
Year 2 Schedule

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Old 04-07-2020, 02:09 PM   #17
ReturnoftheTmac's Arena
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by countryboy
No I'm telling you politely either to tell SDS how to fix the issue since you seem to know how easy it is, or shut up.

Either one is fine by me.
Wow.... very if you don’t like my country get out vibes. It’s clearly and issue in the game and bringing it up is how we get issues fixed correct? He’s not getting paid to make the game. He paid for it and is a consumer who is stating a clearly valid criticism of the game. I mean not having rotating schedules if you play multiple years is kind of immersive killing, no?
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Old 04-07-2020, 02:14 PM   #18
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by ReturnoftheTmac
Wow.... very if you don’t like my country get out vibes. It’s clearly and issue in the game and bringing it up is how we get issues fixed correct? He’s not getting paid to make the game. He paid for it and is a consumer who is stating a clearly valid criticism of the game. I mean not having rotating schedules if you play multiple years is kind of immersive killing, no?
Nobody is claiming its not an issue. All franchise players are frustrated that it hasn't been fixed.

But to come in and tout that its easy to fix when you have no clue as to how the coding/development process of that portion of the game works, is really ignorant.

I don't care how Madden does its schedule. I don't care that other baseball games are/were able to do it. That has nothing to do with SDS and the fact they don't have it.

Nobody is saying its impossible to do. What I am saying is that its likely not an easy fix, since it hasn't been fixed already, and the fact that SDS tried and it caused issues, helps further that opinion.
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Old 04-07-2020, 02:32 PM   #19
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by BigOrangeVol4Life
Madden has other serious flaws of its own, but I’d at least like to have schedules from the past from the time the Astros moved to the American League until now. Just keep repeating them in the same sequence from year x until the 2020 season schedule.
This is actually a good idea I hadn't thought of. They already did the 2018 and 2019 schedules in the past two iterations, and you would only need three years of schedules to cover all Interleague matchups, so keep repeating those same schedules -- use 2018 schedule for 2021, 2019 schedule for 2022, etc.

Have no idea if this is even possible or whether they tried it, but worth tossing out there.

I wonder if future calendars make this impossible to do or cumbersome, in that maybe they'd have three-game series running from Thursday to Saturday, travel day on Sunday, or oddities like that. But I'd take that just to have a little variety in opponents.
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Old 04-07-2020, 03:13 PM   #20
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by onegroove7
The truth is it's a business and these companies will cut corners wherever they can to increase profits. Until there is enough people complaining about a particular issue, there is no reason to fix it. That's why its broken. Not because they are incapable of doing anything about it.
again, not ‘broken’ . it isn't the way we would prefer it but it works as intended. and plenty enough people already have complained, so many as to have SDS look into implementing it and, as you say, it's a business. and it isn't cost efficient to change it.

so now your only real alternative to complaining is to not purchase again until. and until there is enough people not purchasing for this particular issue there is no reason to change it.
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Old 04-07-2020, 03:23 PM   #21
ReturnoftheTmac's Arena
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by countryboy
Nobody is claiming its not an issue. All franchise players are frustrated that it hasn't been fixed.

But to come in and tout that its easy to fix when you have no clue as to how the coding/development process of that portion of the game works, is really ignorant.

I don't care how Madden does its schedule. I don't care that other baseball games are/were able to do it. That has nothing to do with SDS and the fact they don't have it.

Nobody is saying its impossible to do. What I am saying is that its likely not an easy fix, since it hasn't been fixed already, and the fact that SDS tried and it caused issues, helps further that opinion.

Fair enough. It just seemed kind of dismissive but I understand where you’re coming from. The other poster if right, if it bothers you enough then don’t buy the game which is the route I’ve gone...(for now)
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Old 04-07-2020, 03:43 PM   #22
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

How many people complaining about this actually play more than 162 games to get to season 2 in one cycle in the first place? And if you sim games...why does it matter to you since you aren't actually playing them? This isn't a text sim, it's an action RPG.

In my opinion, it's like the people needlessly crying about accurate lineups in roster threads in a year where there are no actual real life lineups - it's being obsessive for the sake of being obsessive. That said, let's ask a few questions:

- Is it true-to-life in its current state? No, it is not.
- Should it be fixed? Yes it should.
- Is it really that big of a deal when it constitutes such a small percentage of games in a fictitious future schedule that the vast majority of us will never play? IMO...no it isn't. (Obviously this is where I differ from others here).

I can see the forest from the trees and there are WAY bigger needs for franchise mode that could dramatically improve the experience within franchise and likely at the same cost in manpower/costs as this one little thing that has very minimal impact on how the mode actually functions.

I've said my piece here....I know I'm not going to change any minds...but that's where I stand on the matter.
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Old 04-07-2020, 04:23 PM   #23
ReturnoftheTmac's Arena
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by JoshC1977
How many people complaining about this actually play more than 162 games to get to season 2 in one cycle in the first place? And if you sim games...why does it matter to you since you aren't actually playing them? This isn't a text sim, it's an action RPG.

In my opinion, it's like the people needlessly crying about accurate lineups in roster threads in a year where there are no actual real life lineups - it's being obsessive for the sake of being obsessive. That said, let's ask a few questions:

- Is it true-to-life in its current state? No, it is not.
- Should it be fixed? Yes it should.
- Is it really that big of a deal when it constitutes such a small percentage of games in a fictitious future schedule that the vast majority of us will never play? IMO...no it isn't. (Obviously this is where I differ from others here).

I can see the forest from the trees and there are WAY bigger needs for franchise mode that could dramatically improve the experience within franchise and likely at the same cost in manpower/costs as this one little thing that has very minimal impact on how the mode actually functions.

I've said my piece here....I know I'm not going to change any minds...but that's where I stand on the matter.
I like to do 30 team control and just go around playing random games throughout the season. It takes fun out of it for me when I get to year 2 on and it feels like I’m replaying the season. Also, it’s fun getting different matchups each year. But it just depends on how you play etc. it can be a big deal to people and I think they have every right to feel that way considering it is wrong.
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Old 04-07-2020, 04:59 PM   #24
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Re: Year 2 Schedule

Originally Posted by ReturnoftheTmac
it can be a big deal to people and I think they have every right to feel that way considering it is wrong.
They do have that right..but everyone has something that "is a big deal" to them with this game. I just think people (in general) need to see the forest from the trees and realize where their "big deal" fits into the grand scheme of things.

Whenever I get a little obsessed with something, I ask myself one question. "If this is the ONLY thing that was fixed for the mode in a full development cycle; would my enjoyment of the mode be greatly enhanced" 99% of the time when I ask myself that question, the answer is a resounding "No"....that tells me that I need to just stop worrying about it.

It's entirely subjective, but if we are honest with ourselves, the answer to that question can be quite illuminating about defining when we're being obsessive for the sake of being obsessive and when it is genuinely something that we care about.

Want to take it a step further? Ask yourself if you genuinely think that a fix to that particular issue (whatever it is at the time) is something that would greatly enhance the experience for everyone else.

If you can, in good faith, answer those questions...you'll begin the process of truly triaging what this game (and mode) really needs now and what can wait. (My guess....that list will differ wildly from you expect)

Not asking you to do that exercise with respect to this topic....but just food for thought.....
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