Armor & Sword/RaiderRen’s MLB 23 The Show Simulation Sliders
Hello Operation Sports Show know the’s better late than never!!! We finally took the plunge and picked up MLB The Show 23 and boy we are glad to be here. The game is beautiful and improves on MLB 22 in every single way. I am really blown away at the look, feel and overall pageantry of todays game and how the Show has translated that. There are some minor quips I have but it’s really minor. To be quite frank the ATG Classic Roster crew’s work is what ultimately seduced me to pick up the game and wow.....their work is exemplery and first class all the way and I am sure we will dive into 1984 and 1998 and of course Boston’s amazing Classic Roster linage is now transitioned to MLB 23 and man the Sensational 70’s and Electrifying 80’s are gonna be sweet. You can follow all the best rosters available to all of you on the Classic Roster Thread in the roster subform. We will be updating that regularly for MLB 23.
I will be sticking with 23 for at least a year since I just got it......unless there is a groundbreaking change on MLB 24, I am not an every cycle sports gamer anymore. I actually like being late to the party this time.....all the patching and updates are done. Rosters are’s all good vibes.
I used MrMet2488’s updated roster for 2024 for my proper Yankees franchise and I moved some free agents still out there to various teams....including our NY Yankees of course!!! You can follow this franchise and our slider testing on my Twitch channel. We already have two outstanding Spring Training games to watch on VOD. Where you will see this working set in action.
So onto the usual disclosures. We play a totally clean screen. We will post all our settings here in the coming week as we are furiously testing Verison 1 and I want to really get a nice sample size before we unveil it. The main goal and yes.....I have been reading the 23 forms all year so I have a ton of data and feedback from many of making sure pitching is more challenging (we use Classic Pitching and Directional Hitting) vs the CPU and the CPU’s offense is more consistent.
We really hone in on the overall “feel” of the game. I am not obsessed with 100% statistical accuracy because baseball is a large random sample season to season. With that being said.....I play every pitch of every inning in my proper franchise. I can’t stress enough the beauty of grinding through a 162 game season. Keep in mind I have done this for 7 straight years with a Yankees franchise I started back on MLB 17 when we had Y2Y saves and played the last 4 straight years on MLB 20. It is a fantastic experience. It does take me about a real baseball season to finish all 162 and the post season. What’s the rush? So know I am a “feel” guy when it comes to sliders. Does it feel good, does it play well, does it look balanced, does it feel realistic......yeah The Show is second to none at replicating the sport it represents in the virtual world.
RaiderRen did a lot of the heavy lifting testing the base I am working off of....and we have already made some “Armor” tweaks to get them into the sweet spot we want to attain. A ton of credit to his hard work as I know he has labored testing sliders for a while on this game. I am kinda coming late stage here and tuning them up per say to my taste.
So I am excited to share these.....I know it’s really late but I also know a lot of us hardcore franchise/classic roster junkies will be playing 23 for years to come....because that’s how we roll.
Let’s play some ball.
Version 2.0 January 26th 2024
Gameplay Style - Simulation
Hitting Difficulty - Hall of Fame
Pitching Difficulty - Hall of Fame
Tutorial Tips - Off
* All other Tips set to "Off"
Auto Fielding - On
Auto Throwing - On
Auto Baserunning - On
Auto Sliding - On
Auto INF Jump Reaction - On
Auto OF Dive Reaction - On
Warm Up Relievers - On
Auto Defensive Shift - On
Umpire Accuracy - Personalized
Injuries - On
Ejections - On
Balks - Off
Umpire Close Plays - Average
Check Swing Appeals - On
CPU Pitch Delay - Normal
Post Game Auto Save - Off
Player Lock Settings - *user preference*
Baserunning Interface - Analog Select
Swing Input - Buttons
Hitting Interface - Directional (Timed if you prefer)
-Directional Camera Shift - Off (Locked)
-Directional Hitting Indicator - Off (Locked)
-PCI Anchor - Off
---PCI Anchor Reset- Batter (Locked)
