
3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

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Old 12-05-2011, 08:11 AM   #17
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

Agree, this cant be the big patch ... then again, albeit placebo, am getting excited at the feedback ... please, keep them comming more often !
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Old 12-05-2011, 08:22 AM   #18
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

This can't be the main gameplay patch, 2K hasn't even posted in patch notes yet to let us know what was all included in the patch. Either this was a mini pre patch or a placebo effect. Who knows, maybe 2K broke this main patch into 2 parts, I remember hearing thought that the devs put alot into this gameplay patch, supposedly the biggest patch they've ever done for a 2Kbaskeball game, and it should be huge.
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:06 AM   #19
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

hmmm If I recall when 2k released the patch last year it was too big when they sent it out and M$/Sony sent it back to them. This could be an incremental patch so when the bigger patch hits it won't be sent back for being to big.
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:12 AM   #20
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

Originally Posted by OGKing
Yep. I'm noticing all of that, i'm also noticing the CPU takes a lot more shots...when they're open, they're going to take it unlike before the patch, if the CPU was open, they would just pass it inside or something..

I also noticed that the CPU isn't shooting lights out..like they normally do..looking at the box score, they're only shooting 40% from the field, points in the paint seems a bit toned down.

The pump fake seems toned down as well..

CPU doesn't wait until the end of the shot clock to shoot..that's good.

It's not the big patch, but i see a good improvement.
Have you seen also some double team in the post or during iso????
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:14 AM   #21
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

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Old 12-05-2011, 09:17 AM   #22
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

*Waits for more people to come in and claim other things to have happened that the patch did not address*
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:24 AM   #23
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

The only thing I've noticed is that the guards don't pull off Amare like pump fakes anymore and that is no placebo effect. I have no idea what to look for when it comes to flaws like the passing since I really had no issue with it. I'm not that nitpicky and I enjoy the game for what it is BUT I do notice when low tier guards pulling off some nonsense fakes when around the rim. So far that's not an issue anymore....
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Old 12-05-2011, 09:25 AM   #24
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Re: 3 MB Patch pushed out at 5:28 EST

I don't get the assumption that the gameplay patch needs to be huge. The game isn't anywhere near as out of whack as some make it out to be imo. The same people that have worked on what's heralded as the best basketball games to date worked on 2K12 - it's not like they don't know what they're doing. Much of the warping/cheating/over-compensation of the cpu on the higher difficulty levels would seem to be an issue of tweaking, rather than something needing a major overhaul. I'd also say some people don't do themselves favors by thinking the game should play near-exactly as 2K11 did and trying to play it that way, when there was a lot 2K added to 2K12. I think if they're adding additional functionality, that would make up the bulk of a sizable patch. That said:

I was skeptical re this patch so decided to play a NBA Today game Jazz (cpu) at Mavs. Bumped difficulty up to All-Star but used mostly default sliders except for shooting (45/45/47/50), fatigue (60) and free throw (55) using default rosters:

+ Biggest difference didn't see the huge momentum swings that the cpu can go on where it gets really hot/you get really cold

+ cpu was aggressive w/o making a lot of what I'd consider unrealistic plays. In fact the cpu lost it's dribble more than a few times in the first half

+ I was snatching offensive rebounds I likely wouldn't have gotten previously on All-Star; also had some sweet dishes with Kidd to either Chandler and Haywood coming baseline that I hadn't had an opening in prior games. I was up 46-44 at half even though I was only shooting 41% and cpu was shooting 46%. In the past on All-Star I would've definitely been behind

+/- cpu didn't go on a huge momentum swinging run in the 3rd but it definitely made a noticeable push. We were trading blows through maybe half the 3rd then it started playing really tight. It was noticeable but seemed mostly fair. Cpu's up 72-65 after 3, turnovers surprisingly near even (me7, cpu8). I thought I'd have more since I haven't been playing smart, trying to fit in most of a game before work

+/- cpu did seem to make "that play" during the 3rd when it needed to. Had a few times where I'd hit what seemed like a big basket and they'd come back and run a very well-run play. Almost too well-run. But I have to say it wasn't frustrating and if that's the case should keep people on their toes

+ I had a few steals anticipating passes in the first half; hadn't really been able to goad the cpu into getting those steals previously

+ had less instances of the cpu brickwalling on fast breaks or drives. Still happened but was able to get into the paint noticeably more/seemed more appropriate

Just some quick thoughts for those at work. I hadn't played on All-Star for weeks so some of what I'm seeing could be placebo and it's only a single game. But definitely like I wasn't seeing anything noticeably frustrating
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