
Simnation are y'all still around?

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Old 07-30-2018, 04:52 AM   #369
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Originally Posted by Junior Moe
I'd love love to watch some skilled "sim" players utilizing the options Czar and OG have given us. The my player eleague stuff isn't for me. I get it. It's just not my cup of tea. I'd much rather see someone employing some cool strategies utilizing the strengths and weaknesses of the real teams. That's skill to me. Someone taking the Kings and destroying folks because they know the team so well. I'd watch that. I watch a lot of CPU v CPU (I may be in the middle of a game and start preparing dinner or something) gameplay and it's pretty good.

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yeah me too is there someone who play like this??? i just want to watch, Youtube account?? only the people using "Broadcast Cam", cant watch people using 2k cam sorry, the realistic part is gone from that view, in my personal opinion.

any list? thank you in advance.
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Old 07-30-2018, 09:33 AM   #370
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Originally Posted by WTF
I just want defense to react appropriately. I don't know if I've even seen the CPU bite on one of my head fakes on HOF difficulty.
I gotta say, I REALLY feel this whenever I post up. I do drop steps, head fakes, up and unders, fake baseline, fake middle etc. AI literally doesn't react at all 90% of the time. Then I take the shot and they jump the very second I release the ball. Feels like it's coded and linked to mirror my moves down there......
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Old 07-30-2018, 10:16 AM   #371
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Feels like it's coded, because it is coded,

User input = Instant CPU response

Case in point, I got hot with Wiggins last night, running a great offense, and running him off of screens, freeing him up for mid range jumpers like crazy somehow. They sent the double, didn't matter, I was killing it.

Seeing as how I scored 16 straight with him, you'd think the defense would be all about taking that away from him. I'd come off of screens, and try to pump fake to draw the defender up in the air, and they didn't bite at all. They knew I wasn't shooting, lol. I just want them to react realistically.

If I'm guarding someone, and they're killing me off the jumper, I'm going to aggressively attack them, to try to get them out of the rhythm. My coach used to tell me to put them on their ***, make them worry about shooting the jumper.
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Old 07-30-2018, 10:27 AM   #372
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Yeah there definitely are times where it could feel more organic in this regard I feel.

My mind immediately darts in the "band aid fix" area when the AI just mirrors my offensive moves without fail. Like a band aid fix to make more shots contested which results in more missed shots and more realistic shooting percentages.... it's almost a speculative gripe but apparently not just by one person....
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Old 07-30-2018, 12:06 PM   #373
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Originally Posted by mfdoom911e
yeah me too is there someone who play like this??? i just want to watch, Youtube account?? only the people using "Broadcast Cam", cant watch people using 2k cam sorry, the realistic part is gone from that view, in my personal opinion.

any list? thank you in advance.
I'm with you, broadcast for life; even in MyCareer. I imagine that there are some Youtubers like that. I only use YouTube to watch Wrestling with Wrwgrets reviews of old pay per views. Sadly, you might have to try them all and trudge through the over the top guys to find it.

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Old 07-31-2018, 02:53 AM   #374
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Originally Posted by WTF
Hey Czar, since you're perusing the forums, what did you think about the suggestion of having a CPU reaction slider, to eliminate the 1:1 reaction to step backs, etc? It will eliminate the psychic feeling that comes w the super AI and allow a more natural looking reaction.
I like the concept for sure. That would be something to get in Mikes' ear about. OG made a change recently that may enhance that in our current game but to get it put in the front-end where you guys can see it would be up Mike's alley.
Catch me on that #SimNation #SimHangOut Friday's @ 10:00 pm est https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...N7yxMiElOpMl_B
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Old 07-31-2018, 03:00 AM   #375
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Originally Posted by LorenzoDC
I'm trying to think how to manage the collection and presentation/summary writing of such a thing. I think it would need a high level executive summary backed by specific items.

Czar, if someone were to create an invitation access only google spreadsheet or I could even do it with a survey monkey form, and organize the data in columns to gather things like, off the top of my head, game mode, issue summary (2-3 sentenced tops), recommendation summary (2-3 sentences tops), issue details (more text allowed) video link(s), contributor name/pseudonym, contributor contact email. . . that could collect a lot of data.

The thing then would be to provide some review and cluster the items into categories (presentation, game play, archetypes, etc.) and create/write some kind of high level summary. The output would then be a spreadsheet of data and some amount of summary text as pdf.

My question to you, Czar, is how critical would it be to create that kind of high level summary? Would it need to be created for just the dev audience or would it need to be targeted as well to the business types who approve budgets? Would we need to offer to partner with some higher audience people like Mazique ot Sam Pham to publicize 2K's collaboration with #simnation people, and in doing so offer promotion, or is that the kind of precedent 2k would rather not set?

Just spitballing here.
I think targeting it towards just dev's initially would be best. If we are able to get buy-in from the dev who owns the feature then they can request further info if needed to put out any executive fires.

The key is to be extremely specific without turning it into a gigantic unattainable wish-list. Also, think in terms of how long you have seen it take us to implement new things. So if it is a bigger change what would you want to see over a 2-3 year implementation of that change? If that makes any sense?
Catch me on that #SimNation #SimHangOut Friday's @ 10:00 pm est https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...N7yxMiElOpMl_B
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Old 07-31-2018, 03:04 AM   #376
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Re: Simnation are y'all still around?

Originally Posted by WTF
Thus the need for a slider. Customize it as you see fit. In my eyes, having the defender react in a 1:1 reaction time, is unrealistic. I get what you're saying, but having the on ball defenders reaction a tad slower, makes relying on adequate help defense even more prominent. On the offensive side, watching for the help d to rotate and finding the open man would open up the floor for quality shots. Make the help defense react and help on ball.

I'm not saying slow them down much at all, but enough that it's not cheesy. That's one of the biggest reasons for the lack of open baseline jumpers, which you see quite a bit in the league. As you input the control to pass for the jumper, the CPU has already read it and reacted, fully contesting the shot.

I just want defense to react appropriately. I don't know if I've even seen the CPU bite on one of my head fakes on HOF difficulty.
Also key to note, if this were super easy it would have been done by now. Looking at this a solely a hoop issue makes it seem simple but even if we gave you the slider there is no guarantee that the issue you think it will fix is actually even in that system.

But again these are not my areas I am just thinking out loud here.
Catch me on that #SimNation #SimHangOut Friday's @ 10:00 pm est https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...N7yxMiElOpMl_B
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