---PCI Anchor Dots - On (Locked)
-Plate Coverage Indicator - Off
---All PCI Settings should be locked
-Guess Pitch - Off
Vibration - Off (For the ultimate challenge in Classic Pitching)
- Catch Position Indicator Accuracy - Perfect (LOCKED)
- CPU Pitch Suggestion - On (Locked)
- Route to Ball Indicator - On (LOCKED)
Dynamic Difficulty Updates - Progress
In-Game Notification - Off
Strike Zone - Off
Hot Zones - Off
Pitch Info - Off
Pitch Select Displays - Off
Confidence / Energy Bars - Off
Pitch Feedback - Off
Batter Controls Display - Off
Swing Feedback - Off
Off The Wall Ribbon - Off
Baserunning Diamond - On
Player Name Display - Off
Scorebar Display - On
Game Log Order - Chronological
Presentation Mode - Broadcast
Pitch Selection Cameras - Both (Hitting and Batting)
-Pitch Selection Camera Focus - All
-Pitch Selection Camera Frequency - High Leverage
Batter Walkup - On
In-Game Ticker - On
- Closed Captioning - Off
* These are all user preference
Dynamic Difficulty Sensitivity - 5 (Disabled)
Human Contact - 7
Human Power - 6 (+1)
Human Timing - 5
Human Foul Frequency - 3 (-2)
Human Solid Hits - 5 (+1)
Human Starter Stamina - 6 (+1)
Human Reliever Stamina -4
Human Pitch Control - 5 (+1)
Human Pitcher Consistency - 5
CPU Contact - 7
CPU Power - 6
CPU Timing - 5
CPU Foul Frequency - 3
CPU Solid Hits - 5
CPU Starter Stamina - 6 (+1)
CPU Reliever Stamina - 4
CPU Pitcher Control - 5 (+1)
CPU Pitcher Consistency - 5
CPU Strike Frequency - 5
CPU Manager Hook - 4
CPU Pickoffs - 5
Fastball Pitch Speed - 7 (-2)
Offspeed Pitch Speed - 7 (-2)
Fielding Errors Infield - 7
Fielding Errors Outfield - 7
Throwing Errors Infield - 6
Throwing Errors Outfield - 5
Fielder Run Speed – 4
Fielder Reaction - 4
Fielder Arm Strength Infield - 4
Fielder Arm Strength Outfield - 5
Baserunner Speed - 5
Baserunner Steal Ability - 7
Baserunner Steal Frequency - 6
Wind - 5
Gameplay Injury Frequency - 8
Simulator Injury Frequency - 6
Trade Frequency:
Spring Training - 7
March/April/May - 5
June - 8
July - 10
Aug/Sep/Oct - 5 (post deadline won’t matter)
Off-season/Winter Meetings - 10
Simmed game Slider adjustments (make these two adjustments and save this set as your "Simulated Games” Set) Before you play your game load this set, then go to your calender and view todays games.....simulate every game except yours. Then load back in your (V1 or V2 whichever you use) slider set and play!
Dowie's Simulated Game Slider Adjustments
2023 modern day franchise play: (using OOTB "or close to it" rosters/attributes)
SP 2
RP 0
Hook 10
1998 season play: (using ATG's 1998 rosters)
SP 5
RP 5
Hook 5
Default sliders works great!!!
1984 or 1985 season play: (using ATG's 1984 or 1985 rosters WITH their rebranding set-up)
2 options:
If you care more about the total # of Complete Games being accurate:
SP 8
RP 6
Hook 0
If you care more about the total # of 200 inning pitchers being accurate:
SP 5
RP 5
Hook 7
Armor’s 30 Team Control Manifesto
So folks I seem to always get a lot of questions around 30 team control, is it for me, how much control do you use, why do you use it etc. So I want to talk about the why, how and pretty much what I do personally with my 30 team control universe in any of my proper Franchise’s that have full 90 man rosters. This does not apply to Classic Season Replays of 40 man rosters or 26 man rosters.
Why 30 team control? Well for me it comes down to these 3 key points
1) Lineup integrity and control - I want to make sure lineups are logical and maximizing every teams talent. This is subjective to the player as well. What I may think makes sense, you may do something differently. Always remember it is your universe and you can shape it any way you want.
2) Trade Czar - I love trading. But I hate dumb trades, like real doozy type trades that make no sense for the present or the future. And they do sometimes occur....of course it's totaly IMO. So if I see a trade that fit's my definition of "being bent over with no lube" I will simply reverse it. Now in the past we had a trade delay option. But for programming reasons (it was causing some issues in the trade engine apparently) it was removed on MLB 16. So to reverse a doozy of a deal simply trade the assets back to each respective team. The team that clearly got the strong side of the deal is the one you should propose the trade back to the team that was fleeced.
