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Old 11-28-2010, 09:03 PM   #521
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Re: WoW OSers?

Originally Posted by Crimsontide27

I went from 1-60 in just slightly over 10 hours and basically gave the few elitest a /rude .

How do you do this? I have a lvl 20 warlock, id love to spend only 8 hours and get him to lvl 60, got any tips/ how the heck did you do that?
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Old 11-29-2010, 12:42 AM   #522
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Re: WoW OSers?

Great points to follow. I have found a decent guild probably not as close friendship as you are describing but we get along, try to have fun, and for the most part respect each other. We did make top 5 guild on the server at one point so we are doing something right as far as progression goes.

I really want to find a way to cut back though and still raid and have a balance life with sports gaming and friends/family time. I have way to many toons mainly because I wanted all the professions so I wouldn't have to rely on people to make stuff for me. It gets really hard when you lead in stats on most of your characters and people start asking for your help all the time since you have toons that are not saved.

Hope you have had a good Thanksgiving. I really miss this game but gotta fix real life first. Thanks for your post.

Originally Posted by Milbut
Basically it's a game, just like any other game that we choose to pay $15 a month to enjoy. As such, enjoyment should be your number one goal. There is no doubt that raiding CAN take a huge time commitment, but it doesn't have to. The group I run with raids 2 nights a week, Friday and Saturday from 8 to 12. So we raid 2 weekend nights a week for 4 hours each. We look at it like this: We are together as a group because we are friends. We enjoy each others company just as much, if not more, then we do our real life friends. We basically spent the equivalent of 2-3 beers worth of money to raid 8 hours a week together and there isn't a fight in this game we haven't seen or beat.

The key to our success comes from two places.

One is our friendship, which helps our communication, both verbally and silently. We kind of have a good idea what each other is going to do and where each other is going to be at at any given time inside an encounter. We also can openly communicate with each other and say whatever we want, however we want without somebody getting butt-hurt over it. This helps make us efficient.

The second is our experience. A of us have been playing games since EQ, while the rest of us, like myself have been playing since vanilla WoW. It's very rare at this point for blizzard to come up with a completely new mechanic, it's basically recycled forms of things we have already seen. When you combine that kind of knowledge with knowing your classes inside and out, how to maximize your dps/threat/healing and how and when to use survival cool-downs or crowd control it severely cuts down on the learning cuve which helps us accomplish more in a shorter period of time.

For a newer player or a newer raider, it is going to take some time to build up the fundamentals, just like you would if you were an athlete, but once you learn the fundamentals the time commitment required to maintain them is significantly less. The best advice I can give to anybody looking to get into raiding is find a guild that raids during a schedule you can commit to (being reliable is extremely important), and try to do everything you can to ensure you enjoy the people you are raiding with. You may find you have to change servers/guilds 2/3/5 times until you really find the right group, but when you do it's wonderful. We send each other gifts for the holidays.....I just got a phone call from one of my friends (guildies) wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving....things like that.

I'm not 21 anymore, I don't really care about going out partying or clubbing or whatever. I still go out with my wife once a week for dinner and a few drinks, but I also pay $15 a month to raid in a video game with friends. It's possible to have it all, it just takes time and a bit of luck. Good luck and Happy Turkey Day.
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Old 11-29-2010, 12:45 AM   #523
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Re: WoW OSers?

Originally Posted by mgoblue
Profession advice? I'm running a rogue and thinking mining/jewelcrafting

On my old higher rogue I have mining (or skinning) and leatherworking...

Seems like jewelcrafting could be cool at the end, I always found the armor you could craft wasn't that great compared to stuff you could easily get somewhere...

What do you guys think?
A GREAT website to level any profession including secondary is wow-professions.com. If you want to make money Mining/Jewcrafting is a good one. Herb/Alchamy you will have a two seater mount in Alchamy when cata rolls around. If you want to focus on crafting epics for your toon.. probably skinning/leatherworking would be best.
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Old 11-29-2010, 01:20 AM   #524
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Re: WoW OSers?

Originally Posted by RiderGH
How do you do this? I have a lvl 20 warlock, id love to spend only 8 hours and get him to lvl 60, got any tips/ how the heck did you do that?
I use the recruit a friend feature which lets you get 3x experience when grouped. It only costs 5 bucks to do, so it certainly is worth it for me. What I do is put one toon on autofollow and run around until level 10 doing the kill quests and immediatly hit Ragefire. Log in my 80 warlock and destroy that zone until they ding 20. That was the slow part. At 20 you can get into SM and I can go through all 4 of those zones in less than 30 mins averaging around 1 level every 10 mins. From there its off to the new Scholomance for levels 40-50 and then to ZF. Once you hit 58 it only takes me about 30 mins of running Bloodfurnance to hit 60.

Thats how I do it.
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Old 11-29-2010, 12:16 PM   #525
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Re: WoW OSers?

Originally Posted by ESPNFANAZ
A GREAT website to level any profession including secondary is wow-professions.com. If you want to make money Mining/Jewcrafting is a good one. Herb/Alchamy you will have a two seater mount in Alchamy when cata rolls around. If you want to focus on crafting epics for your toon.. probably skinning/leatherworking would be best.
Thanks! I'm rolling well with herb/mining and then I'll decide a good endgame one when I'm at that point...this is good for money now and I know I'll use either Mining/Jewel or Herb/Alchemy so one of the two will go to good use.

I'm up to 27, almost 28...it's so addicting.

What's up with the Glyphs...do I have to buy them somewhere? It popped up, but hadn't heard of them before....gotta look into it more tonight.
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Old 11-29-2010, 02:01 PM   #526
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Re: WoW OSers?

Originally Posted by mgoblue
Thanks! I'm rolling well with herb/mining and then I'll decide a good endgame one when I'm at that point...this is good for money now and I know I'll use either Mining/Jewel or Herb/Alchemy so one of the two will go to good use.

I'm up to 27, almost 28...it's so addicting.

What's up with the Glyphs...do I have to buy them somewhere? It popped up, but hadn't heard of them before....gotta look into it more tonight.
Glyphs are made by inscriptionists. Herbalism goes great with that profession as you need herbs to mill ink to make the glyphs. You can buy them off the AH and with the 4.0 patch they changed it to where you only have to learn it once and it stays with you forever. You then can switch out glyphs depending on what you want to improve on. To do that there is a inscription vendor that sells dust (forgot the name of it).
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Old 11-29-2010, 02:52 PM   #527
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Re: WoW OSers?

Originally Posted by ESPNFANAZ
Glyphs are made by inscriptionists. Herbalism goes great with that profession as you need herbs to mill ink to make the glyphs. You can buy them off the AH and with the 4.0 patch they changed it to where you only have to learn it once and it stays with you forever. You then can switch out glyphs depending on what you want to improve on. To do that there is a inscription vendor that sells dust (forgot the name of it).
Yeah, I'll have to check out the AH tonight and get some stuff, thanks!
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Old 11-29-2010, 04:00 PM   #528
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Re: WoW OSers?

What server did you end up on MGOblue? If you are over on Baelgun with some of the rest of us, I can hook you up with whatever you might need.
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