
Pump Fake fouls...

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Old 12-08-2014, 02:39 PM   #17
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Re: Pump Fake fouls...

Originally Posted by bumpyface
I agree. You can't go by your defender while they're in the air after the pump fake because of the tackling animations. My guess of why this was implemented was to reduce pump fake cheese. 2k has a bad habit of altering gameplay to try and reduce cheese instead of just making a playable game. I believe this is why they removed the online lobbies so that players couldn't target weaker opponents and build ridiculous winning records. I think 2k needs to just make the game as balanced as possible. You can't stop cheese or cheaters. Someone will find a glitch regardless. Also, 2k needs to address the silly charge calls that take place in the restricted. I've had more than one occasion where I've pulled down a rebound and turned and got called for a charge. My player didn't even take a step. While I'm on subject 2k needs to add a protect the ball stance for when you pull down defensive rebounds.

I protect after nearly every rebound by hitting triangle.
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Old 12-12-2014, 02:25 PM   #18
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Re: Pump Fake fouls...

Originally Posted by Rell7thirty
Dude (or Dudette), you're talking about real life here. I think we all know the rules to getting free throw shots in the NBA.

What OP means is that you get sucked into the pump fake foul animation. Even after you get your defender in the air, your player gets sucked into the animation.. You can't shoot it while he's mid air.. You just get tackled to the ground and there's a foul call.

So no, it's obvious you don't get free throw shots without leaving your feet or shooting toward the rim.. But we also don't have the ABILITY to shoot after the animation of our defender leaving his feet to foul you.

For the record, I don't mean a regular pump fake where the defender goes straight up and down and you can dribble around him. I'm talking specifically what OP mentioned, getting sucked into the "pump fake, foul" animation. You can't shoot the ball once he's mid air and about to tackle you to the ground.

If there is a way to jump into his foul, please let us know how you do it and provide video evidence.

Another thing the game doesn't do is allow continuation during a driving foul. We can't take any steps after a foul is called and you can't chuck it to the rim in order to go the foul line.

I haven't made one 4-point play yet, and I've been playing everyday since release.

Lol I can't believe there are people explaining the NBA rules. We know them.. That's not the problem. The problem is the animation you get sucked into. Also, when you play in Blacktop mode, and you get fouled like that, the ball just goes out of bounds and it's your opponents possession.
Uh.. I realized that.. Which is why I said " if you were able to fake the defender into the air then JUMP into him THAT would be a shooting foul... but the animation of simply pumping and staying on the ground while being fouled doesnt count as such"

It's obviously an animation issue.. But the way the animation is presented u can't call it a foul
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Old 12-12-2014, 03:37 PM   #19
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Pump Fake fouls...

The real problem with the pump fake is that you aren't allowed to complete the pump fake and the foul occurs while you are in the shooting (faking) motion. The computer knows you input a fake with the controller and so its a foul on the floor.

In real life, you'd go to the line because the official can't read your mind to know you intended to fake and were fouled during a fake. It looks like a shot attempt to them and it's a shooting foul.

This is why I think it should be a foul in 2K.

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Last edited by Coach2K; 12-12-2014 at 03:41 PM.
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Old 12-12-2014, 05:44 PM   #20
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Re: Pump Fake fouls...

Originally Posted by www.Coach2K.com
The real problem with the pump fake is that you aren't allowed to complete the pump fake and the foul occurs while you are in the shooting (faking) motion. The computer knows you input a fake with the controller and so its a foul on the floor.

In real life, you'd go to the line because the official can't read your mind to know you intended to fake and were fouled during a fake. It looks like a shot attempt to them and it's a shooting foul.

This is why I think it should be a foul in 2K.

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Exactly!.... The problem before was that the defender never had a penalty for crazy running close out on a open shooter. He could turbo close out on a shooter. Get pump faked into the air. Land... And then jump up again to block the shot. Or effect the shot in some way. With the foul animation in place. Your a little more worried of turboing on a close out. Because there is a chance you might draw a foul. (Had a friend foul out LeBron doing this)

What I kind of wish they brought back thought in this situation is the pump fake into drawing the shooting foul thing an offensive player could do. But it was super cheesy. If only they could of found a balance. Oh well....
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Old 12-12-2014, 06:07 PM   #21
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Re: Pump Fake fouls...

Originally Posted by StrictlyForBuckets
I actually had this happen to me a few times while playing last night. In each instance, I pumped and the defender left his feet and I got a foul call. Happened 3 times in 2 games, two of them were shooting fouls.
Seen this a few times last night in the Rec Center & the park. My teammate or I would get knocked down & get the foul called on us
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