3) 40 Man Roster Integrity - I make sure I stay on top of each teams 40 man roster in terms of "A" and "B" prospects. Why? I don't want legit "A" and "B" prospects who are developing nicely to be exposed to the "Rule 5" draft. So Before September I make sure (and of course before the regular season starts) I go through each teams 40 and check out their "top" prospects and make sure I get them on the 40 man roster (if they are not on it) to protect them from exposure to the Rule 5 draft. Of course sometimes there is not enough room, because you do need a good mix of veterans at the AAA level to be on call for potential injuries. So this is a GM aspect I like to do. Plus it get's me familiar with every teams minor league system.
So I create one profile for my club with everything set to manual and then I have a profile called "CPU Franchise" which I assign to every team I do not want full control over.
Everything on this CPU Franchise profile is set to Auto except:
If I need to adjust a 40 man roster I will go in and do so on a case by case basis.
Again, it is about options and the ability to step in when I want/need to. I do not get overwhelmed with doing player training or scouting for the other 29 teams.
I simply just manage those 3 things I mentioned above.
And of course another perk is if I want to switch teams in a franchise at anytime....I can.
So here is my daily method with 30 team control
Simulate all games on the schedule for the day except my game. That way all the scores show up on my ticker when I play my game.
Monthly I will check every team's stat's, see who is performing well etc and I may make some lineup adjustments to other teams to capitalize on players performing better than expected.
Again it is your universe. Have fun with it. And don't over think it
Trades for your team - Trade deadline and Winter meetings I will look at the league and make logical deals and blockbuster trades as well and keep my league fresh and vibrant. Meaning......I let the CPU do what they do...I also will reverse what I deem to be a ridiculous completely unbalanced trade (rare), I will look at the standings near the deadline (in addition to turning up the trade slider to 10 in July and the Winter Meetings) and see who are buyers and sellers, who have guys that did not dice roll for an extension and will become outright free agents. It’s your universe so have fun with it!!!
Before July 31st (End of the trade deadline and after all trades have been consummated by all teams) I go to each team and look at their top 3 players up for an extension that are not arbitration eligible and not a renewable contract.
I use a random number generator (
0-33 I extend them to the max green contract demands they have in years in dollars.
34-100 whatever happens…..happens.
I only do this mid season every year.
Works nicely.
Player Editing Within Your Franchise Universe
So Warmwind has a nice set of house rules that I will begin employing in my off-seasons moving forward (30 team control only). Read below. I think it has great idea’s and will make your franchises far more dynamic!
I do edits, but based on rules.
1. I make position edits based on needs and profiles all the time. There are no consequences for doing this.
2. I'm allowed to trade 1 for 1 between a pitcher's durability and their stamina, but only during the off season. This can coincide with a position edit (RP to SP for example).
3. All players must be allowed to regress without edits if they are having a bad year.
4. For players under 34, I'm allowed to counteract regression, but only if they are having a good year.
5. For players under 36, I'm allowed to counteract half of the regression, but only if they are having a good year.
6. For players of any age, I'm allowed to counteract regression using a trade system, where points from one attribute are traded into another in order to keep it up. This can ONLY be used to counteract regression, cannot be used to boost an attribute higher then where it started the year at. Points taken from Durability are worth double, but it also costs double to keep Durability up.
30 Team Injury Generator/Consequence System
So we were chatting with Bacon and other Bacon franchise players about how MLB The Show’s injury system does not have enough “result of the grind” injuries for position players and pitchers. So we came up with this random number dice roll system that you can implement. I think it is a great way to really add a nice layer of strategy to your 162 game franchise and post season if you make it that far. So here is how it works. And it really takes less than 2 minutes to do for a player or pitcher in question.
Position Players:
If you ever get the notification from your coaching staff that a player can use a day off and you decide to ignore that and play them you take the risk of a minor to major injury. Of course if the game itself doles out an injury to them in the actual game.....well....go with it. So here is how it works. It is based on your players durability rating and two random dice rolls using:
When using the above random number generator (which you will find on the right side) set it from 0-100
Here is the Injury Matrix for both OSFM/SDS Rosters and a separate Matrix for Bacon’s Fictional Roster (which has universally lower Durability Ratings):
Durability Player Rating/Dice roll results
90+ = 0-10 results in injury
80-89 = 0-20 results in injury
70-79 = 0-25 results in injury
60-78 = 0-33 results in injury
45-59 = 0-45 results in injury
0-45 = 0-50 results in injury
Injury severity scale (you can assign whatever injury type you want based on length)
Dice roll/results
0-35 results in 7-10 day injury
36-50 results in 14-20 day injury
51-75 results in 20-45 day injury
76-86 results in 60 day plus injury
87-99 results in “out for the season”
Pitchers are a little tricky and require some effort on your part. Again this is entirely up to you. But this adds another layer of strategy and creates more storylines for your universe!
