
So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

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Old 05-01-2011, 03:46 PM   #1
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Icon5 So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

Hear me out. It may seem crazy, but it might work.

Now...Stern doesn't want technicals to show in the game because of the image it might bring on the league, right? Well, how about putting technicals in the game and letting the reason being because WE got the technicals ourselves?

Have you ever been in a game where it's REAL close and you get a foul that you KNOW is bull**** and you get pretty pissed? As in, maybe yelling in the mic? Getting frustrated and getting loud in the television yelling "HOW IS THAT A FOUL?!?"

Well, maybe 2K can play off that. Once a foul is drawn, the game could pay attention to the length of noise that is created in our headsets. If the foul happens and we're completely quiet, maybe let out a "sigh"...you'll see the player reactions be real simple. And the opposite will, of course, be the opposite.

If I blocked a shot with LeBron and it was a shooting foul when I see it's all ball, I'll let out a sigh and LeBron will just keep his hands behind his back and just nod his head. However, if I get that same call and I'm yelling into the mic "YO THAT'S ALL BALL!!! THAT'S ALL BALL!!! THESE REFS ARE SCREWING ME OUT HERE MAN! OH MY GOD!!!"...you'll see LeBron run over to the ref and start whining enough to get a technical.

Get it?

This could also shut up all the people that are OVERLY loud online. The more loud they are over and over and over on each play, the more techs they pick up.

What y'all think?
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Old 05-01-2011, 03:50 PM   #2
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Not gonna lie, that's a sweet idea lol
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Old 05-01-2011, 04:08 PM   #3
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Re: So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

What happens if you don't use a mic?
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Old 05-01-2011, 04:09 PM   #4
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Re: So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

I believe the main reason that techs arent in the game is because they would have to bump the rating up to T or something along those lines.
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Old 05-01-2011, 04:14 PM   #5
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Re: So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

Originally Posted by mikenoob
What happens if you don't use a mic?
Well, then the feature is irrelevant to ones without a mic.
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Old 05-01-2011, 05:04 PM   #6
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Re: So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

I think that would be sick!
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Old 05-01-2011, 05:11 PM   #7
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Re: So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

That's a pretty cool idea, however, I think a better way to implement technical fouls would to have it be based off the emotion rating.

Depending on a players emotion he will be more prone to getting a technical. These calls could occur when a game is close, there is a rivalry game, or say if there is a foul called on him/his team consecutive trips up the court.
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Old 05-01-2011, 05:47 PM   #8
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Re: So, maybe there IS a way to get technicals in 2K12?

Originally Posted by TheNaturalMVP
That's a pretty cool idea, however, I think a better way to implement technical fouls would to have it be based off the emotion rating.

Depending on a players emotion he will be more prone to getting a technical. These calls could occur when a game is close, there is a rivalry game, or say if there is a foul called on him/his team consecutive trips up the court.
Stern doesn't want T's in the game and it could (in the legal world) give a certain player a bad image.

Eg. if LeBron (who has a high Emotion rating) goes off on one after every foul or non call etc. do you think Nike will want his fans (and therefore Nike's customers) seeing him do this and therefore be a bad role model and ambassador of the brand? I know it sounds like BS, but image is very important for huge brands.
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