
NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

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Old 08-29-2017, 04:01 PM   #129
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

Originally Posted by Kstat
Thanks. I was just making sure there wasn't any unnecessary AI switching involved. Good transition D actually makes for smarter transition offense because there isn't random switching all over the place and there's more of a rhythm. Thanks for the explanation.

One last question: does this apply to made baskets as well? Cherry picking the AI in this regard was still a major issue last year.
Only if there's a numbers advantage somehow.
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Old 08-29-2017, 04:03 PM   #130
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

Did you all identify and change the way your teammates reacted on defense, leading to way too many backdoor baskets (both on the break and in the half court set)? I know that defensive breakdowns happen, but not all of my teammates are James Harden, allowing open lanes while staring into oblivion, lol.
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Old 08-29-2017, 04:04 PM   #131
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

Upgraded from "no buy" to "must buy!!!!"
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Old 08-29-2017, 04:05 PM   #132
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

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Old 08-29-2017, 04:13 PM   #133
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

Originally Posted by WTF
Did you all identify and change the way your teammates reacted on defense, leading to way too many backdoor baskets (both on the break and in the half court set)? I know that defensive breakdowns happen, but not all of my teammates are James Harden, allowing open lanes while staring into oblivion, lol.
Yup! this speaks to my initial paragraph on going back to the fundamentals. We looked at back doors and rub actions immediately. Adding cutter help and proper position loads on particular sets helped even more. You know how spread the game is these days, much different from 8-10 years ago. We had to adapt just like the league is. Five, good spacers is still going to cause the same issues that it would in the league. That's why I mentioned how important your offball positioning settings this year.
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Old 08-29-2017, 04:14 PM   #134
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

Originally Posted by scottyp180
Every year we get the "2k.5 upgrade" comments. I guess some people expect the game to look completely different each year which is unrealistic. I feel like a lot of improvements and changes with 2k aren't things that immediately jump out at you. Take these clips for example. If we weren't told what to look for and what was updated a lot of us would probably be wondering if this was 2k17 or 2k18.

For me the changes are most evident once you play and spend a little time with the game. Graphical changes are most evident once you are watching it on TV. The feel is typically noticeable right away. Some years if feels the same or similar, other years there is a noticeable difference in feel. But the biggest changes usually surface after spending time with the game and being able to determine what would or wouldn't happen the previous year. That's where changes presented in this blog will show there face.

The more granular we go with the improvements the more nuance will be needed in trying to dissect the videos and replays after you have the game. Questions like what level is being played and what where the defensive settings will all need to be considered before declaring something isn't working.

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Old 08-29-2017, 04:16 PM   #135
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

BTW - Once this game is in your hands I would love to do some morning or late night "film sessions" to break this down even further. If that's something that would interests you, let me know.
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Old 08-29-2017, 04:16 PM   #136
isdatyt's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K18 AI Improvements Blog From Scott O’Gallagher

Originally Posted by DolfanDave
You are correct, this is a legacy PNR issue in the Bill Simmon video and acting like it's a new great defense ai improvement because Simmons can't shoot. No player leaves a defender in this manner when the ball is on the strong side or top of the key. This defenders runs to the middle of the paint and stands under the goal as soon as someone calls a PnR .

The AI is overreacting to the PNR call as he is under the goal before the pick is even initiated and it is a 3 second violation but 2K modified the code from last year so they can camp in the paint longer rather than fix the player running into the paint like a madman because in the early days of 2k17 too many 3 second calls was happening due to this but like Jay z would say "ok"
First off, this is not 3 seconds. If you look at the shot clock, it's barely 3 full seconds. It goes from 9-6 which isn't necessarily indicative of 3 full seconds, and you can see the defender begin to slide out as it approaches 3 full seconds.

Also many real defenses, even in playoff games have players they treat as non-factors from 3. Ben Simmons has shown to be one of those players attempting only 3 three pointers in his last full season of basketball while making one. He's probably rated in the high 50s at best as a 3 point shooter and can afford to be ignored on the perimeter. Tony Allen and Roberson come to mind as guys who have been completely ignored by defenses when they are behind the line.

How the Warriors started ignoring Tony Allen and completely shut down Memphis' offense

Here is a full video of literally no one guarding Roberson

I get the concern, but to me this clip doesn't heighten those concerns. I'm sure the CPU defender has logic in place to not leave Klay or KD this open.
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