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Old 09-14-2016, 02:22 PM   #97
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by RNS1hunnid
You gotta be trolling right????

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He has the game he'd know more than you lol
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:24 PM   #98
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by WTF
He and Andre Wiggins need a new face.
Yeah that Wiggins is deplorable. I saw a lot of comments flying around already so held off on the joke pic for him haha.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:26 PM   #99
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by MarkWilliam
Amen. It's always reminded me of that "glass shattering" joke in How I Met Your Mother. Once you know, you can't "un-know" haha.

Also love OS, but just find that in order to maximize the experience (that we painstakingly await with such graceful patience) you have to just find out the flaws at your own pace.

2K16 lasted a bit longer for me in doing this.

Of course, there's a flip side. 2K15 was dead in the water for me once and some nice constructive threads re-invigorated it for me. But even a thread name can make you notice something negative haha.
Those are the worst! Especially when they appear in the main forum index.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:30 PM   #100
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by 23
I actually feel bad for the dudes trying to defend the game.because they're about to get OVERWHELMED.

I'm collapsing this thread and going back to the nba forum

Gonna be adios amigo
I realized years ago that there is no use defending a AAA game (unless its one I'm helping with "Go Buy UFC 2!").

People are going to complain about NBA2k17. Years ago, i would be here going back and forth about trivial things. But I'm old now. The game is what it is. Millions of people are going to buy the game no matter what is said here. NBA 2k18 will be released next year.

So with that being the case, i'd rather let people complain (even if its wrong or overblown) than debate it anymore.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:36 PM   #101
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Came in looking for one thing:

The Cavs jerseys have that #GoldTab.

I slightly peeped it on Ky, but it was Clear as day on Bron.

Day one buy.

(was gonna be anyway, but still. lol)
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:38 PM   #102
Johnnythelegend's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by aholbert32
LOL. This is so true.

My enjoyment factor was so high last year when I ignored this forum after release. When I came back around a month ago, I didnt recognize 3/4ths of the problems that people were talking about. Why?

Because I dont notice most of the "minor" issues with the game. I had no idea that Dwight Howard had fat legs in the game until a month ago and I probably played with and against Howard 20-25 times last year. I promise you I wouldnt have noticed Wiggins arms if it wasnt for this thread.

Those things dont stand out for you when you are playing broadcast mode. Even if I noticed something like that my response was typically "Player X's cyberface looks off...oh well".

Dont get me wrong. I love OS. So much so that I think Steve should give me a cut of its profits. But I've found that my enjoyment increases the less I'm here after release. I'm playing Madden now and while I'm sure there are major issues with the game that I'm not aware of, I'm loving the game because i have no idea about them.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
That's so true man lol. I think i am gonna do just that. People here complain about so many stuff that isn't that important to me and i don't think i'd notice it. First guy that comes to my mind is that Bucks fan that complain about the color of Giannis' pube hair. Maybe i'll visit sliders section, that was really helpful with 2k16, but i think i'll stay away from the general section.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:45 PM   #103
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by Johnnythelegend
That's so true man lol. I think i am gonna do just that. People here complain about so many stuff that isn't that important to me and i don't think i'd notice it. First guy that comes to my mind is that Bucks fan that complain about the color of Giannis' pube hair. Maybe i'll visit sliders section, that was really helpful with 2k16, but i think i'll stay away from the general section.
Sliders and Rosters section still get visits from me after release. Those forums are 95% constructive.
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Old 09-14-2016, 02:45 PM   #104
scottyp180's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Momentous Trailer

Originally Posted by aholbert32
LOL. This is so true.

My enjoyment factor was so high last year when I ignored this forum after release. When I came back around a month ago, I didnt recognize 3/4ths of the problems that people were talking about. Why?

Because I dont notice most of the "minor" issues with the game. I had no idea that Dwight Howard had fat legs in the game until a month ago and I probably played with and against Howard 20-25 times last year. I promise you I wouldnt have noticed Wiggins arms if it wasnt for this thread.

Those things dont stand out for you when you are playing broadcast mode. Even if I noticed something like that my response was typically "Player X's cyberface looks off...oh well".

Dont get me wrong. I love OS. So much so that I think Steve should give me a cut of its profits. But I've found that my enjoyment increases the less I'm here after release. I'm playing Madden now and while I'm sure there are major issues with the game that I'm not aware of, I'm loving the game because i have no idea about them.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
1000% agree. There have been times I come to these boards after a game releases, a game that I am fully enjoying, and then I read some threads and comments and I almost feel embarassed for liking the game. I'll read comments like "the game is broken", "the game is a disaster" and I'm like "is there something wrong with me for enjoying the game? Have I become a 2k sheep/fan boy?"

I've come to understand that it's just a combination of factors and basically my expectations are more easily met than others. Much like you I would never notice something like a player's legs being too thick and even the issues I do notice I can typically live with them. I think the only time I was extremely disappointed at launch was with 2k10(if I'm not mistaken). It was the year where there was a terrible frame rate, lag issue that made playing offline feel like you were playing online with a terrible connection. Luckily the issue was fixed with a patch.
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