
Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

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Old 02-21-2019, 06:27 AM   #1
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Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

I've come across too many terrible teammates, there needs to be some type of warning vs these types of players:


Gamertag / Mode

- JohnnyKilroi, JRC. All this guy did was ball dominate for 20 sec of the clock, go 2 for 9 with terrible defense, and buddy ball with his equally trash teammate. We lost by 15. This buds for you Johnny.
- Sad Guy Seebs
- martinT15, JRC. Omfg. That guy that calls for the ball 24/7. Took away about 10 CPU points by calling for the ball. Also took 100 contested shots. You'd think his trash record would make him stop playing. Nope. Dudes absolute trash.
- I Uncle Ruckus I. Worst PG ever
- cucopuffz1300 / JRC - overall a p.o.s. in every way
- CallMeSotelo / JRC - hands down the worst scum trash I've ever had as a teammate. First he ballhogs for 20 seconds of the clock, shoots 20% taking contested 3's with 2 guys on him. Then when we stop passing to him the ball he throws the game. We still only lost by 4 playing 4vs5. Dudes pathetic. Avoid.
- RichDinosaur (I think) / JRC. 100% Clueless
- ForRightNow76 - Uses Broadcast camera

- *Any player with under 30% winning percentage. Just give it up man this game ain't for you... play another mode.


mbless1415 - Is interested in utilizing the WNBA in 2k20

Last edited by Keith01; 02-21-2019 at 05:19 PM.
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Old 02-21-2019, 07:02 AM   #2
Bulletproof86's Arena
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

I would rather put the Delayer on the black list! This Game is a paradise for them.

"Talent win games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships..."

- Michael GOAT Jordan -
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Old 02-21-2019, 10:10 AM   #3
tru11's Arena
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

naming and shaming might get ya banned lol
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Old 02-21-2019, 11:35 AM   #4
Pokes404's Arena
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

So according to this article (http://www.vgchartz.com/article/3932...eek-at-retail/), 2K was estimated to have sold 1.23 million copies at retail in the first week. That doesn't include digital sales or any sales made after the first week. So we can safely assume that number is quite a bit bigger, if not significantly bigger. But we'll just go with that number anyways.

So now, let's just say that a third of the people who play 2K play the park/pro am at least occasionally. And now, let's assume that out of every 40 of those players, 1 of them is a bad teammate (1:40 or 2.5%). These are all just guesses, but reasonable ones, I would argue.

That means that this list would contain 10,250 names. I don't know about you, but I'm not going to go through and cross check that many names before every park/pro am game. The point is, you're probably better off just letting it go and playing the next game.
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Old 02-21-2019, 02:06 PM   #5
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

Hold on. Let me add my name to the list...

ForRightNow76 (XB1) - Uses Broadcast camera.
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Old 02-21-2019, 02:10 PM   #6
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

Lmao. This idea isn't bad at all but it'd be impossible to keep up with all the bad players in this game. It's so many its ridiculous. SMH
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Old 02-21-2019, 02:53 PM   #7
mb625's Arena
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

Originally Posted by ksuttonjr76
Hold on. Let me add my name to the list...

ForRightNow76 (XB1) - Uses Broadcast camera.
I'm going to have to do the same:

mbless1415 (PS4) - Is interested in utilizing the WNBA in 2k20
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Old 02-21-2019, 03:17 PM   #8
Iasounis's Arena
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Re: Can we start a black list of park / pro am players to never run with

Originally Posted by Keith01
I've come across too many terrible teammates, there needs to be some type of warning vs these types of players:


Gamertag / Mode

- JohnnyKilroi, JRC. All this guy did was ball dominate for 20 sec of the clock, go 2 for 9 with terrible defense, and buddy ball with his equally trash teammate. We lost by 15. This buds for you Johnny.
- Sad Guy Seebs
- martinT15, JRC. Omfg. That guy that calls for the ball 24/7. Took away about 10 CPU points by calling for the ball. Also took 100 contested shots. You'd think his trash record would make him stop playing. Nope. Dudes absolute trash.
- I Uncle Ruckus I. Worst PG ever
- cucopuffz1300 / JRC - overall a p.o.s. in every way
- CallMeSotelo / JRC - hands down the worst scum trash I've ever had as a teammate. First he ballhogs for 20 seconds of the clock, shoots 20% taking contested 3's with 2 guys on him. Then when we stop passing to him the ball he throws the game. We still only lost by 4 playing 4vs5. Dudes pathetic. Avoid.
- RichDinosaur (I think) / JRC. 100% Clueless

- *Any player with under 30% winning percentage. Just give it up man this game ain't for you... play another mode.

Wow. You really are something.

A list of bad players according to who? You?

No wonder the 2k 'community' is considered one of the worst in gaming.
PSN: KarlMarx24
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