
Gradually adjusting sliders during 82 game season?

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Old 11-07-2014, 02:48 PM   #1
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Gradually adjusting sliders during 82 game season?

I started an 82 game association with 7 game playoff rounds. What I think has kept me from ever finishing one of these long associations is that it gets repetitive. In 2k, the same team you faced in preseason is the exact same as you'll see in the nba finals. What I think would be fun and interesting is adjusting the sliders as the season goes on to simulate how teams improve throughout the season. In the nba team defense improves, there's less turnovers, better offensive execution etc. And then come playoff time, games are more physical, less easy layups and there's more emotion in the players.

Has anyone created a way to gradually alter sliders for human and CPU to make a long season challenging and realistic?
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Old 11-07-2014, 06:50 PM   #2
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Re: Gradually adjusting sliders during 82 game season?

Ok so my initial idea is this:

My settings are on all star simulation. Then I reduced each attribute by 8. I will increase each attribute by 1 after each month passes in the season so that by June it looks like clean, efficient basketball.

So far in the one half I played I saw a few things that are like basketball in November. Unforced turnovers and miscues, lots of misses, and fatigue setting in sooner and having an impact on the game. It was refreshing to see open shots not go in every time. It also closed the gap on my shooting percentage vs the CPU. I usually average 50-60% in shooting whether it's online or offline and my opponents are in low 40s. With these sliders I shot 40% and my opponent 39%. Despite all the misses I did have two players shoot over 75% so that's varied enough to be realistic for me.

I intend to tool around with coaching sliders so that teams run less plays at the beginning of the season and are less active and in sync on defense. If teams freelance a little more it will probably offset all the misses and the scores will still be realistic. Also I will alter the bench depth and performance sliders so that teams sub more in the beginning of the season and tighten their rotations at the end of the season.

Edit: ok so I altered coaching sliders well and had two great games today. Knicks beat my spurs 91-86 and spurs beat 76ers 103-92. All of the stats looked great and the gameplay was great for me. I really got to work on my timing though. Lower ratings really expose how bad I am at shooting, jumping for rebounds and contesting shots. Overall these sliders look great for what I was going for, hopefully someone else will be inspired to try this out too

Last edited by Coachjosh21; 11-08-2014 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 11-08-2014, 04:57 PM   #3
wizfan2's Arena
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Re: Gradually adjusting sliders during 82 game season?

Trying to decide between all star and pro. Can you please post your sliders?

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Old 11-08-2014, 06:27 PM   #4
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Re: Gradually adjusting sliders during 82 game season?

Sorry but I don't have time to put every number but hopefully this helps:

In gameplay sliders I did this for hum and CPU:
1) set difficulty to all star and play style to simulation
2) reduced every slider by 8 clicks including tendencies
3) on the 1st of every month I will increase the sliders by 1 click to simulate how teams improve throughout the season. By June, the sliders will be back to how they originally started.

In coaching sliders I did this:
1) reduced tempo, defense, rebounding and early offense sliders by 8 clicks
2) reduced run plays by 16 clicks
3) raised bench performance and depth sliders by 8
4) I multiplied the zone usage slider by 5 for every team. (I rarely see zone in 2k vs cpu and this helps bring that out more often. It's what kept the CPU sixers close in the game vs my spurs. Plus I played without Duncan because he was "sluggish" after the first game of a back to back).
5) I did not touch tendency sliders such us take inside shots, post ups etc in coaching profile sliders
6) every month the gameplay sliders will increase by 1, run plays increase by two and bench sliders will be reduced by 2. By June, all coaching sliders will be back to where they started.

Hope that was clear enough. And I hope it makes for good games for you. I'm only going off a three game sample size so you may run into problems I haven't encountered yet. Also the gameplay is vastly different. Timing is very important when it comes to passing, shooting, defending and jumping. Pay attention to the animations. Mindlessly playing will only lead to frustration. That said I think it makes gameplay a real challenge and makes for ugly basketball. It looks like how the nba is right now. Teams are still learning how to play together and are out of sync.

I think most peoples ratings are based off season statistics and accomplishments over the course of a season and in the playoffs. Maybe that's why people often complain about how unrealistic some rosters are and especially with online play. The rosters on 2k showcase players at their best and the consistency slider in 2k rarely correlates with context. But in the real nba, this is November and you just don't see that kind of excellence very often at the beginning of the season. You won't see the spurs hit 90% of the shots in a quarter in November. But obviously that's realistic in June like they did to the heat last season. I think these sliders help simulate that progress.

Last edited by Coachjosh21; 11-08-2014 at 06:41 PM.
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