
SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

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Old 06-30-2016, 09:46 PM   #249
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
I don't play online and I already have all the rosters I need, so your hypothetical actually wouldn't affect me at all. Hence, me not having a horse in the race still...
you are letting your self defined moral compass pull you in the weeds, get off the who is right and who is wrong here. The man is suppressing someone next time it could be you, as consumers everyone should come together and expect more transparency and corporate responsibility than is being shown. They do have a monopoly on the market after all...
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Old 06-30-2016, 09:59 PM   #250
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by elbomberoloco
I would think we all have a little horse in the race here. What if tomorrow you account is baned with no explanation? Please don't come back with, "oh I don't cheat not concern for me...", because cheating has not clearly been defined here.

Well, if they start banning offline franchise players (for...what? Because they can?), then, yeah, I'll just move on to OOTP (if The Show is a monopoly...does that mean OOTP is not a baseball video game?)

Or go back to playing MVP 05 or figure out how to get BBPro '98 working. Or that might be the final push I need to play PYS or Jikkyou (more baseball console video games).

I'll live and find my baseball video game fix if I have to play Baseball Stars with "modified" ratings.
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Old 06-30-2016, 10:04 PM   #251
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by oski96
I agree with this. I am very certain that if the actual transactions histories are analyzed, it will be fairly easy to differentiate an accidental use of the glitch and an intentional one - the transactions in question will look very different for each of these groups.

Which makes you wonder why they either didn't do that in the first place (analyze the user "fingerprints", so to speak), or if they did...why did they catch innocents in the first place?

I know in mobile games when stuff like this comes up, they have logs of what the players did so they can "trace the clues" and see what happened. I remember asking support of a Japanese app game (no I don't know Japanese - they understood the google translated message evidently and I used that to translate their response), and they were able to tell me exactly what I was doing, when I did it, and if the result was intended or if I got a bug.

I would imagine SDS could do the same thing, but I guess not?
"Some people call it butterflies, but to him, it probably feels like pterodactyls in his stomach." --Plesac in MLB18
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Old 06-30-2016, 10:14 PM   #252
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Good grief this is getting interesting. Good thing I'm an offline only player.
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Old 06-30-2016, 10:45 PM   #253
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by dickey1331
Good grief this is getting interesting. Good thing I'm an offline only player.

I play online only but don't touch the DD stuff.
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Old 06-30-2016, 10:48 PM   #254
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

I can understand people's frustration here. When I first read about these bans I was at work thinking "I hope I didn't get banned." I had not done anything against the rules but from reading these threads it appears others were not aware if they were doing something against the rules either. I have flipped cards and I have used the website so I thought it was possible I could have been banned. But fortunately I was not and don't have to deal with what some of our peers are dealing with.

The show is literally the only reason I owned a PS3 and now the only reason I own a ps4. I would be very disappointed if I were unfairly banned from playing my favorite game and a game I support annually. I just think we should not rush to judge anybody, put ourselves in their shoes, and see where this goes before casting any aspersions.

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Old 06-30-2016, 11:24 PM   #255
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

I'm listening to Pitching Rebel's segment of the Ban Tapes now. I don't know how many stubs he is accused of gaining from the exploit, but the information he provides is somewhat vague. How many of the transactions were closer to 8,200? If 20 were for 8,000 that's 160,000. That's not chump change to me.

Now if I would do an exploit like this, I would spread out the transactions. Make a couple of small bids so later I could say 'why would I even do that?' I would think that the huge transactions would be an instant red flag. Instead, I would flood these bogus transactions with thousands of legit ones, using both the console market and the mobile market equally. Make it look like an accident, as they say. And if you ever do get caught, you'll probably get away with a slap on the wrist.

But I would never do something like that.

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Old 06-30-2016, 11:45 PM   #256
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by HeavySaucer
I'm listening to Pitching Rebel's segment of the Ban Tapes now. I don't know how many stubs he is accused of gaining from the exploit, but the information he provides is somewhat vague. How many of the transactions were closer to 8,200? If 20 were for 8,000 that's 160,000. That's not chump change to me.

Now if I would do an exploit like this, I would spread out the transactions. Make a couple of small bids so later I could say 'why would I even do that?' I would think that the huge transactions would be an instant red flag. Instead, I would flood these bogus transactions with thousands of legit ones, using both the console market and the mobile market equally. Make it look like an accident, as they say. And if you ever do get caught, you'll probably get away with a slap on the wrist.

But I would never do something like that.

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lol. Do you know how stupid that sounds?

Yeah,"I'm going to to hide these few cheating transactions by making thousands of legitimate ones that end up making 1000x more stubs than the cheat to begin with."

"Since I assume that I will be caught, I will make sure to plan this out real good so that I can explain it away later and get my permanent ban overturned."


Last edited by oski96; 06-30-2016 at 11:49 PM.
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