Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9 - Operation Sports Forums

Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

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View Poll Results: Which one is the best?
MLB 2K7 18 47.37%
MLB 2K8 5 13.16%
MLB 2K9 15 39.47%
Voters: 38. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-27-2009, 09:06 AM   #1
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Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

2K7 one was of the first really amazing sports games on the next gen consoles. 2k8 was a step back, and 2k9 seems to have re-vamped game play.

Which is your favorite?
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:13 AM   #2
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

After i play 2K9 ill let you know
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:14 AM   #3
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9


I don't see the revamped game-play in 2K9. Feels the same to me, but a bit wonkier with the animation issues. And clearly does not look better.

Smoother during game-play, yes, but at an obvious graphical sacrifice.

That said, the commentary is leaps and bounds better though. As well as the presentation (in theory), still needs a lot of fine tuning of the animations and how the players react.
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:19 AM   #4
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

I'll let you know in a couple Isn't it a bit early, onloy like 4 people have actually played the game.

That said, I'd say 2K7 for now, but if the final is a bit more polished, I might say 2K9. The players don't look near as good as 2K7 overall IMO, but everything else does.

The presentation and commentary is much better, and the controls are smoother. Gameplay remains the mystery, which is why I'll let you know once I've actually played 2K9
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:23 AM   #5
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

I would have to say 2k9. I just came back from the future with Doc Brown and we played several games of 2k9. It's definitely the best 2k baseball experience on 360!
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:56 AM   #6
Trevytrev11's Arena
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

Maybe it's been a while, but besides 2K7 looking good, I don't remember it playing good baseball. After the patch it was improved, but if I recall even after slider and rating tweaks it was still a homerun fest and hitting results were 100% random (confirmed by Kushgamer last year). Visually, it was very impressive, but when it came to the nuts and bolts of baseball, I don't recall it being very good. Dives and Wall climbs were basically controlled by the computer and there on screen alerts.

As far as 2K8, I've been playing it as of late and besides the lack of AI steals, I think it plays a much more solid game. Far from perfect, but better IMO.

My impressions of 2K9 are still on hold until I get the game, so I'll hold of on my vote, but even with much worse graphics, I'd take the overall gameplay in 2K8 over 2K7.
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Old 02-27-2009, 10:12 AM   #7
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

2K7 one was of the first really amazing sports games on the next gen consoles.
.. what?

Besides graphics, there was nothing very good about 2K7 ... compared to where we were on previous consoles.
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Old 02-27-2009, 10:41 AM   #8
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Re: Your favorite out of 2k7, 2k8, or 2k9

I'm sorry 2k7 (EDIT: I just realized I had written 2k8 when I meant 2k7) was a hunk of junk. Besides graphics, what did it have?

- Unresponsive and clunky controls - Hitting was COMPLETELY random, and the swing stick AND classic hitting were horribly clunky and tight feeling.

- Lack of signature styles - Playing a franchise in 2k7 was painful when you had to watch EVERY pitcher on every team that wasn't a top 10 pitcher hurl it to the plate with the same boring and awkward animation.

- The AI pitcher threw to the same 3 corner locations EVERY time. If you wanted to walk, all you had to do was put your batters eye on the far corner of the strike zone and it would completely tip you off before the pitch was even thrown wether or not it was ball or strike.

I can go on...

So far 2k9 has been my favorite, and that's after just playing the DEMO. 2k7 was good for the time it came out because if it did ANYTHING right, it made us say WOW this is pretty. 2k8 was OK, considering it introduced us gamers to what IMO was the best thing to happen to video game baseball, the pitch stick and step influence. 2k9 has just refined all of these things and put it into a nice all around package. Sure things were sacrificed (step influence, overall prettiness) but they truly stepped it up in areas where it matters most, overall gameplay and fun factor.
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Last edited by thornie; 02-27-2009 at 01:20 PM.
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