
Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

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Old 07-11-2020, 01:04 AM   #705
tru11's Arena
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

Originally Posted by Caelumfang
Nice way of dancing around your own quotes posts, for something that ‘wasn’t your suggestion.’ You LITERALLY said ‘solo queues into solo first, then queue with a squad if it doesn’t find anyone in 5 minutes’, then say ‘Oh it’s not a solo queue, that’s not my suggestion.’ You were literally quoted saying something that you claim you didn’t say. You really have 0 clue what you’re saying anymore.

What’s the point of all the bitching and complaining if NOTHING CHANGES from the way it is now?

As it stands right now, you go in solo. Matchmaking adds you to 4 randoms, you alone w/ two 2-man squads, 3 randoms w/ 2-man squad, 2 randoms w/ 3-man squad, or you alone w/ 4-man squad. There isn’t **** your ‘new’ suggestion changes with the current system, other than 5-man squads not being in there. And I already explained why a 5-man squad only Rec wouldn’t be viable.

At this point, you’re bitching for the sake of bitching. You’re talking in circles.

After that, you can have it bro. You can sit in here and circle jerk with the three or four in here out of thousands of people and cry to your heart’s content.

The change is in the matchmaking.

In the matchmaking code to be exact.

Players dont decide the que they are placed to, matchmaking makes that decision for them.

If you cant tell the difference then it simply goes way over your head and you should stick to what you actually know.

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Old 07-11-2020, 01:13 AM   #706
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

Okay FG and Tru, let me clue you two in about gaming, because apparently you two (and whoever the hell else is reading this) don't get it.

2k gives your asses FOUR MODES to play: A casual Park, a competitive Park (Ante-Up), a casual Pro-Am (Rec), and a competitive Pro-Am. Pick one. Hell, go play Cages. If you don't like one, go pick another. What the hell else do you want 2k to do? But at a certain point, you're not going to always be protected. It's as simple as that.

In ANY SORT OF ONLINE COMPETITIVE GAME, people are GOING to bum-hunt. 2k, COD, Battlefield, Street Fighter, Pokemon, and whatever else you want to add. It ****ing happens, and it will ALWAYS happen. It's been a part of online gaming from the very beginning, and likely will never change. Every game isn't going to sit back and coddle people who continuously cry and get their feelings hurt because 'the big bad bullies keep beating us!' Get the hell over it. Everyone can't be ****ing coddled and protected on every single front. Some people will always find a way to circumvent the system, whether it's purposely lowering/dropping their rank, starting new profiles, playing mostly in the casual/unranked lobbies, etc etc. You can NEVER 100% stop it from happening, so stop thinking that you can. There are wolves in every community, deal with it. At some point in time, you are eventually going to have to come across these wolves, and the game can't protect you.

I'm an old-school gamer, and I pretty much know that it comes with the territory. I'm from the era before patches, and when you got your *** killed in a game, YOU STARTED FROM THE VERY BEGINNING because there were no save points, AND I survived and thrived in the original XBOX LIVE 360 lobbies (quite sure a lot of you would wilt under that level of utter ruthlessness). So my mentality is much different than yours, which is why I don't give a **** if a challenge pops up (a squad in Rec). I'm not gonna sit here and bitch about it like a 6-year-old. If you don't like it, either leave the goddamn lobby, play another mode, or play another game altogether. Or MAYBE, just MAYBE, get better at the ****ing game, or go find your own clan/squad/group to play with. It's not that ****ing hard. If you aren't completely garbage at the game (I'm REALLY starting to wonder about some of you), SOMEBODY will pick you up. Then guess what? You can happily go set the example and go jump in Pro-Am and never play Rec again. But I bet you that won't happen, will it? All that **** you all talk, and I bet your asses will be right in the Rec WITH YOUR SQUAD.

I bet if you jump on COD RIGHT NOW, you will eventually run into a clan/squad with the same clan tag, and they'll happily be in Team Deathmatch/Kill Confirmed/Ground War/etc BUM-HUNTING. Or jump on Battlefield, and you will eventually run across that one lobby with a full *** clan BUM-HUNTING. Jump on the unranked Street Fighter lobbies, and I'm willing to bet every dollar I have that you'll eventually come across some high-ranked players BUM-HUNTING and stomping y'all the hell out. And I'm willing to bet there's some Pokemon or Smash Bros regional champion stomping out little Georgey right now in an unranked lobby getting his rocks off.

