
Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

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Old 03-06-2013, 10:49 PM   #249
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Started a RttS today and it is vastly improved. I love the fact that they show you what's going on while its fast forwarding to your next appearance. I also love the new fielding aspect. I have to figure out where the fly ball is going myself.

Here's the problem, though. I made it to my 3rd game and I just got my third hit of the game (got an RBI that tied the game at 6 on it as well). As it is showing me on first base, the game froze. It was upsetting.
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Old 03-06-2013, 10:50 PM   #250
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Overall, I'm really happy with this game. I'm seeing quite a bit of hit variety and many gap shots for extra bases.
And with the wider timing window and slower pitch speeds, I can actually tell if it's a breaking ball or not. That's helped a lot (I'm on pitch speed of 2 - yes, I'm pathetic, but this is right up my alley).

The one thing I love about The Show is how I can hit HR's without the power button. In fact, I've hit a half-dozen home-runs and none have come from using it.
I may have to turn power down a smidge as even Infante is hitting them out (he has 2 in 3 games within the ALDS - very small sample though).
But I'd rather have a bit too much than not enough.

I still can't get over how good the game looks visually. Very crisp and eerily realistic.

I'm glad I picked this up. I've only played 3 games thus far, but I had a lot of fun in those 3 tilts.
I had no stuttering for the first 2, but in the 3rd it was pretty bad. In some at-bats, I'd see the stutter 3 or 4 times. Very distracting, but hopefully it gets patched soon.
Tomorrow I try offline co-op with my oldest son. Looking forward to it.
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Old 03-06-2013, 10:53 PM   #251
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by Blzer
Don't have time to talk many impressions, but I'm going to leave some very nice remarks here with regard to two welcomed improvements:

1) More responsive controls everywhere. Not just swinging, but even the pre-pitch nuances when tapping X are more responsive. My baserunners are changing stride more quickly when I advance or retreat them. I can also now dive at balls hit down the line (in fair territory, mind you ). Even skipping through things is better and load times are much improved. But definitely with swinging... I'm upping the pitch speed to 9 or 10 this year. It is so refreshing!

2) Turning off the on-screen displays (except for the score bug) feels so great. It feels so great, I'm doing classic pitching this year. No meters or visuals whatsoever. I wish there was a way to almost "permanently" keep the score bug up on the screen even with a ball in play. Otherwise, it feels so authentic!

Thanks, boys! The Vita version is unfortunately being separated more from the PS3 version this year, but I'll have to deal with it if I want to take my franchise on the road.
Oh, and I mentioned responsive controls? How about the bunting this year!

Not only can you see the ball come in all the way with the transparent bat, but you can actually pull it back this year. It's incredibly responsive.

Good moves all around, SCEA!
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Old 03-06-2013, 10:59 PM   #252
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by Blzer
Yeah, but this year it's definitely different. Like I said before, I don't know if it's because my baserunning slider is above 5, but they are definitely running slowly once they hit the corner of the base. Perhaps they round the bag at "5" speed this year?
Originally Posted by slthree
This makes sense because i haven't noticed the robotic running he described. Of course, i may just have not noticed it.

The moment my batter leaves the box, regardless of hit type, I automatically pre load for 2nd base. For me, it's habit. It's real easy to tap R1 if I have to. So, my guys are almost always rounding 2nd.

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Yes...I meant in previous versions...
They definitely worked on it this year.
I didn't get to really check it out much yet.
(a bit busy)

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Old 03-06-2013, 11:12 PM   #253
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

So I started a new player in RTTS. Alright, this exciting, can't wait to see the new features.

I get into a game, I'm about to bat. The camera is over head the field. It begins to switch to my player when suddenly




Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.

I can't handle it.
I can't handle it.

I can't handle this noise.

Please god tell me there is an alternate way to get rid of this noise besides turning down the special effects volume. I can achieve that, but then I lose the crack of the bat. The crack of the bat, man. The most precious noise in baseball, gone.

I have to be honest, this noise, how did it make it into the final game? I couldn't last one game without being annoyed by it. How did a team of developers and testers not want to jump off a bridge after hearing WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH for the 1000th time?

I thought the purpose of these new camera angles was immersion?
How is the sound of a jet breaking the sound barrier immersive?

I'm sorry, but a battle of alien races for control of the universe happening over my head breaks immersion. Playing baseball in a wind tunnel breaks immersion. The sound of a 17 foot tall giant blowing on soup to cool it so that it does not burn his giant tongue breaks immersion.

I'm not one to complain about things. I can put up with a lot, I can suspend disbelief when necessary, I have tolerance for many things.

I love the new features of this game, but this flying helicopter that races around the field and lands on my player is painful. Bad call SD Studio, really bad call.
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Old 03-06-2013, 11:28 PM   #254
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

On default setting on veteran mode, I'm averaging about 8 runs on 16 hits(played 4 games so far).

CPU averaging about 3 runs on 9 hits(so that seems about right).

Should I lower my contact on veteran, or just increase batting difficulty to all star?
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Old 03-07-2013, 12:06 AM   #255
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Re: Operation Sports MLB 13 The Show Community Impressions Thread

Originally Posted by Majingir
On default setting on veteran mode, I'm averaging about 8 runs on 16 hits(played 4 games so far).

CPU averaging about 3 runs on 9 hits(so that seems about right).

Should I lower my contact on veteran, or just increase batting difficulty to all star?
That's a big disparity. I would increase difficulty first...use sliders for minor tweaks
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Old 03-07-2013, 12:17 AM   #256
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I don't want to take the time to research it myself so I'd like to ask White Sox fans if your defense SUCKS because we have 3 errors in only 5 innings so far.

I used your team to get a look at the throw backs and took them to Kansas City so I could see their throw backs

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Last edited by slthree; 03-07-2013 at 12:19 AM.
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