
So Was Ronnie2k Right?

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Old 09-18-2022, 03:37 PM   #33
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

As of now it has potential to topple 2k11.

Only patches can ruin this game.So far we've had i may be counting wrong but at least 2 traditional and 5 roster/tuning updates which didn't dumb down the game instead improved the PNR abuse compared to last years help defense disaster.

The bad news is people have started to cry on twitter that the shooting is too hard,grinding too much and asking for a easy peasy game overall.

We'll see if 2K can show some backbone or giving up as every year's tradition.
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Old 09-18-2022, 03:59 PM   #34
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

Originally Posted by Vni
2k11 is 12 years old at this point. You have to account for 2k fatigue, you getting older and maybe less enthousiastic about video games. It's hard to compare games based on memory or how much you've played them.
As one of the older heads here, I don't think that It is age as much as having a flexible mindset. Some people simply have a really hard time adjusting when mechanics aren't exactly in their comfort zone.

That is with both gameplay and modes.

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Old 09-18-2022, 07:44 PM   #35
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

If they want to leave shooting the way it is then fine I guess. But the interior defense is laughable right now. That alone cannot topple 2k11 on the ganeplay pedestal.

Content wise though, MyEra was huge. I'd give this 2k the nod in the content department.
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Old 09-18-2022, 07:59 PM   #36
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

Originally Posted by Vni
2k11 is 12 years old at this point. You have to account for 2k fatigue, you getting older and maybe less enthousiastic about video games. It's hard to compare games based on memory or how much you've played them.

2k11 was a lot of hype. It was a game, sure, but it had a lot of goodies. That was the first year they started doing feature stuff and they got MJ, so it's like OK.

I'm not happy with the speed of the game, exactly, but I do like how they made it so that you can't block from behind very easily, etc. WHOLE NEW SHOOTING/CONTEST system that rewards good timing. I can go up a lot of the time haha. I can pretty much make any shot as long as the defense doesn't block me or completely smother me. It might not be consistent, though, but that's what you need. The green thing is starting to hurt my eyes, but yea, it's really a huge step forward in terms of being able to actually cook people. I didn't make a guard and it will be a long time before I do, but when I do, it's gonna be a cook u build, and I'd never make a build like that in any game (sucks hard when you don't get the ball, for one.) However, they've really made shooting fun. The whole interaction of players offense/defense has taken a huge step. Unfortunately, a lot of the same moves before that moment can be used and put you in the optimal situation to make use of the new mechanics.

Still, way better than 2k has ever been. I say that even though my dude is massively OP. I see the game around me. I am still getting dunked on. I rarely got dunked on last year. I'd be pounding people, but now you really need to get them right. I'm there, but yeah I've gotten dunked on.

I like that the D is softened. You can still apply max D pressure you just have to do at the right moment!

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Old 09-18-2022, 08:23 PM   #37
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

Originally Posted by Cowboyfan_19
If they want to leave shooting the way it is then fine I guess. But the interior defense is laughable right now. That alone cannot topple 2k11 on the ganeplay pedestal.

Content wise though, MyEra was huge. I'd give this 2k the nod in the content department.
Interior defense is easy fix on user side by just bumping help defense slider this year.Last year it was a horrible dunkfest that cannot be fixed with any slider configs.

Help Defense slider is set to 0 and still not fixed after many patches/tunings as of today even Czar admitting that he had forgoten to put a base value of 50 before game release . I think this decision is deliberately been made because they know if they up the value they'll upset the comp players as they want no help defense whatsoever even if you burn their rim with dunks.
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Old 09-18-2022, 10:16 PM   #38
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

As long as they don’t nerf the defense. That’s kind of nerve wracking thinking they can. Defense is in a place right now where if they dumb down the AI or make defense weaker in any way, we can approach 2K21 levels of bad and exploitable defense.

Defense is in a good spot now. It can be as weak as you want or you can bump up AI logic to make it properly difficult and challenging. But it’s so dependent on AI logic that if they dumb that down even a little bit, it can ruin the GOATED game.
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Old 09-18-2022, 10:44 PM   #39
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

Originally Posted by AIRJ23
As long as they don’t nerf the defense. That’s kind of nerve wracking thinking they can. Defense is in a place right now where if they dumb down the AI or make defense weaker in any way, we can approach 2K21 levels of bad and exploitable defense.

Defense is in a good spot now. It can be as weak as you want or you can bump up AI logic to make it properly difficult and challenging. But it’s so dependent on AI logic that if they dumb that down even a little bit, it can ruin the GOATED game.

I mean currently I can get about 20 dunks a game with guys like MJ in the Jordan modes, or T-Mac in the era modes.. defenses is pretty *** IMO.
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Old 09-18-2022, 11:23 PM   #40
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Re: So Was Ronnie2k Right?

So my positives and negatives regarding this topic..

I absolutely love the sheer volume of content we have. The era modes, classic teams, all that makes this hands down the best 2k ever for those of us who love the ability to play different eras throughout history. Even though I think the naming of it all “Magic vs Bird era”, “Jordan era”, “Kobe era” (which is lol in itself) is massively corny I love the implementation of it all. To me a 80’s, 90’s, 2000’s would have been WAY less cheesy, and possibly made room for expanding to 70s, or 2010s.. but regardless I love that aspect of it and everything that goes with it.

Aside from that I don’t think this game is just unanimously the best I played. Outside the specific “modes” they still left lots of issues. We can’t change coaches still in editing rosters, CAP is broken, custom rosters in some play now modes are broken, the whole headband/face/hair feature is still dog**** even though it’s better than no options at all.. just lots of areas for improvement here that while some of them aren’t glaring issues it’s enough to piss me off knowing it exists in other modes. That little detail tends to annoy the hell out of me more so than some options just not existing at all because you KNOW they are capable but once again gave roster makers who like PN Off-Line a big “mehhhh” yet again.

Jordan mode… so idk if it’s because it’s been done before, or that my Jordan nostalgia meter just gets lower as I get older, or both, but I’m not really loving the Jordan mode. It was fun for a bit, and initially I wanted to grind through it and wait for more rosters, draft classes, courts, etc to be finished to really dive deeper into the era mode. But after a few games I just don’t find it even remotely fun. It was cool to grab screenshots and get the initial “holy ****” at all the players and details, but the game play…. Nah

It feels very over scripted with outcomes. Ewing launching shots over the backboard all net because the game is SUPPOSED to be super close. Expecting to drop 63 points with like 5/6 minute or however long quarters. Which I did easily. But I started intentionally fouling late in the game to try and push OT because I needed a couple more assists for 3 stars. Only to watch Bird go like 2/8 from the FT line? Because I’m SUPPOSED to win. Which is fine but then jump into the next game and the next goal is just “hey shoot as many times with MJ as you can”.. and I just quit after a couple minutes because I literally just grinding through launching 40-50 shots in 20-25 minutes right before that.

So is this the best 2k ever.. in some ways yes but for me in others no. Overall it’s not the most “fun”
I’ve had paying the game. But it’s easily the most excited/happy I’ve been as a guy who loves pretty much every era of NBA basketball and gets to scratch that nostalgia itch. This gives it all from that perspective.. I just find myself having more fun taking screenshots and catching random things like the Rodman free-throw thing than actually playing the game thus far. Which is both cool and a bummer given I was pretty hyped to replay through the Jordan mode with new additions.

Really with the era mode stuff was available outside the era mode. The replay ability with completely rosters from that would be insane. Or are those rosters available outside of that and I just wasn’t aware? Somebody confirm lol.
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