Starting Pitchers. When you start your game simply check your starting pitchers energy bar before you throw the first pitch. If the energy bar is less than full this could result in a fatigue like injury. So if you decide to use a starter with less than a full energy bar and he pitches 5 full innings or 80 pitches (whichever is higher and by that I mean if he goes 6 innings and 79 pitches you are good, but if he goes 7 innings and 80 pitches he goes into the injury Matrix below):
Pitcher Durability scale/result
80-100 :0-10 will result in miss next start
70-79 :0-15 will result in miss next start
60-69 :0-20 will result in miss next start
0-59 :0-35 will result in miss next start
For your bullpen. This will require you to eyeball this. And again it is up to you.
First off. A universal rule I use is if a guy is used 3 straight days they automatically go into the injury Matrix.
With your bullpen just use the same exact scale for starters and use it only if their energy bar is 70% or less. Their missed time will be 7-10 days if they get the dice roll not in their favor.
Mikeyo918’s 30 Team Control Sponsership Method and Approach
1. NYY - Earnings 12 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Active replay - 2.5K/hit, Walk up - 40K/win
2. LAD - Earnings 12.1 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25k/game, Active replay - 2.5K/hit, Walk up - 40K/win
3. BOS - Earnings 7.5 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 2.5K/hit
4. CHC - Earnings 8.6 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 3.5K/strikeout
5. SFG - Earnings 7.8 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 3.5K/strikeout
6. NYM - Earnings 7.2 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 40K/win
7. STL - Earnings 8.7 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 3.5K/strikeout
8. LAA - Earnings 7.6 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 2.5K/hit
9. PHI - Earnings 7.4 MIL (all diamonds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 40K/win
10. HOU - Earnings 8.1 MIL (1 diamond/1 gold)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 15K/homerun
11. WAS - Earnings 6.8 MIL (1 diamond/1 gold)
In game ticker - 25K/game, Walk up - 2K/hit
12. ATL - Earnings 6.1 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 2K/hit
13. TEX - Earnings 5.8 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 2K/hit
14. CWS - Earnings 6.8 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 15K/homerun
15. SEA- Earnings 5.5 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 55K/save
16. TOR - Earnings 4.8 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 15K/double play
17. SDP - Earnings 5.2 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 3.5K/run
18. ARI - Earnings 5.6 MIL (all golds for sponsor)
In game ticker - 20K/game, Walk up - 20K/stolen base
19. BAL - Earnings 4.4 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 1.5K/hit
20. PIT - Earnings 3.7 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 20K/win
21. DET- Earnings 3.8 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 10K/homerun
22. COL - Earnings 4 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 2.5K/run
23. MIN - Earnings 5 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 10K/homerun
24. MIL - Earnings 4.5 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 1.5K/hit
25. CLE - Earnings 3.3 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 10K/double play
26. OAK - Earnings 3.5 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
In game ticker - 15K/game, Walk up - 15K/stolen base
27. CIN - Earnings 4.4 MIL (all silvers for sponsor)
__________________ Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance
The Yankees had a very busy Spring Training to begin 2024. A couple of high school draft picks made a lot of impressions and have locked in positions on the 26 man roster heading into 2024.
Jacob Herzberg SS/2B (A Rated Prospect) - The "Herz Train" as he was called in his hometown of Parkland Florida was selected in the 6th round of the 2023 amateur draft from Marjory Stoneman Douglas which is considered the top 7A high school baseball program in the country. Winners of 3 straight State and National titles (2021/2022/2023) from Perfect Game, Max Preps and Prospect America he comes with a great pedigree (5’11 180 lbs) of being fundamentally sound and used to the grind of practicing and playing hard for a top program. More importantly high character and supreme mental toughness was deemed to be a huge strength. A team player through and through Herzberg brings sub 6.7 60 speed, a great line drive gap to gap approach, and an elite set of soft hands to vacuum up hard hit balls on the diamond. The Yankees saw his prowess quickly in Rookie A and High A and gave him a shot at AA near 2023’s season end where he shined vs MLB caliber pitching. In the spring he rocked at the plate hitting .360, stealing 4 bags and hitting 2 HR’s. He also made every single play sabe for one errant throw at SS and 2B. He clearly outplayed heralded 2nd year SS Anthony Volpe.