This isn't advocating, defending, or being Pro-Bum Hunting, (highlighting it so you can understand) but IT HAPPENS. You can not and WILL NOT be protected in every game mode. You're literally bitching about a TEAM-BASED GAME that ENCOURAGES you to find others to play with. Just because you want to lone-wolf it out here isn't 2k's fault. That's a YOU problem, not a 2K problem. Get the **** over yourselves.

Last edited by Caelumfang; 07-11-2020 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 07-11-2020, 01:31 AM   #707
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

And whether you like it or not, 2K is doing what it can to REPLICATE THE RECREATION CENTER feeling. Guess what? You can be in a Rec Center playing ball with some people you don't know, and a group of friends can walk right in the door and challenge you all to a basketball game. Then from there, they can proceed to whoop the **** out of your team. Same exact **** can happen in The Rec on 2K.

Or is that too much for you to understand?

Last edited by Caelumfang; 07-11-2020 at 01:40 AM.
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Old 07-11-2020, 01:41 AM   #708
BasketBalla21's Arena
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

Originally Posted by Caelumfang

This isn't advocating, defending, or being Pro-Bum Hunting, (highlighting it so you can understand) but IT HAPPENS.
Nah bro you're not gonna go on a profanity laced tirade telling us to not suggest solutions for a poor match-making system AND say you're not defending "bum-hunting"

You're free to your opinion, but I'm not letting you get away with that one
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Old 07-11-2020, 01:47 AM   #709
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

Originally Posted by BasketBalla21
Nah bro you're not gonna go on a profanity laced tirade telling us to not suggest solutions for a poor match-making system AND say you're not defending "bum-hunting"

You're free to your opinion, but I'm not letting you get away with that one
Not one time did I say don't suggest solutions. I'm saying the 'solutions' don't make sense in the grand scheme of things in my opinion. And I've stated my reasons why I felt that way. Multiple times. And every time I did, I got the usual "YOU MUST LIKE BUM-HUNTING HURRDURR." when that's not what it was AT ALL. But I live in reality where I know it's going to happen, period. I simply don't cry about it.

Last edited by Caelumfang; 07-11-2020 at 01:49 AM.
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Old 07-11-2020, 01:47 AM   #710
tru11's Arena
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

It goes way over your head.

The fact that you picked cod as an example is telling.

That game has skillbased matchmaking.

If you are an average player you might run into a squad or clan of average players.

Its pretty much impossible to run into a squad or clan of top players.

You play people of similar skill level wether they are solo or in a group.

The skill level is around the same.

In 2K not so much.

You could be a rookie playing your first game and run into a squad of legends...
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Old 07-11-2020, 01:52 AM   #711
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

Originally Posted by tru11
It goes way over your head.

The fact that you picked cod as an example is telling.

That game has skillbased matchmaking.

If you are an average player you might run into a squad or clan of average players.

Its pretty much impossible to run into a squad or clan of top players.

You play people of similar skill level wether they are solo or in a group.

The skill level is around the same.

In 2K not so much.

You could be a rookie playing your first game and run into a squad of legends...

I bet if you jump on COD RIGHT NOW, you will eventually run into a clan/squad with the same clan tag, and they'll happily be in Team Deathmatch/Kill Confirmed/Ground War/etc BUM-HUNTING.

Stop misreading ****. Did I say a clan of TOP PLAYERS for COD? No, I said a clan, period. You do realize a 'clan' can just be a bunch of people who've played together for years, and decided to wear the same clan tag, right? They would still have the advantage over a rag-tag group of players simply because they know how they're going to attack each level, while the other team might not even be on the mic, much less communicating with each other.

What's actually telling is that you are seriously equating Rep level in 2k to skill.

Last edited by Caelumfang; 07-11-2020 at 02:00 AM.
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Old 07-11-2020, 02:02 AM   #712
BasketBalla21's Arena
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Re: Matchmaking in Rec is awful.

Since COD is cross-platform I bet the skill-based matchmaking is even better since the player pool multiplied. I hope 2k gets PC hackers under control and has cross-play.
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