03-16-2012, 11:12 PM
OVR: 24
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 4,944
Re: Bobhead's 2012 Sliders
In terms of sliders 5 is default, aka the middle, what it's currently at. 1 point to the left is a 4. You might also see this called "-1" as in it's default minus 1 point.
I have a fair number of walks in my game, and I use analog pitching, so you should see a good number of walks also if you use the control and consistency I have recommended.
Zone requires you to aim the area of your swing with the control stick. The other mode with just "X" aims it for you, and factors in ratings and all that stuff behind the scenes, in determing the kind of hit you get (assuming you press X at the right time!).
Stamina shouldn't be a problem. Pitchers tire a little too quickly on default, so now your starters should be able to make it into the 6th and 7th innings pretty regularly, like they are supposed to.
Hope all that helps.