Hunter “Dumpy” Nelson C/OF (B rated Prospect) - Herz Train’s best friend who played at a rival high school was also taken in the 10th round of the 2023 Amateur draft. Hunter brings a 6’0 195 lb frame to the table and has shown sneaky power and a deadly arm from behind the dish. He does need to improve his plate discipline but he has shown an uncanny ability to call a game at the age of 18. Both he and Herzberg played together for 2 summers with their high school showcase teams and roomed together in rookie A, high A and AA as they moved up the ranks together. Nelson has won the backup Catcher job to Trevino over Austin Wells who was a former 1st round pick. Dumpy had some nice key hits in ST and showed he can throw out runners consistently. More importantly he developed great chemistry this spring with the Yankees big free agent signing of LHP Blake Snell.
GM Michael Sword was busy this off season making those draft picks and signing some key free agents to bolster the pitching staff.
LHP Blake Snell
LHP Josh Hader
RHP Marcus Stroman
Sword also pulled the trigger on trading away two disgruntled prospects.
SS/2B/3B (A prospect) Oswald Peraza was dealt to the Orioles for 3B/1B and former Stoneman Teammate to Herzberg Coby Mayo (A Prospect). Coby is on the 26 man roster and will be the primary backup to both DJ LeMahieu and Anthony Rizzo at 3B and 1B respectively. Mayo has a blue chip frame of 6’7 and 230 lbs and continues to develop his raw power and bazooka arm. A great deal for both teams.
CF/OF (B Prospect) Jasson Dominguez was dealt to another AL East Rival in the Boston Red Sox for another Stoneman High School teammate of Herzberg in CF/OF Roman Anthony (B Prospect). Anthony won the 2022 National Title with Herzberg and is now reunited with him. It seems GM Michael Sword loved what he saw from Herzberg and felt "let me grab some more of these Stoneman kids”. All of them are high character, team players with unquestioned work ethics.
The days of giving 16 year old prospects millions seems to have come to an end with GM Michael Sword taking over the reigns from Brian Cashman after the flame out of 2023.
The projected lineup/batting order for your NY Yankees for opening day:
SS - Jacob Herzberg
CF - Aaron Judge
LF - Juan Soto
2B - Glyeber Torres
1B - Anthony Rizzo
DH -Giancarlo Stanton
RF - Alex Verdugo
C - Jose Trevino
3B - DJ LeMahieu
Utility Oswaldo Cabrera
3B/1B Coby Mayo
C/OF Hunter Nelson
Gerrit Cole
Blake Snell
Marcu Stroman
Nestor Cortes
Carlos Rodon
LRP Luis Gil
MRP Victor Gonzales
MRP Tommy Kahnle
MRP Wandy Peralta
MRP Scott Effros
MRP Ian Hamilton
SU Jonathon Loaisiga
SU Clay Holmes
CP Josh Hader
The Yankees are set to begin their season tonight. Opening Day live on Twitch ArmorAndSword
At home vs the Giants to begin a 3 game set then the Phillies come to town before the Bombers head to Baltimore to face the strong and young Baltimore Orioles in Camden Yard.
Welcome to Yankees baseball on The Show 23!!!!
April 16th 2024
Yankees 15 games (6-9) into the season searching for some answers both offensively and in the rotation and pen
The Yankees are off to an uneven start to their 2024 campaign. A season opening winning series vs the Giants quickly turned into 7 game losing streak that found the Bombers asking some questions. They were able to get out of that funk reeling off a series sweep at Cleveland but now find themselves down 2-1 in a 4 game set vs the tough Twins.
Gerrit Cole 1-1 1.23 ERA 0.73 WHIP 22 Innings 29K’s
M.Stroman 0-3 5.30 ERA 1.82 WHIP 18.2 Innings 10K’s
So it has been a tough go so far but GM Michael Sword feels patience is key here. “We have a great mix of veterans and young guys and they are learning to gel together and play for each other. We are undergoing somewhat of culture change here in NY and learning about more small ball, contact hitting and the transition has been tough. I need these guys to be more patient at the plate and Booney and I have had long late night discussions about getting away from sabermetrics and back to basics. He is embracing that. I believe this team is ready to get their instincts back......start playing more loose and free but with discipline at the plate and getting in their work on off days in the cages.
