
Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

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Old 10-07-2016, 01:11 AM   #41
nrc125's Arena
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Re: Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

Originally Posted by thormessiah
Haven't played that much MyCareer in 2k17 but in 2k15, Doug Mcdermott was the guy I gave all the crap to on the Bulls team. The problem with Doug is that it appeared as if someone fully convinced him before each game that he would become M.J personified once he stepped on the court. Unfortunately for him, Dougie didn't even start, he came off the bench. So he resolved to fix this by putting up as many shots as he possibly could during his brief time on the floor. Whatever lead I had managed to build up against the ultra-cheesy HOF AI, Doug made sure he had effectively erased by the time I returned.

Mcdernoop as I liked to call him, was a walking talking brick-laying machine with the shooting IQ of-that's right- a brick. Square bricks, rectangular bricks, off the rim and over the backboard bricks, you name it, Mcdermott Bricks and Tiles Unlimited had it hot and ready to deliver.On fast breaks, instead of spotting up in the corner, he'd make a beeline for the basket and demand the ball. He would attempt to post up much bigger stronger players on the low block, even though he had no post moves whatsoever. I also had the misfortune of seeing Doug "isolate" his match-up various time throughout the end of a quarter. Doug would tentatively dribble the ball at the top of the key, give several unconvincing hesis to try to "shake" the opposing player then pull up for his favorite patented shot, the fadeaway contested 3, which of course was a certified brick. Our generic 2K coach seemed to share Doug's illusion of greatness because he would occasionally demand we run the offense through Mcdermott. I would work hard and long to free Mcdermott up with screens and plays, only to watch him wait until the AI had closed out on him to shoot the low quality contested shot, because in Doug's philosophy contested shots were the only shots worth taking. Layups didn't exist in Doug's world, the pull-up 5 footer was always the way to go. Did my 5 footer get blocked? Grab the board, spin and attempt a fade this time. Doug didn't seem to care if he had missed his previous 25 shots (which he probably had) or if his other teammates were open and or calling for the ball. The ball was currently in the hands of the best player on the court and he was going to shoot it period. On the rare occasions where he actually made the shot, Mcdermott would celebrate so long and vigorously that his matchup would end up getting a wide open look at the other end, thereby erasing whatever basket he had just made. Somehow Doug would always find himself on the court during late, close game situations, which meant that I was basically playing 4 on 5 and at a heavy disadvantage. More than once did Mcdermott put up the game losing shot, always under heavy defensive duress.
As revenge, neither I nor the rest of the team would provide Doug with any help in isolation situations against stars like LeBron, PG-13, or Durant. Therefore it was almost routine but very enjoyable to watch the foolish Mcdermott get used and abused by superstars just about every other game, although it certainly didn't take a superstar to burn Doug. One pump fake and he was flying through the clouds. But I'll leave his defense for another day.
You made me laugh like a mf

On PS4.
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Old 10-07-2016, 06:17 AM   #42
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Re: Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

Omg same bro lol Tyreke has flashes wear he plays really well and team oriented on my career but then it's time where he tries to do to much and ball hog
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Old 07-04-2019, 10:30 PM   #43
JayCutlersCig's Arena
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Re: Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

An old post, but...I gotta get it off my chest.

Went back to 2K17 during the Finals because of that basketball itch, made a Playmaking PG and got drafted by the Kings. Left there to go to Utah. The two worst teammates in MyCareer history for me: Justice Young and ****ing Joe Johnson.

Both of them are liabilities on Superstar mode. Gordon Hayward was injured and Johnson got most of the starts. He's awful. Horrible. Terrible. I can't even fully express my hate for him. His favorite hobbies include staring at potential rebounds and giving up easy drives to the basket.

Justice Young is flat-out garbage. Trash. He has a 94 3PT rating and his 3PT % is 12%, his overall FG is 28%. He always gets lost on pick and rolls. Doesn't know how to space the floor. Loves to follow me into the corner on a fast break when I'm pulling up for 3.

Wish I could pull a Lebron-Chalmers on them both. Sheeeesh.
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Old 07-04-2019, 10:50 PM   #44
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Re: Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

Let's see, as far as 2k19 goes:

Shot/Sharp: I'm on year 6 on the Cavs, and we have Frank Mason on the team coming off the bench. He is absolutely horrible. Dude is literally just a body on the court, and he can't hit the broad side of a barn. Luckily, he's the only teammate that I don't like.

Lock/Sharp: Year 1 with the Lakers. I cannot STAND Michael Beasley. Dude breaks the play everytime he touches the ball, and goes rogue like he's prime Kobe or something, and fails 90% of the time.

Pure Lock: Year 2 with the Blazers. When I was on the Rockets in year 1, James Harden is literally the sole reason I asked to get traded by game 15 of the season. He takes shots like a damn Rec random. Has quite possibly the worst shot selection that I've ever seen from anyone, ever. I could only take so many games of watching him go 4-21 before I had to get the hell up out of there.
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Old 07-05-2019, 01:51 AM   #45
JayCutlersCig's Arena
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Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

Here’s my list of most loved/hated from the 2Ks I’ve played.

2K13: Alec Burks/Corey Maggette

2K14: Derrick Favors/Andris Biedrins

2K15: David West/Chris Paul

2K16: Skipped

2K17: Derrick Favors or Gordon Hayward/Joe Johnson or Justice Young

Haven’t played 18 or 19.

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Old 07-05-2019, 08:39 AM   #46
Vic_Clancy's Arena
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Re: Who is that teammate that you hate on your mycareer team?

Love this thread.

Currently, with my playmaking PG, I can't stand Jamal Cawford on the Suns. My dude doesn't make anything.

Last year, I had a love/hate relationship wiht Shammy. On pro/all-star, dude was a star. On superstar and above, all he would do is chuck up and brick 3's.
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