
Why are my cpu controlled teammates horrific at shooting? (I'm using player lock)

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Old 01-03-2011, 08:12 PM   #1
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Arrow Why are my cpu controlled teammates horrific at shooting? (I'm using player lock)

Using player lock I've played on pro, all star, superstar, hall of fame and my teammates are the worst perimeter shooters ever. I've used default sliders, simulation sliders, spent hours on custom sliders with little success. It's getting to the point where I have to set all of the sliders to an insanely high number. I've set them up for wide open shots and they will still shoot 10-15% all game. I can never rely on them hitting a three. I can't get Kyle Kover to hit anything, James Harden can't hit a three. It doesn't matter who my teammates are on whichever teams they can't hit anything.

The game is just not fun to play for those who use player lock offline. I did notice my cpu controlled teammates will hit a decent amount of shots on pro difficulty but not enough. And on my player mode my teammates are even worse. They stink.

I even edited all of my teammates shooting ratings to 98, their shoot off dribble to 99, shoot in traffic to 99. Guess what, when using player lock my cpu controlled teammates still hit only 10% of their wide open shots on hall of fame difficulty. Wow talk about dumbing down my teammates who all had 98 and 99 ratings.

Like most people I downloaded the patch. Is the new patch that was released a month ago causing this problem of my teammates being nerfed? If so then deleting the patch would fix the stupidity of my cpu controlled teammates right? Or is this a problem that existed prior to the patch?

Anyone have any solutions for my cpu controlled teammates not being horrific shooters. I'm using shot stick. I can hit my shots but I think the cpu is making my teammates miss everything to make the game appear more competitive. Any fixes for my player and also offline player lock modes?

Oh and for those that think that pro mode is the realistic setting, maybe, but I'm not so sure. Take a look at the free throw shot clock. On all star, superstar, hof you will notice it says 10 seconds to shoot your free throw. On pro difficulty it says 15 seconds. My point is that may be proof that pro level is in fact the easy level. 2k makes everything easier, including shooting free throws by giving you an extra 5 seconds.

Last edited by sky454; 01-03-2011 at 08:16 PM.
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Old 01-04-2011, 11:02 AM   #2
OVR: 4
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Re: Why are my cpu controlled teammates horrific at shooting? (I'm using player lock)

You dont need more than 2-3 seconds to shoot a Freethrow.. the extra 5 doesnt matter
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Old 01-19-2011, 07:36 PM   #3
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Re: Why are my cpu controlled teammates horrific at shooting? (I'm using player lock)

I'm not sure what your problem is. I kind of know, but not to the extent that you're saying. A few players I've played with in Player-Lock, D Williams, K Love, K Korver, K Hinrich, R Hamilton, S Nash. I had some sliders with shooting between 50-55 on All star and they were shooting pretty accurate. My problem is that with my created player, with shooting of 60, I was shooting too high, 65-70%. I lowered it and lowered it and was still shooting too good.

So now I'm searching for some other options. Maybe real shooting %.
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Old 10-01-2023, 02:40 AM   #4
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Location: Massachusetts
Re: Why are my cpu controlled teammates horrific at shooting? (I'm using player lock)

i found the answer to this . due to sliders everyone contests shots and even when it's not "good defense" irl (in real life) it's considered good defense in 2k and this causes everyone to miss because everything is "lightly contested" which isn't a defender almost blocking you but it's good enough to cause them to miss. try these sliders
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File Type: png try these sliders.PNG (28.8 KB, 14 views)
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