I just wish Sony would allow us to listen to a whole song during the 7th inning stretch.
I understand that "20 seconds" is more then enough for most situations however for the 7th inning stretch we should be able to have the music play longer.
For example this version of "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" which is played during the 7th inning stretch at every Home Phillies game is about 53 seconds long.
Now my idea for the way this should be used in MLB Th Show is like this.
Have the song that we select to start playing at the start of the 7th inning stretch and while the full version of the song is playing have the Camera pan around the ball park in "real time" and also zoom in on fans singing along.
And of course include an option to press the X button to skip it
Please take my idea for consideration for MLB 11 The Show.
I also would like this same idea for before the game starts and having the National Anthem play.
If anyone here can explain to me why my idea is not a good idea I would love to hear why???