
What's the direction of MyCareer?

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Old 10-12-2012, 01:08 PM   #1
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What's the direction of MyCareer?

First I am a huge fan of what 2k has done as far as gameplay is concerned. After 2K12 which felt more like a step to the side 2K13 feels like two or three steps forward and is about as close to a true sim experience I think I've every felt.

MyCareer is the only mode I play. With that understanding. I can say despite the steps forward from gameplay in the direction of sim. With MP/MC 2K is taking baby steps backwards every year for the past four years.

I understand there is a good percentage of gamers that prefer to have instant success and/or prefer not to go through the grind of a college star from the moment they declare their eligility for the draft and are done with college. However I would argue with the amount of SIM stlye players just hanging around gaming sites that there's a significant number of gamers that prefer that route.

When you look back at this mode over the last 4 years at what they have added versus what they have taken out it. There's no doubt the MP/MC mode is not taking into account the customers who actually find enjoyment in the preparing for the games as much as the actual games themselves. Which IMO should be the direction of MP/MC.

The first year as a complete unknown that had to try to enter the draft and hope to get drafted or join a team as a free agent is by far the most fun and most rewarding mode I ever played in any sports title ever. Now we are playing in this made up all-star game and are being drafted high. I'm not against being drafted high, but it feels so cheap doing so without the grind of a combine or any kind of college experience.

All of what I said still hasn't discussed all the other issues that haven't been touched that's been in the mode since it's creation.

-The inability to tailor your player. You're forced to choose from a list of play styles. You're force to be a combo player.
-Due to the lack of flexibilty when creating your player often you're player is forced to enter the game way out of position
-Progressing in MP/MC mode is not only non-realistic it's non-rewarding. With the creation of VC it's gotten much worse IMO.
-No sliders so whatever is broken out of the box remains broken
-While your teammates AI and talent level finally has increased it's still not on a sim level

What I would love to see is them give us a choose of whether or not we want to hop right to the things casual gamers care for while bringing back all the things true sim gamers care for. Since it's obvious that 2K is interested in gaining more money. They could put out the combine before release. I'd gladly spend more to down load a MC combine. I understand things like VC and DLC are the way of the future. However they don't have to be so unnatural. They can sell start up boost for those customer who rather start the game as a better prospect if they don't want to do the opening grind.

Here's a list of things we should have back or in the game next year
-Summer League
-Offseason workouts
-D league
-Team practises during the season during off days
-Drills only during off days
-Natural progression(no more skill points or virtual currency). What you work on and/or succeed at is what you increase at. There shouldn't be any physical growth during the season etc.

We have seen enough flash added to this mode over the last 4 years. Now it's time to add some substance from here on out.

Hopefully those post can spark some of the guys over at 2K to make the most popular mode a quality product with replay value. MP/MC should be so much more rewarding.
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Old 10-16-2012, 06:13 PM   #2
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VDusen04's Arena
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Re: What's the direction of MyCareer?

Originally Posted by da ThRONe
Here's a list of things we should have back or in the game next year
-Summer League
-Offseason workouts
-D league
-Team practises during the season during off days
-Drills only during off days
-Natural progression(no more skill points or virtual currency). What you work on and/or succeed at is what you increase at. There shouldn't be any physical growth during the season etc.
Good post. I'd definitely love to have the option to return to the days of grinding a little bit in order to make the league in some regard. Attending the Draft Combine, Summer League, Training Camp, then earning my keep with the Bakersfield Jam was a heck of an experience. And the moment I finally got the call-up and checked into my first NBA game was one to behold.

I still enjoy the mode but like you, I'm struggling to fully understand the direction they're taking it. Being more or less forced to "make it" right away (while being paid in pirate's booty) seems to take a lot of the edge away from the mode. That might just be personal preference though. Just, even for a mode based on fantasy, it somehow felt more realistic for my no-name guy to fight his way through instead of walking into the draft lottery regardless of my performance prior.

I actually thought there'd be a lot of great ways to not only re-implement the likes of the Draft Combine and Summer League, but to make them even more awesome. Actual combine drills, realistic summer leagues (Rocky Mountain Revue), variable crowd attendance, commentary, fully editable D-League... there's definitely a lot of excellent possibilities there.
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