We will get going here very shortly. If we can split here with the Twins....we have another 6 straight games at home vs the Angels and Blue Jays and all of a sudden we reel off some wins here.....we are right in the thick of it.....this season is a marathon not a sprint and the press needs to relax a little here.
We are just getting started.
A lot of questions have been aimed at Boone and Sword about starting rookie Jacob Herzberg over Anthony Volpe. A late rounder over a first rounder. Also we have seen some Coby Mayo and Hunter Nelson and it seems the Yankees have a strong belief in their youngsters.
Aaron Judge was quoted “Herz is a great kid and he is one of us.....he will surprise all of you....just give him some time. Also Volpe will play a role and he will need to be here and be successful for us to achieve our goals going term. We love our new young guys.....Coby and Dumpy (Nelson) are gonna also produce when needed”
The Yankees play the Twins tonight in the series finale with Gerrit Cole on the bump vs Pablo Lopez.
April 27th 2024 Yankees (14-12) Reel Off 8 wins in their last 11
Heading into the last game vs the Twins the Yankees were looking to even this series and get back on track. The Yankees had won 5 of their last 7 heading into this series finale with the 1st place Twins. With Gerrit Cole on the bump the confidence level was high for a Series finale win. But things simply did not start that way. 3 runs in the top of the 1st put the Bombers behind the 8 ball out of the gate. And by the time we reached the bottom of the 9th the Twins had a 5-3 lead.
With Twins closer Jhoan Duran in it looked bleak. But a lead off single from Anthony Rizzo followed by another single from Alex Verdugo gave the Yankees hope. 2 on and no outs enter struggling 2B Gleyber Torres.
He would jack a first pitch fastball deep to LF for a walkout 3R HR!!!!! Yankees win!
Here are the game results since that riveting walkout win vs the Twins
vs Twins W 6-5
vs LAA W 8-7
vs LAA L 8-4
vs LAA W 13-2
vs TOR W 2-1
vs TOR W 5-4
vs TOR W 1-0
@MIN W 5-4
@MIN L 5-4
@MIN L 6-5
@TEX W 6-5
The Yankees would head out on a road trip that started in Minnesota and my goodness. All 3 games were walk off’s. The Yankees would walk off game 1 5-4 then the Twins would dramatically walk off games 2 and 3 in the series.
The Yankees then headed to Texas and won game 1 of their 4 game series 6-5.
We will have a full April statistical recap as we come to a close in our first month of the season. on May 1st the Yankees come home to face the Guardians whom they swept in Cleveland.
We will have that April recap this weekend. In the meantime every single game is on Twitch!!! I hope to see more of you join us live for 2024 Yankees baseball Year 1!!
2024 Yankees Year 1 May Recap
The Yankees came into May struggling with an overall 14-15 record. SS Rookie sensation Jacob Herzberg has been struggling at the big league level, Anthony Volpe has been sent down, some injury issues happened in May with Cole missing a start, Stanton and Torres landing on the IL as well. However the Yankees finished May 17-12 and end the month winning 7 of their last 10 heading into June.
Also some very shrewed moves were made by GM Michael Sword:
The Yankees traded:
SP Nestor Cortes Jr
SP Carlos Rodon
3B/2B/1B DJ LeMahieu to the Marlins for
LF Bryan De La Cruz
SP Jesus Luzardo
Lizard has been struggling big time and the Marlins wanted to move on from him....they got two proven LHP’s as well as DJ in return.....but the Marlins were not as they then dealt DJ to the Mets who wanted a veteran utility bat for Catching prospect Kevin Parada. The Marlins also unloaded veteran bullpen arms to the Mets in that deal dealing J.T. Chargois and RP David Robertson.
Sword was not done either. He then turned around and dealt CP Josh Hamer and reunited him with the Brewers for:
CP Devin Williams
RP Joel Payamps
Then Michael Sword went to the wire and signed veteran 3B Justin Turner to fill the hole at 3B the rest of this season. He was signed to a modest 1YR deal.
