
Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

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Old 09-12-2017, 08:28 PM   #113
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by GSW
I don't think it has anything to do with greed.

Maybe a poor design decision if anything...but adding the hyperbolic layer and calling it sinister and greedy is just not based in fact and its obviously stirring up other people to do the same.

All that being said, I am big on communication and when they aren't communicating it makes things look and feel worse.
I would air on the side of slight greed. the reason i say this is because for one I'm not talking about the devs when i say greed. I'm talking about their bosses, bosses. its a business and money has to be made. "guys how can we squeeze a few more pennys out of these vc purchasers?"
"uhhh dont let them see the attributes so they will create more players trying to figure out which is the best build?"

"excellent idea..hey devs take out the attributes so they can't see them."

^^that could easily have been a legit conversation.

Remember They showed us some of the attributes each bar would boost last year. so dont believe they just miraculously forgot.

And if you think they dont do things on purpose. please explain to me what Reaction Time does? have they ever admitted to it working for your player in some manner while you're pplaying with your guy, not while your guy is simulating thru my career games or while your guy is controlled by the Cpu if you lag out or grade out of a pro am game.

What does Offensive Consistency do? does it actually work when you're controller your my player or is it something that only works when your guy is controlled by the cpu or when you're simulating a my career game?

how is it that we still dont have the answers to those simple questions about the same old attributes?
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Old 09-12-2017, 09:17 PM   #114
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

First of you people who don't think that this isn't intentional, idk, no offense, but you're the reason that stuff like this happens. The companies are out to drain you 24/7. Stop making excuses for these companies that they themselves aren't even doing... They know what they are doing.

Terrible. Terrible. Terrible 2k. You already have the numbers, a simple patch would address this in 5 min. Or, wait for it.. come out and clear the air, but we know that the only reason for this is vc greed plain and simple,,. But to fix it would be to admit the greed..

2k, just do the right thing here, folks gave in long ago and bought upgrades which used to be free, accessories which used to be free, and now haircuts,, Lmao and after all that, you want to add 180+ archetypes and tell people to blindly buy the upgrades. This is a new low. People were already going to buy it, not to mention multiple players/accounts.

You may as well be the governments now. How the hell do you people sleep at night?.Nevermind I found the answer, comfortably on a bed of money.

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Last edited by whatitisinsports; 09-12-2017 at 09:20 PM.
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Old 09-12-2017, 09:22 PM   #115
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by splashmountain
I would air on the side of slight greed. the reason i say this is because for one I'm not talking about the devs when i say greed. I'm talking about their bosses, bosses. its a business and money has to be made. "guys how can we squeeze a few more pennys out of these vc purchasers?"
"uhhh dont let them see the attributes so they will create more players trying to figure out which is the best build?"

"excellent idea..hey devs take out the attributes so they can't see them."

^^that could easily have been a legit conversation.

Remember They showed us some of the attributes each bar would boost last year. so dont believe they just miraculously forgot.

And if you think they dont do things on purpose. please explain to me what Reaction Time does? have they ever admitted to it working for your player in some manner while you're pplaying with your guy, not while your guy is simulating thru my career games or while your guy is controlled by the Cpu if you lag out or grade out of a pro am game.

What does Offensive Consistency do? does it actually work when you're controller your my player or is it something that only works when your guy is controlled by the cpu or when you're simulating a my career game?

how is it that we still dont have the answers to those simple questions about the same old attributes?
This guy gets it. All that dumb guessing about badges and extra attributes,, ridiculous.

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Old 09-12-2017, 09:33 PM   #116
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by infemous
I'm pretty sure the 'bigger' and 'sinister' reasons are one and the same - greed.

If it was an oversight they wouldn't be saying 'just make your build however you want' and also answering on twitter 'what speed for speed boosting' and if they took it out intentionally with no desire to patch it they are straight up scamming their customers.

I can't understand what grounds they could offer up that would make this sort of action justifiable in anyone's eyes.

The naive and justifiable action probably was "if we don't show them, people will make more unique builds and we will have more diversity on the court" it's naive because they 1. Didn't think people would complain 2. They didn't think people want to min/max

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Old 09-12-2017, 09:37 PM   #117
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by splashmountain
If this is the first time you noticed the issue. then you probably have no plans of playing pro am at a high level or ranked pro am(on a team).

If you do. you will get destroyed off the lack of ability in certain areas sitting around wondering why your guy is just allowing some other guy to kill him off the dribble or dunk all over your head even though you're playing what should be good defense, or why you can't grab a board even though you're in perfect position and boxing out like crazy.

