
MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

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Old 02-29-2012, 09:10 PM   #153
rckabillyRaider's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

Playing on ps3. I like it overall. I like the auto fielding option, though as others mentioned I don't like that they pause for a second before throwing the ball. That causes the runners to be safe on close plays. Also don't like the camera angle. Didn't buy last year's version so I'm not sure if we can change the angle in the full game. The animations don't fell silky smooth, but it doesn't take away from the overall feel of the game. Not bad.
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Old 02-29-2012, 09:28 PM   #154
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by liberaluser
I finally realized what bothers me so much about the color-coded pitch abuse system! Instead of being it's own thing, your pitch ratio should be factored into the pitch rating numbers your given depending on how the batter does against you.

So for example, if your playing perfectly by abusing one pitch, your rating should stay high, period. Maybe a small penalty on how high the rating is but nothing serious.

The risk comes into play when the batter DOES hit the ball cleanly. Your overused pitch would take a huge hit in it's ratings, much bigger reduction than if it was a regular batted hit.

This system would require more strategy since it's up to the pitcher how much he wants to use mix-ups or play risky and possibly lose a main part of his arsenal for a while.
I think the point is, outside of someone like Rivera, a pitcher can't throw the same pitch over and over again or it will start to get hit hard because batters will start to sit on it. To me, the decreased rating essentially means that the batter is now looking and waiting for that pitch.

The pitch doesn't magically become worse BECAUSE it gets hit hard, it gets hit hard BECAUSE it becomes predictable (simulated in the game by making it worse)
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Old 02-29-2012, 09:56 PM   #155
Frost33's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

I really feel like this is a much tighter, more polished 2k11, and that, in my opinion is a very good thing. The thing that really jumps out at me about 2k12 is the fun factor. Having that "it" factor, puts this game as a buy for me. But as others have said, I think I'll wait on the purchase. I bought last year's on launch and was VERY frustrated by the bugs and glitches that seemed to take forever to fix. I'll wait and see what issues this years game has. Plus I'll be picking up Mass Effect 3 the same day and that will take up a bit of my time.
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Old 02-29-2012, 10:11 PM   #156
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

Has anyone been able to check swing using classic hitting? I've tried double tapping as i saw mentioned in this thread but no luck for me.

By the way i did let my wife and dog out of the fridge.

Last edited by tvman; 02-29-2012 at 10:15 PM.
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Old 02-29-2012, 10:44 PM   #157
mrclutch's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

I played last years game for a couple months (before I bought my PS3) and the demo doesn't seem like much of an upgrade. 2k11.5 as we are fond of saying.

I mean I think it's a pretty good game. Looks and feels about the same. A little smoother and some minor plus ups. Good not great.
I'd say if you liked last years game you should like this one as well. If you didn't like last years then it's time to move along IMO.
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Old 03-01-2012, 12:16 AM   #158
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

After 2 days with the demo, I've decided to pass on this version. I played 2k11 a lot and did enjoy it, but I had major gripes that I wanted to see addressed in 12, and they either weren't fixed, or were fixed poorly. The 2 main gripes I had, were the post-play animations, and the base-running.

The first was not addressed at all, and we still have to suffer through horrendous cutaways to zombie-stares, players robotically wandering around the field, and just general ugly, cringe-worthy art direction all around. This aspect of the game is a steaming 'F minus.' I thought for sure they would have fixed the post-play pitcher animations from last year. Leaving so many of those animations untouched is not gonna do it this year for me.

The second one, they tried to fix, but failed at it. Yes, players do round the bases now instead of making right angle turns, but the motion looks completely unnatural and 'floaty,' for lack of a better term. The players seem too light, and the movement lacks the violence and the energy of a 200 lb athlete moving full steam and then sliding explosively into a bag. They tried to fix it, so I'll give credit there. But I expected it to look better honestly.

Everything else is basically a wash from 2k11, except some new fielder animations, pitch tracking, and a working throw meter (after 3 years). I truly believe this will be the last in the series, and I for one am not going down with the ship.
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Old 03-01-2012, 12:34 AM   #159
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

As others have mentioned, why 2K takes the commentary out of the Demo, is a head scratcher and really hurts it. The commentary is awesome and rivals The Show's commentary...

- I really love the pitching mechanic that has been in 2K for the past few iterations - also, IMO, rivals The Show's.

- love the fielding cameras. I like how you see the fielder + the hitter/base runner, + the sky, all in one camera. It,s actually similar to The Show's Road To The Show camera. And the 'good at bat' cam in The Show. I wish The Show had that camera as an option for regular gameplay.

- the batting camera is awful IMO, at least in the demo, they should include different batting camera options. I never understood this camera that 2k implemented.. And all the GUI stuff added to the strike zone. I haven,t played the actual game, so I don,t know if all that strike zone GUI stuff is optional. They should include the option to turn it off in the demo.

- in the Demo, some animation issues hurt it. On a 3rd out, AFTER Beltran caught the flyball... The scene Cut-to: Closeup of Beltran... Running forward, (with ball in glove) then, Beltran reverses direction and runs towards the wall, then Beltran reverses direction again towards the dugout...

So things like the above have made my mind up to stick with The Show this year -- when I was 90% leaning to taking a year off since 1998 from the Show (and EA) - and going with 2K...
George Bell forever!

Last edited by cheechoo98; 03-01-2012 at 12:36 AM.
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Old 03-01-2012, 12:45 AM   #160
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Re: MLB 2K12 Demo Available Now, Post Impressions Here

Originally Posted by bluengold34_OS
Man, the more I play this demo...the more I like it. It just has a "fun" feeling to it. Can't wait to see what the finished product will be like.

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Yeah, overall I'm enjoying the demo but I think as far as a purchase goes, I'll wait until we get closer to Opening Day and see what the community has to say about the game then. I bought 2K10 and 11 but the bugs in both games drove me away, so I'll be a little more patient this year.
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