
MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Added]

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Old 05-19-2011, 11:14 AM   #193
lnin0's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

Had shelved MLB for a few weeks and it was nice to get back into the swing.

I noticed (360) a lot of the hiccups improved. Also looks like the jaggy shadows have been toned down as well. Hit variety seemed a little better - noticed more grounders and a few hot ones but also had a few of the soft infield liners. Baserunning is excellent. Going to make the game much harder and more realistic knowing the AI isn't going to be so laxed.

My first game back was fantastic pitching battle - who would have thought a pitching battle in a video game would be so much fun.

ATL (Hanson) vs ARZ (Saunders) that ended with me loosing 0-1. Braves 3 hits and Dbacks with 4. My timing was a bit rusty so I went down swinging 8 times but on the flip side, whoever said the AI didn't take cuts was wrong. Hanson sat down 11 and worked the entire game. I was getting guys to strike on outside pitches after working sliders in the zone from the same edge.

Hanson gave up the run in the 1st with a lead off base hit and then a blast by Upton that got lost in the right field corner. Upton stretched it for a trip which I don't think would have been the case pre-patch. The only other spot of bother was late in seventh when Hanson let two runners on but worked out of it.

Anyway. Nice work 2k

Last edited by lnin0; 05-19-2011 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 05-19-2011, 11:49 AM   #194
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

Originally Posted by SynShadowzz
Anyways, a few impressions:

Sidenote: I'm confused as to why they chose to temper the power of weaker CPU hitters. When I give up a HR, it's usually to a HR hitter. I don't know if I've seen any non-HR threats hitting jacks in my franchise. Anyone else feel this way?
I completely agree, although I have had a few weak hitters hit a HR off me. But I actually liked it that way, because it forces you to take every hitter seriously. I would have a problem if it was like that on the Human side of things, but I rarely gave up HRs to begin with, so I'm not sure why they would need to tweak that. Oh well
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Old 05-19-2011, 12:35 PM   #195
Tyrant8RDFL's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

I was enjoying the game pre patched, and have to say the game is more enjoyable after the patch.

I definitely see a bigger difference in the hitting dept. The hit variation is much deeper now.

A.I on the cpu side of hitting is better also. They seem more life like as to how the approach their at bat.

Reaction time in throwing the ball to the cut off man is better also. I was able to nail someone running to third base , and it looked very natural.

Nice job with the patch! Thank you!
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Old 05-19-2011, 12:44 PM   #196
RedLine's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

I like the patch so far too, it has addressed most (not all) of the issues I have encountered.

Everything is running very smoothly now, no stutters when the ball is put into play. In general the game looks better (less jaggies) and plays just much better overall, even at the default settings. I think the fielding is more responsive and fluid now as well. The hit variety and quality also seem to be improved too (less soft liners, more grounders).

I have seen a few odd graphical oddities like the catcher "skating" instead of running when he's trying to field a foul ball that is popped up. Speaking of catcher popups, I'm also happy to see that there are fewer popups to the catcher now, that was a little crazy before.

I'm disappointed that my favorite mode MLB Today, still is not working correctly or even as good as MLB 2K10. Examples, the Pitcher stats are not there for the year, current player stats are always be correct, etc. It's still a fun mode but I thought they would be cleaning that up.

Regarding fatigue, I don't play franchise much but I like to play the Post Season game mode as a mini-franchise. And unfortunately the fatigue fix did not affect this mode (at least not as far as I can tell). Anyone have input on this? I like to play this mode with my buddy over several weekends, and it would help if the system would track the pitchers used and their fatigue so we can't use them again or overuse relievers next time we play.

Overall I'm happy with the patch and current game state, and if we don't get another patch I can enjoy this game for a long while. This should be a good foundation to build on for next year's edition.
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Old 05-19-2011, 12:52 PM   #197
Spanky's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

One game post-patch:

I put it on auto baserunning and noticed my runners are very aggressive, maybe too aggressive. Had three triples in first inning with Reds vs. Brewers and another occasions of a batter stretching what appeared to be a routine single into a double.

But that's better than the alternative. Base running was an abomination otherwise. Very cumbersome doing it manually (runner on third not moving on grounders hit to right side, etc.) So I'll take it this way.

Don't recall experiencing a single framerate hitch in a 6-inning game. Fielding appears smoother. Cather, oddly, overthrows pitcher tossing the ball back. Hope that doesn't become an issue with runners on base.

I wish the graphics weren't so damn dark. Needs to be brighter.
It's on me. I shook his hand too hard. It was a hard ... kind of a slap-shake.

"What? You can't challenge a scoring play?''
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Old 05-19-2011, 01:14 PM   #198
SynShadowzz's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

"I wish the graphics weren't so damn dark. Needs to be brighter."

That sounds like a TV issue. This game isn't really that dark...
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Old 05-19-2011, 02:05 PM   #199
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

Originally Posted by Spanky
One game post-patch:

I put it on auto baserunning and noticed my runners are very aggressive, maybe too aggressive. Had three triples in first inning with Reds vs. Brewers and another occasions of a batter stretching what appeared to be a routine single into a double.

But that's better than the alternative. Base running was an abomination otherwise. Very cumbersome doing it manually (runner on third not moving on grounders hit to right side, etc.) So I'll take it this way.

Don't recall experiencing a single framerate hitch in a 6-inning game. Fielding appears smoother. Cather, oddly, overthrows pitcher tossing the ball back. Hope that doesn't become an issue with runners on base.

I wish the graphics weren't so damn dark. Needs to be brighter.

2 triples for me one for each team. I think the baserunners are a step to fast now. Maybe from cleaned up animations of something.
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Old 05-19-2011, 02:58 PM   #200
davis420's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Patch Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here [UPDATE: Patch Notes Add

I'm playing my 1st game since the patch. It's a MLB Today game, Yankees(me) at O's(cpu).I'm playing on pro with no slider changes. The Cpu is almost TOO aggressive now. I'm in the field in the 3rd inning of a 1-0 game, I'm winning. I go to turn a 3-6-1 Double play and before Jeter turned to throw back to 1st, the batter was trying to take 2nd!!?? I have to play a little more but this seems too much.
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