06-19-2012, 01:28 AM
OVR: 6
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Virginia
Re: Association Stats are a ROSTER issue
Ok i just did the same thing with D-will which was trade the person on the team who was averaging the second assist which was Stevenson and D-will apg went up from 6.7 to 8.2.
For real stats trade Chauncey to a team that need a point as in the trail blazers or raptors and Paul dimes should be above 8 a game and for the Nets trade Stevenson and take back a bum that won't take away from their average.
This same season chris paul average was 9.3 in 34 mins. So my findings is that chris paul and more point guards averages depend on if the shooting guard in the line up handles the ball as muc has them.
With Billups paul average at best is 7.4 and with Nick Young in the line up Paul average is 9.3 at the highest but no where below 8.5
With D-will where he is the main guy passing he averages 8.2 and everyone else on the team average no where above 1.8 apg
All these games are simmer 100 percent of the time. Simmed from day one to the last game of the season
Way 2k has it set up it's basically they try to estimate what their assist would be if someone else was passing the ball more. They have it so the shooting guard gets 3 to 5 dimes per game since they bring the ball up just as much.
Last edited by thaone08; 06-19-2012 at 01:33 AM.