
How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

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Old 12-29-2020, 09:08 PM   #1
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How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

So first off, I'll admit I am not a basketball gamer and frankly I'm a peripheral NBA basketball fan. I prefer the college game and wish like crazy they'd bring back CH2k.

That being said - the quality of the NBA 2k series gets my interest each year, and after picking up a PS5 I'm curious about the next generation version. The thing that intimidates me though, is just how in-depth the controls are. It's both a blessing and a curse. For those that know what they're doing - I'm sure the control is fantastic. For those (like me) that are very inexperienced - they're intimidating.

It would be great if there was a beginner/casual mode that was a bit more... automated. What I mean is that, I would love a very simplified controller setup that would still automate and execute all of the multitude of dribble moves, shot types, (Euro)step types, layups, etc, for me. I'm not sure what exactly that would look like, but I equate it almost like either the Retro Mode or Beginner difficulty level in MLB The Show. It really boils down the game for you so that it still appears a pretty good, authentic representation of the sport - but is much more user friendly to someone just looking to pick up and play.

Any chance anything like that is at all possible in 2k or is this a case where I would just need to work through the growing pains and learn some stick skills?
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Old 12-29-2020, 10:25 PM   #2
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

I barely use "stick skills" at all and have a blast playing offline. If you've played any basketball game in the last 2 decades, 2k is pretty easy to jump into.

Sure, there are advanced moves but you can get by without knowing them.

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Old 12-29-2020, 10:33 PM   #3
BaselineBakes's Arena
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

Honestly 2KU is really well done and you can learn the basics pretty quickly. I go into each year to see what they changed mechanic wise.

The control guide is also really helpful and I’ve learned some new advanced things that I never even knew before and I’ve been playing 2K for close to 20 years.

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Old 12-29-2020, 10:40 PM   #4
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

It's a slightly steep learning curve for people who never played basketball or other sports games. If you dunno about stuff like aggressive toggle, turbo, icon pass and switch it'll be tough. If you do tho it's not really that advanced. There's a lot of stuff you can do.

Take for example nhl 21. Buncha moves I could never do but I'm in there blocking everything with my body. If you know bball it should not take long. The only part of 2k I feel I have a strong grasp of is the triple threat game. Otherwise you don't really need that much to get to spots. Passing is important and maybe that's another learning curve, what can be stolen.

At first it'll feel like everyone is ice skating on mud but the controls are semi responsive these days and if you learn the spots that it's gonna put you in a bad animation you should be ok. If you expect to iso the cpu every time from the jump tho it'll be a sec before you can do that. Again. Passing.

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Old 12-30-2020, 12:44 AM   #5
TheFgGoatLikesHawks's Arena
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

Originally Posted by beau21
So first off, I'll admit I am not a basketball gamer and frankly I'm a peripheral NBA basketball fan. I prefer the college game and wish like crazy they'd bring back CH2k.

That being said - the quality of the NBA 2k series gets my interest each year, and after picking up a PS5 I'm curious about the next generation version. The thing that intimidates me though, is just how in-depth the controls are. It's both a blessing and a curse. For those that know what they're doing - I'm sure the control is fantastic. For those (like me) that are very inexperienced - they're intimidating.

It would be great if there was a beginner/casual mode that was a bit more... automated. What I mean is that, I would love a very simplified controller setup that would still automate and execute all of the multitude of dribble moves, shot types, (Euro)step types, layups, etc, for me. I'm not sure what exactly that would look like, but I equate it almost like either the Retro Mode or Beginner difficulty level in MLB The Show. It really boils down the game for you so that it still appears a pretty good, authentic representation of the sport - but is much more user friendly to someone just looking to pick up and play.

Any chance anything like that is at all possible in 2k or is this a case where I would just need to work through the growing pains and learn some stick skills?

Yeah sounds good. Press A = breakdown the defender and do 5 dribble moves combo. Press X = Dunk. Press A + X = let the cpu do all your dribble moves and dunk so that you don't have to do anything.

Dude just learn the controls, they aren't that hard. Go to 2KU in-game to practice moves. 2KU helps with all that.

No offense but we've had enough casual ballers infiltrate this game and 2K responds with lowering the skill gap so that the hardcore players have to deal with bums with zero skill scoring 30 every game online. Any noob can be ok playing Park / City. Plenty of arcade pick up and play action happening there. This game needs WAY LESS hand-holding, not more.

What's with gamers trying to dumb down every game to suit them? Here's a newsflash: not every game is Fall Guys and things have a learning curve. You should just expect that, accept that, and Adapt. If you don't care to adapt, maybe this game/sport isn't for you.

For example, I know jack crap about soccer, other than every 4 years in the Olympics we all pretend we care, Messi and some dudes, and skippin past Telemundo. I've played FIFA and I suck ***. I get beat 20-0. Do I cry? No. I don't know much about the sport. It's frustrating, if I cared about soccer. But if I actually wanted to have a decent experience, I understand and expect to put some time into the game and start the learning curve. Same thing here.

So to answer your question, yes it's possible, and I wouldn't doubt 2K21 does exactly that for those who can't be bothered to learn the controls, and dumb down the game even more so that people can just hop in and play and be esports champions on Day 1, while the rest of us wonder what the actual eff happened to this once great franchise

Last edited by TheFgGoatLikesHawks; 12-30-2020 at 01:02 AM.
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Old 12-30-2020, 02:39 AM   #6
tru11's Arena
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

Originally Posted by beau21
So first off, I'll admit I am not a basketball gamer and frankly I'm a peripheral NBA basketball fan. I prefer the college game and wish like crazy they'd bring back CH2k.

That being said - the quality of the NBA 2k series gets my interest each year, and after picking up a PS5 I'm curious about the next generation version. The thing that intimidates me though, is just how in-depth the controls are. It's both a blessing and a curse. For those that know what they're doing - I'm sure the control is fantastic. For those (like me) that are very inexperienced - they're intimidating.

It would be great if there was a beginner/casual mode that was a bit more... automated. What I mean is that, I would love a very simplified controller setup that would still automate and execute all of the multitude of dribble moves, shot types, (Euro)step types, layups, etc, for me. I'm not sure what exactly that would look like, but I equate it almost like either the Retro Mode or Beginner difficulty level in MLB The Show. It really boils down the game for you so that it still appears a pretty good, authentic representation of the sport - but is much more user friendly to someone just looking to pick up and play.

Any chance anything like that is at all possible in 2k or is this a case where I would just need to work through the growing pains and learn some stick skills?

Put your controls on absolute in the user settings.

Then regardless of camera you will be doing the layup/dunk that you want based on your imput.

Works like a charm.

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Old 12-30-2020, 11:45 AM   #7
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

I'm with the creator of this thread. I'm getting old now and just want to play the game like I used to back in the days of NBA Live 96 and such or Tecmo Super NBA Basketball. No fancy moves, just move my player, pass, shoot, and defend.
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Old 12-30-2020, 01:03 PM   #8
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Re: How User Friendly is 2k, Really?

If you rarely played the game, no doubt you will enjoy as you have many game modes to choose from.

Said that, being new I think you will enjoy more playing offline. I'm not saying you can't play online but between the lag, the cheese moves and low overall rated player at the beginning, if you are not more into the game it might be not that fun.

As people said, check 2KU and enjoy!

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