
Why is there stuttering?

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Old 08-08-2011, 06:21 PM   #9
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

Originally Posted by ambizytl
Sometimes when the CPU pitcher is throwing the ball, there will be a quick pause before pitch continues. I don't see this happening in every game, but it seems to be in more games than not. When it does occur in a game, it's like a few times, not many. I have my TV set to "Game" mode. Why does it happen and is there a solution?

Thanks for bringing this up because it's shameful and is really hindering the enjoyment of the game. I had to replace my old 40GB with a new 120 and am experiencing the same problem, sometimes its egregious in nature where my own pitching meter will stutter and even freeze for a split second. Last night a fastball literally frooze en route to the plate, I swung so early (which may have caused the freeze) that the announcer said "I've seen better swings in a video game!"

It seems, certain movements or cut scenes ignite a reaction. There was one game where my pitching meter would stutter when the meter and the batter's bat would intercept. So certian objects crossing each other seem to cause it as well. Like the cpu wind up in a stretch mode with the umpire in the path of the gove causes a stutter.

The patterns are consistent.

Anyway, I've researched everything about this including other games, PS3 forums and so on. Just Google "PS3 game stuttering" and you'll have plenty of research.

I play on game mode, I've rebuilt the database, I even exchanged my new ps3 for another one claiming the HDD was faulty and the same stuttering occurs. I tried playing with psn and without, with the internet on and without and nothing seems to help.

I loaded 2010 and got the samething so it's not the disc and it's not the internet. Other people are complaining about other games such as Guitar Hero and even COD.

I don't know why this isn't a full blown issue on these boards. There were alot of posts about it but it just died. MLB needs to patch this or give us an explanation.
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Old 08-08-2011, 06:56 PM   #10
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

Same thing has been happening to me also. I had a 80 gb PS3 that i was playing the show on, and it was fine, after i did the rebuild database...but i just bought a new 120 gb slim, and ever since playing the show, the stuttering is getting awful. Especially in my recent road trip to Minute Maid Park, on almost every batter there is stuttering. Would it even be worth it to "rebuild database" on a brand new ps3? Or does that even matter?
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Old 08-08-2011, 06:59 PM   #11
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

placebo or not, I only experience the stuttering after I pause for long periods of time or access the XMB in game. What I do is go to replay and replay the last play a couple times in its entirety
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Old 08-08-2011, 07:27 PM   #12
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
placebo or not, I only experience the stuttering after I pause for long periods of time
That's exactly what happens with mine. Sometimes I'll pause for 15-30 minutes at time, and sometime shortly after I start back playing I'll get like one instance of stuttering during a pitch and then it's completely fine after that. I could be wrong, but I don't think it's always the first pitch when I start back playing. I know sometimes it is, but sometimes it happens a little later than that.
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Old 08-09-2011, 10:54 AM   #13
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
placebo or not, I only experience the stuttering after I pause for long periods of time or access the XMB in game. What I do is go to replay and replay the last play a couple times in its entirety
Interesting, why do you suppose this alleviates some of the stuttering issues?
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Old 08-09-2011, 11:59 AM   #14
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

Originally Posted by pberardi
Interesting, why do you suppose this alleviates some of the stuttering issues?
lol no idea maybe some sort of delay like radio lol IDK
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Old 08-09-2011, 01:51 PM   #15
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Re: Why is there stuttering?

Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
lol no idea maybe some sort of delay like radio lol IDK

I do notice that replays play smoothly, no hiccups at all. I may experiment with broadcast and camera. It appears to be rpm driven whereby the speed of the disk is not synchronized with the game. Many objects on screen seem to inflict the stutter such as the umpire behind the pitcher when he's in the stretch. Perhaps a different camera view may help.

I may also speed up the game to eliminate many cut scenes and replays.

The rebuild database helped but did not eliminate the issue.

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