So your current lineup heading into June looks like this:
Jacob Herzberg SS
Aaron Judge RF
Juan Soto LF
Giancarlo Stanton DH
Anthony Rizzo 1B
Glyeber Torres 2B
Just Turner 3B
Alex Verdugo RF
Jose Trevino/Hunter Nelson C
Here are your YTD player statistics for your NY Yankees
2024 New York Yankees Stats - HittingNAMEABRH2B3BHRRBIBBSOSBCSBAOBPSLGAaron Judge2314569802250126500.299.332.619Jacob Herzberg2183554901122259264.248.322.303Alex Vergudo207164911021654300.237.256.319Juan Soto19741621101946214900.315.408.660Giancarlo Stanton1832250301024196600.273.342.454Anthony Rizzo171254510092794400.263.295.480Gleyber Torres167223841925123800.228.279.425Bryan De La Cruz158254980521152523.310.368.456Hunter Nelson12811378121133600.289.305.414Anthony Volpe7855100203600.064.076.153Jose Trevino78418302552600.231.299.346Franchy Cordero41511402601300.268.268.5122024 New York Yankees Stats - PitchingNAMEGPGSWLSVQSHLDIPHERHRBBSOWHIPERABlake Snell12126208077.17131423791.223.61Marcus Stroman12112706072.29036722471.544.46Gerrit Cole12123306072.058271013850.993.38Jesus Luzardo11111503044.158311016511.676.29Jonathan Loaisiga2201110731.2331042241.112.84Domingo German552202028.1341432211.274.45Luis Gil812101024.1271136241.364.07Victor Gonzalez1503000224.11972219.0862.59Devin Williams24001170023.02613710321.575.09Clay Holmes1805110321.01562522.0952.57Joel Payamps18021001019.222954141.324.12Wandy Peralta1201120317.0201119111.715.82Clarke Schmidt511101017.01510111121.535.29Tommy Kahnle1201100211.2221452162.0610.80
__________________ Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance
Hardball Classics on The Show 23 Featuring Roster Creations by ATG Baseball, MK Knight, Bostongahden and more!!!
ATG 1985 Season Replay
The 1985 Major League Baseball season ended with the Kansas City Royals defeating the St. Louis Cardinals in the seventh game of the I-70 World Series. Bret Saberhagen, the regular season Cy Young Award winner, was named MVP of the Series. The National League won the All-Star Game for the second straight year.
The League Championship Series playoffs were expanded to a best-of-seven format beginning this year,[1] and both leagues ended up settling their pennant winners in more than five games, with the Royals beating the Toronto Blue Jays in seven games, and the Cardinals beating the Los Angeles Dodgers in six games. This was the first full season for Peter Ueberroth as commissioner.
There was a brief interruption during the regular season. The 1985 Major League Baseball strike occurred August 6 and 7, lasting only two days. The 25 cancelled games were for the most part made up later on in the season.
1985 was my golden age of baseball. I was 15 years young and an aspiring 3B. My favorite players from this era of baseball included Don Mattingly, Rickey Henderson, George Brett, Mike Schmidt, Wade Boggs, Tony Gwynn, Kirby Puckett, Roger Clemens, Nolan Ryan, Ozzie Smith, Andre Dawson, Tim Raines, Willie Randolph, just to name a few. Baseball was literally my life.
ATG Baseball has recreated both 1984 and 1985 with incredible detail and the love and passion oozes off the screen when you play this roster with all the rebrands and classic parks. I look forward to recreating this season and trying to change history for the 95 win Yankees.....yes 95 wins and they were on the outside looking in because back then.....only two teams from each league moved on the the post season. Back then the regular season meant everything. Not like today with 6 teams from each league advancing into the post season.
I will update this thread monthly with standings and stories from the year that was 1985!
__________________ Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance
__________________ Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance
We will back at it tonight playing Yankees spring training and testing sliders!!
Hope to catch some of you peeps on the live streams.
Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
In my first 2 spring training games with the Yanks I have seen no shortage of offense for the CPU which is encouraging . This is on default HOF. Love the smoothness of the game. Still feeling things out but loving it so far.
Absolutely love the new bat sounds. I remember reading when the game came out that people loved it or hated it. Sounds pretty realistic to me
__________________ Now Playing on PS5:
NHL25 - Panthers YR1
CFB 25 - Alabama YR8
MLB The Show 24 - 1990 Blue Jays
MLB The Show 23 - 1985 Yankees
Sudden Strike 4
Sniper Elite Resistance