
MLB 13 The Show Title Update 1.23 Available Now, Details Included

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Old 05-20-2013, 07:52 PM   #33
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Title Update 1.23 Available Now, Details Included

Originally Posted by Iceman87GT
The problem is those were in last year's game, they were called R-Alternates (despite being worn at home) but they were in the game, and this year despite the fact that they still wear them (every Sunday so far when playing at home), they are missing. Yes they go by the style guide but what are the odds that TB updated their style guide in the offseason by removing the powder blues but then proceeds to designate them as their Sunday jerseys?

Its very frustrating because they go by something that only a select few people have access to and in the meantime, uniforms that teams have worn for years don't make it into the game, or get removed.

Its why I wish they would go a step further with the uniforms, going by the style guide is flawed because few teams update it regularly, and it can lead to uniforms that were once in the game getting removed despite the fact that they are still being used by the teams with regularity. Contacting the teams for example, that way you would know that despite the fact that the Braves Weekend Throwbacks are not in the style guide that they will still be wearing them every Saturday and Sunday at home (and thus have those in the game), and if you actually get that approval from the teams then you can't get in trouble for not following the style guide. I could go on but this isn't the place for that.

Basically its not likely that they will put the Rays uniforms back in, they will only make changes according to the style guides and apparently the Rays took the powder blue alts out of their style guide.

I don't think you getting this at all, they MUST BY CONTRACT follow the style guide that MLB gives them. its part of the lincensing agreement. So if a team decises after they put their info to mlb to change or keep anything then SCEA San Deigo cant do **** about it.
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Old 05-20-2013, 08:09 PM   #34
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Title Update 1.23 Available Now, Details Included

Man when I saw the patch I was pumped but after reading what it does I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Oh well life goes on.
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Old 05-20-2013, 08:30 PM   #35
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Title Update 1.23 Available Now, Details Included

The issue of switching defensive positions once subs are depleted was confirmed 'fixed' after the last patch. Can anyone confirm if this made it in despite not being listed?
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Old 05-20-2013, 08:45 PM   #36
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Title Update 1.23 Available Now, Details Included

Originally Posted by treyraq
The issue of switching defensive positions once subs are depleted was confirmed 'fixed' after the last patch. Can anyone confirm if this made it in despite not being listed?
I just tried it. Still not fixed.
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Old 05-20-2013, 08:57 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by HechticSooner
I don't think you getting this at all, they MUST BY CONTRACT follow the style guide that MLB gives them. its part of the lincensing agreement. So if a team decises after they put their info to mlb to change or keep anything then SCEA San Deigo cant do **** about it.
So their licensing agreement differs from MLB 2K's? Either that is the case or The Show could deviate from the style guide, somehow I doubt that the MLB would take away a license from a game as successful as the Show because instead of following the style guide to a the t they decided to have the correct hat for the Tampa Bay fake TBTC uniforms, MLB 2K13 was able to ship with the correct hat, I somehow doubt they would have forced SCEA to go back and change it to a hat that was never actually worn because that's how it is in the style guide.

I get trying to avoid legal issues, but even if you make the decision to never deviate from the style guide even when you know it is wrong, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to then not communicate with the teams. Its clear that teams don't update their style guides regularly, so why would you not at the very least convey this to the teams themselves. For instance telling the Braves that their weekend alternates aren't in the style guide and thus they can't be in the game, that way they could make it into the next offering. Heck they may do exactly that, but I doubt it or else they'd be telling us something other than "We follow the Style Guide and only the style guide".

I mean responding to posters with "We have to follow the style guide, but we have talked to *Insert Team* and told them that their style guide does not accurately portray their actual uniforms" is a lot more effective than "we have to follow the style guide".

Its a flawed system; they have to go by the style guide, or face legal issues, but the style guide is wrong. If you were in that situation would you continue to do nothing or would you make some sort of effort to fix the problem. They can only do so much, but there IS something they can do, sure they carry no authority (they can't force a team to update their style guide), but they are in a better position to convince teams to update their style guides than most.
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Old 05-20-2013, 09:12 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Iceman87GT
So their licensing agreement differs from MLB 2K's? Either that is the case or The Show could deviate from the style guide, somehow I doubt that the MLB would take away a license from a game as successful as the Show because instead of following the style guide to a the t they decided to have the correct hat for the Tampa Bay fake TBTC uniforms, MLB 2K13 was able to ship with the correct hat, I somehow doubt they would have forced SCEA to go back and change it to a hat that was never actually worn because that's how it is in the style guide.

I get trying to avoid legal issues, but even if you make the decision to never deviate from the style guide even when you know it is wrong, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to then not communicate with the teams. Its clear that teams don't update their style guides regularly, so why would you not at the very least convey this to the teams themselves. For instance telling the Braves that their weekend alternates aren't in the style guide and thus they can't be in the game, that way they could make it into the next offering. Heck they may do exactly that, but I doubt it or else they'd be telling us something other than "We follow the Style Guide and only the style guide".

I mean responding to posters with "We have to follow the style guide, but we have talked to *Insert Team* and told them that their style guide does not accurately portray their actual uniforms" is a lot more effective than "we have to follow the style guide".

Its a flawed system; they have to go by the style guide, or face legal issues, but the style guide is wrong. If you were in that situation would you continue to do nothing or would you make some sort of effort to fix the problem. They can only do so much, but there IS something they can do, sure they carry no authority (they can't force a team to update their style guide), but they are in a better position to convince teams to update their style guides than most.
I don't know how many times it needs to be said. They Are contractually obligated to go by the style guide they've been provided. End of story.

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Old 05-20-2013, 09:24 PM   #39
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Re: MLB 13 The Show Title Update 1.23 Available Now, Details Included

You guys hoping progression and regression was suddenly "fixed" as a balancing issue are dreaming. It's working exactly as intended since the Spring Training fix. There won't be a fix because this is how it's supposed to be. What's not to understand about this? Stop wasting your time and looking to see if it's been fixed...
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Old 05-20-2013, 09:33 PM   #40
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Originally Posted by bkrich83
I don't know how many times it needs to be said. They Are contractually obligated to go by the style guide they've been provided. End of story.

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Okay so that answers the first part of my argument, but are they contractually obligated not to point out to teams that they are being misrepresented in the game because they have not updated their style guide? Are they contractually prohibited from asking teams to update their style guides?

They have to use what they are given THIS year, but they CAN influence what they are given to work with next year, unless the MLB managed to slip a really odd provision into the contract. There's no guarantee that contacting the teams will get them to update their style guides but its worth a try, and it would make a much better excuse for SCEA if they could point to the fact that they contacted a team, told them they needed to update it, and then the team proceeded not to do so. SCEA shouldn't have to be the ones that have to light a fire under the teams, but if you contract forces you to obey something that tends to be wrong, then you should make an effort to correct that which is wrong.
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