11-25-2016, 09:25 PM
With ACE, tuner tweaks, patch updates and roster updates, how important are the slide
I completely changed my strategy after 2k15 and started to adopt a minimalist approach to sliders and just adjust shooting and tendencies mostly (foul sliders are a given). It's eliminated most of the frustration I used to have with some of the gameplay changes since I play almost exclusively offline.
Should 2k start reducing the number of gameplay sliders now that we have so many other things affecting gameplay regularly? Most of the feedback I see in the forum makes me feel like a lot of the user/CPU sliders are superseded by the global changes made by the devs anyway.
I guess I would prefer something more tangible for the user and less cumbersome with the whole slider process. Maybe take a page from hockey or football (not sure if I can mention any other companies in here!) :-) I like the simpler slider set (especially for hockey) and when I change something I really see an impact with gameplay.
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