 NFL games. It's obvious that many liked the other game better than Madden. Now that Madden won the war (off the field), they struggle to accept Madden for what it is and that the game is not made to appease them solely. The game is made to appeal to larger a demographic
of sports gamers. And in that respect the game achieves its primary goal. yes it sucks that EA "wal-marted" your personal favorite chain but love it or hate Madden is what it is.
It's not about them not making the game for "us", (sim type players), it's that they're not really doing anything to push the envelope AT ALL, they're not even making a successful arcade game, if they didn't have the exclusive license they would be in the exact same place as NBA Live has been, OUT OF BUSINESS.

I'm going to go on a rant here...oh forget it, it's a waste of breath until enough people stop buying the game and EA gives up the license. The only goal Madden has achieved is assuring no one else puts out an NFL game.

Wake me from my cryogenic sleep when someone else gets the NFL license or it's open again.
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:09 PM   #135
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by djordan
This is what we want!!!

Yeah i just want to ball up and cry ...imagine with 2ksports would do with the new console hardware. I remember when EA got the NFL rights to NFL videogames..i literally had tears rolling down my face...i will never forget that day, the day of infamy!

One of the BIGGEST EYE SORES with Madden is the animations..especially after plays..the players pivot like robots compared to this old game above..amazing EA dev's simply do not get it!!
..You win some, you lose some
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Old 10-14-2013, 02:09 PM   #136
VinnyVegas28's Arena
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Originally Posted by djordan
Dude.... Write it down... The true step movement reveal will be in slow mo. Now way they will showcase that in realtime. If they show it in realtime the animations will play out too fast to show the actual "True step".

No way...
Actually, I played the demo at E3 and the true step motion was felt for sure. That is why I was so excited for Next Gen because I could feel the difference and the running felt more like the old PS2 running. This had me most excited as well as the graphical upgrades. From these last 3-4 vids, I am not seeing the same game as E3 and that is very frustrating but I am still holding out hope until I have the game in hand.
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