First, to the forum moderators it isn't my intention to violate forum rules by posting a separate thread about manage mode. If this should be in a different thread or not posted at all let me know.
From the 2/7 blog
There are several things which should result in big changes to manage mode gameplay although they aren't exclusive to manage mode but since that's the mode I play I'll post what I saw which impacts manage mode gameplay.
Ball spin will be a major change, probably one of the biggest changes ever. The video gives mutiple examples.
Russell: "There are hundreds of thousands of new possibilities this year."
Russell: "
Physics is tuned usings real world world video and measured home run distances, accurately modeled to path of flight, temperature and altitude effects."
What catches my attention is temperature. I believe this is a new development.
It's not surprising the study shows offense increases during warm weather. For people who make slider sets, especially in manage mode, they might want to take this into account. If you only test the first week of the season you will probably get unrealistically low offense.
Humanity AI
Russell: "We are injecting more AI into the game this year. The AI will behave even more like a human." Examples relevant to manage mode included outfielders not always running to the exact spot on balls hit off the wall and throw decisions. There are also pitcher step off animations but I don't know what impact that will have on manage mode.
Since manage mode is AI vs AI this is another major development.
New catch and throw system
Russell: "New, more sophisticated system and hundreds of new animations. You will no longer have to worry about players taking their time when they shouldn't, timing issues with on the run catches which result batters beating out routine plays, lobbing throws or throws coming out too hard at short distances...all new multi-branch system."
We don't know whether they have made any specific changes to manage mode but these are all potentially big, positive changes which will impact manage mode.
I also noticed no bullpen mounds in Wrigley so it appears new Wrigley changes made it into the game.