
MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & More

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Old 05-11-2017, 08:43 PM   #33
hampshirestags's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

Recognition of an error and a token of good faith. Regardless of your story, an effort was made. Jeter cap tip. Game recognizes game.
"for love of the game" - B. Chapel
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Old 05-11-2017, 08:45 PM   #34
seasprite's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

Originally Posted by underdog13
90% of other games have much better servers so they don't have to make appologies.

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I'm not giving them a pass for the servers, they have been awful. How many games that have had terrible servers and other major issues have given anything like this? Just saying that it's not a nothing gesture and honestly anything they would have given wouldn't be enough for many.

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Old 05-11-2017, 08:52 PM   #35
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

Originally Posted by Black59Razr
It shouldn't affect prices since they're giving away both free money and free goods. Example, if a pack of hot dogs cost $5, and you give everyone free hot dogs, hot dog prices lower to $4. Alternatively, if you give everyone free money, the $5 hot dogs increase to $6. This fiat system is held together solely on confidence anyway, so it's just as worthless as a Federal Reserve note.

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Makes sense. Thanks

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Old 05-11-2017, 08:54 PM   #36
848's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

I am happy with 11k stubs and a 10 pack, that is very generous of them considering they weren't obligated to hand out anything at all. Fixing the servers would've probably been enough compensation for alot of folks

But I thought they could've used this opportunity to get creative, and maybe gave out a new Gold or Diamond starter mission pack to each user. That would've been a cool way to do it, giving everybody the opportunity at a nice card but you still have to earn it by playing the game. Of course these card are non-sellable so it wouldn't have affected the market in any way

Either way, I can't complain with what they are offering
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Old 05-11-2017, 09:02 PM   #37
BigOscar's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

Originally Posted by kehlis
Time is money?

How would you have made money in that time you spent playing a video game?
Well it could very easily be argued that for most people, a baseball games lifespan is pretty much the baseball season, so maybe 6 months (obviously some people play longer, but for the vast majority it's the season). So if you pay upwards of $60, maybe even $100 for a game and it doesn't work acceptably as advertised for the first month, that's cost you money, especially if you've paid extra for additional online content for a mode with serious issues. (obviously to most people, they've been able to still find something to enjoy on the game, but people are still well within their rights to feel otherwise)

Also, people can argue that "they don't have to give you anything", but they absolutely do from a PR standpoint if they want any chance of getting a lot of people to buy their game next year, as this launch will have done them serious harm on that front. This isn't some magnanimous gesture of apology, it's an attempt to buy back some goodwill in the hope of not losing too many customers.

They've done what they feel they had to do and it's up to the individual customers to decide whether this is enough to put faith in them next year.
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Old 05-11-2017, 09:05 PM   #38
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

this is pretty cool of them doing this.....theres gonna be a ton of cards on the auction block now
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Old 05-11-2017, 09:10 PM   #39
kehlis's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

Originally Posted by BigOscar
Well it could very easily be argued that for most people, a baseball games lifespan is pretty much the baseball season, so maybe 6 months (obviously some people play longer, but for the vast majority it's the season). So if you pay upwards of $60, maybe even $100 for a game and it doesn't work acceptably as advertised for the first month, that's cost you money, especially if you've paid extra for additional online content for a mode with serious issues. (obviously to most people, they've been able to still find something to enjoy on the game, but people are still well within their rights to feel otherwise)
I get that, the game costs money to buy, very obvious to even the most novice of posters.

Again I ask though, since the complaint was Sony can't give them back their time, which was then followed by "time is money."

Instead of spending time to play a video game which you already paid for, what would you have been doing during that time instead to make money?
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Old 05-11-2017, 09:25 PM   #40
BigOscar's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Apologizes For Server Issues, Giving Users 10 Standard Packs & Mo

Originally Posted by kehlis
I get that, the game costs money to buy, very obvious to even the most novice of posters.

Again I ask though, since the complaint was Sony can't give them back their time, which was then followed by "time is money."

Instead of spending time to play a video game which you already paid for, what would you have been doing during that time instead to make money?
I think most adults put a value on their time, I know I do.
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