Ratings + Badges will out do smart fundamental basketball if the opponent isnt a complete idiot. So you need to know where your guy stands in the ratings and each stat section.

The fact that your attributes are hidden. It doesnt just mean you dont know whats being upgraded. it means you dont know when you messed up and spent VC on one area that had only a +1 on one attribute. vs a +1 on multiple attributes vs +2 on one and nothing on the others or +2 on all 3 attributes all at once.

You have no idea. people will surely end up wasting VC choosing the wrong thing and only finding out after the fact.

The worse thing that could happen is for people to get 2k in this idea of chasing to get to 99.

There's only one 99 any of us really want and thats 99 in every single category (which wont happen.)

so my chase to max my guys cap out. means I want to know where its worth it to touch a certain bar.
"Ratings + Badges will out do smart fundamental basketball if the opponent isnt a complete idiot. So you need to know where your guy stands in the ratings and each stat section."

I play proam but the above quoted sentence is why I simply don't care that much right now. I'm waiting for the day when it's the opposite.
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Old 09-12-2017, 09:40 PM   #118
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by splashmountain
I would air on the side of slight greed. the reason i say this is because for one I'm not talking about the devs when i say greed. I'm talking about their bosses, bosses. its a business and money has to be made. "guys how can we squeeze a few more pennys out of these vc purchasers?"
"uhhh dont let them see the attributes so they will create more players trying to figure out which is the best build?"

"excellent idea..hey devs take out the attributes so they can't see them."

^^that could easily have been a legit conversation.

Remember They showed us some of the attributes each bar would boost last year. so dont believe they just miraculously forgot.

And if you think they dont do things on purpose. please explain to me what Reaction Time does? have they ever admitted to it working for your player in some manner while you're pplaying with your guy, not while your guy is simulating thru my career games or while your guy is controlled by the Cpu if you lag out or grade out of a pro am game.

What does Offensive Consistency do? does it actually work when you're controller your my player or is it something that only works when your guy is controlled by the cpu or when you're simulating a my career game?

how is it that we still dont have the answers to those simple questions about the same old attributes?
I can confidently say that wasn't a legit conversation.

I think your idea of big business is warped. That's where my comments come in.

now if you were forced to buy VC to even play ProAm/MyCareer...you might have a point.

You aren't forced to buy VC...that's a choice. You are in control over the choice. They even give you an option to play the game to acquire VC.

You don't have to buy VC...You DON'T. HAVE. To Buy. VC.

The design decision could have been made because they want you to play the other modes to EARN VC. Right? Or maybe that doesn't fit in with the sinister narrative about them being greedy.

I'm simply providing a counter point.

Last edited by GSW; 09-12-2017 at 09:52 PM. Reason: use to buy
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Old 09-12-2017, 09:53 PM   #119
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by Chemthethriller
The naive and justifiable action probably was "if we don't show them, people will make more unique builds and we will have more diversity on the court" it's naive because they 1. Didn't think people would complain 2. They didn't think people want to min/max

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I got this vibe as well but consistently thought they couldn't have possibly been that naive. It's why I noted earlier I thought this was out of character for 2K and the Dev's silence speaks volumes.

If this is something as simple as "wait until the retail version is available and you will be able to see your caps", they would have said it already.

The idea that they're doing this so we potentially make a mistake on our build is unsettling. I already spend more on 2K than I have on any game ever. If my first player ends up being a dud (as it has for three years running now), perhaps I'll go back to Madden. They have online team play now, too.
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Old 09-12-2017, 09:54 PM   #120
hyretic's Arena
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Re: Inability to see attribute numbers on upgrade screen

Originally Posted by GSW
I can confidently say that wasn't a legit conversation.

I think your idea of big business is warped. That's where my comments come in.

now if you were forced to use VC to even play ProAm/MyCareer...you might have a point.

You aren't forced to use VC...that's a choice. You are in control over the choice. They even give you an option to play the game to acquire VC.

You don't have to buy VC...You DON'T. HAVE. To Buy. VC.

The design decision could have been made because they want you to play the other modes to EARN VC. Right? Or maybe that doesn't fit in with the sinister narrative about them being greedy.

I'm simply providing a counter point.
So if we earn 200,000 VC (or however much it takes to finish upgrading a MyPlayer) instead of paying for it, and the build turns out to be not what we were expecting, we're supposed to feel okay about that time wasted? No money spent, so we should just be happy right?
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