
Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

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Old 03-04-2013, 12:30 PM   #9
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

Originally Posted by bls
They need to being back lobbies. Its not all the time that you can play against a friend.

And 2k11 was close to it. Minus the spin dunk.

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How many more times does it need to be said? They aren't bringing lobbies back (THEY SAID SO THEMSELVES), mainly because most people didn't use them, for good reason too, since when they had lobbies, it took so long to get a game and it was difficult to connect to someone.

Last edited by Optik; 03-04-2013 at 12:34 PM.
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Old 03-04-2013, 02:02 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Optik
How many more times does it need to be said? They aren't bringing lobbies back (THEY SAID SO THEMSELVES), mainly because most people didn't use them, for good reason too, since when they had lobbies, it took so long to get a game and it was difficult to connect to someone.
Doesnt matter how many times they say it. They need to bring them back.

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Old 03-04-2013, 02:11 PM   #11
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

I'd say overall it's a sim game - as far as the gameplay representing real basketball and getting the all the little nuances of the NBA down. Not without flaws tho. My biggest ones are the zone being too overpowered and the fade away 3 glitch shot in blacktop. Also the sig skills have brought a lot of individuality to the players, but also potential for cheese and unrealistic shots being made. I think those could be toned down.

I play mostly my player and blacktop, n this is the most fun I've ever had controlling my my player with the new isomotion. Crossing someone up or picking their pocket is satisfying. I feel like high basketball IQ gets rewarded in blacktop. The good defenders / rebounders / passers / stick skills stand out. A lot of the same tactics from real pickup games can be used in blacktop in those 1on1 battles of figuring out where the opponents going to go n learning their tendencies. Overall a sim game with some flaws imo, maybe could use some of 2K11's collision detection n flow.
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Old 03-04-2013, 02:17 PM   #12
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

Originally Posted by daveberg
2k has never been anywhere near sim when it comes to online gaming - and it never will.

It's not the game itself, it's the players.

2 people can hook up and play sim ball any time, anywhere in this game, if both have the same virtual sportsmanship. Both are aware of the flaws and exploits of the game, but choose to play as realistically as possible - this is something that rarely EVER happens.

SIm comes second to winning online. Nearly. Every. Damn. Time.

It's why online gaming continues to be a plague pit of cheesers and abusers.

It woudn't matter if they tweaked the difficulty, or nerfed certain moves. Most gamers would still wash, rinse and repeat the same tired old crap to try and get a win, and if it doesn't work - then they quit. Never a pleasant experience.

Is 2k to blame...really? I mean, every game has its flaws, but 'decent' players like most sim heads will look past that when playing like minded people and play as close to real life as they can, ignoring the thousand pump fakes and spinning around constantly holding turbo blah blah blah. Problem is, there's not enough of us to make up the majority and clean the play of this game up.

I said this all b4, but I think there's 2 schools of thought for "sim." Sim playing or Sim environment. Sim players yeah 2 guys could agree to play by a set of rules or try to play as realistically as possible. 2nd one is Sim environment, which pretty much replicates the rules / physics / action reaction of the sport. I'm cool with #2. As long as contesting a shot = affects shot %, or turboing = fatigue, I'm cool with that. Cuz then in that case if I choose to play sim / realistically, I'm rewarded for it. The game can't control how you play, but it could control whether realistic play is rewarded and unrealistic play punished.
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Old 03-04-2013, 02:48 PM   #13
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

I don't think you can find the answer to this question in whether or not certain tactics beat others consistently, or if there are "holes in the armor".

I don't play ranked much, but I have plenty of PvP experience against friends who play with varying degrees of realism, including some of the stuff you see from random matchups. I know "Sim" means different things to different people, but to me it's simply the game giving you the tools to play as close to real basketball as possible, whether that means a "Sim environment" like Ramboooo mentioned, or deeper/more fluid dribbling and post mechanics.

More tools means more ways to make the game resemble whatever style you want. Cheesers may be able to act cheesier, but a Sim style plays more realistically as well.

2k11 may have had greater competitive balance in videogame terms, but it also gave you far fewer ways to emulate NBA basketball. On the other hand, 2k13 may be lacking in some aspects, but a huge part of the problem is related to new moves and tactics that don't have effective counters yet and responses to criticisms that didn't have an inspired alternative in mind. This isn't an example of 1 step forward, 2 steps back - or of complacency due to lack of competition. It's just one of the growing pains of a series that adds new gameplay mechanics every year and tries to be all things to all people.
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Old 03-04-2013, 02:55 PM   #14
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

Originally Posted by Optik
How many more times does it need to be said? They aren't bringing lobbies back (THEY SAID SO THEMSELVES), mainly because most people didn't use them, for good reason too, since when they had lobbies, it took so long to get a game and it was difficult to connect to someone.
Who says that they have to bring LOBBIES back in order to give Sim gamers what they want....? That being an online Sim experience at a higher difficulty level in games against other like-minded gamers.

Don't tell me it "can't" be done, 2K....because it's being done RIGHT NOW. 2K has separate game matchups for Quick Matches, Quick Match Team Up, and MyTeam.

Why don't they just add ONE MORE....??

My suggestion is to call it HARDCORE Mode. This takes the words "sim" and "casual" out of the way. There is the regular way to play the game(what sim guys call "casual" now on a lower or medium difficulty setting)...and then there is the HARDCORE way - more of a true Sim option on HOF difficulty.

Why is this so DIFFICULT?

The fact is....it's not.

Just one man's opinion, but 2K better wake up to this fact and start at least giving Sim gamers a Sim OPTION online. It's not about whether one side is right or wrong in the whole Sim VS Casual debate.

It's about making a game where BOTH sides are happy. If they don't they risk losing customers from one side or the other. Seems like bad business. When all they have to do is add ONE single option to appease Sim gamers and guarantee they don't lose the money they bring into this game via sales and VC.

Last edited by LoudMouthHoops; 03-04-2013 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 03-04-2013, 03:19 PM   #15
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

Thats a good point but why add something without a proper counter? Why add the right stick dribble moves but allow everyone to do the same ankle breaking moves? I'm not 100% certain that we had signature dribble moves in the past but I know for a fact that all guys were not created equal. Now I'm not against that system as I enjoy it but giving them all the same abilities had to be mentioned in the process. They left it in so they could reach the casual gamers. NBA 2k used to be a game in which you had to practice to be good. Now if you hold the sprint button and flick the R stick you'll probably be decent. They turned the other cheek on this and didn't give it their normal sim approach IMO.
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Old 03-04-2013, 03:26 PM   #16
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Re: Online Ranked Users: Do You Still Look At NBA 2K As A Sim Game?

Originally Posted by Ramboooo
I said this all b4, but I think there's 2 schools of thought for "sim." Sim playing or Sim environment. Sim players yeah 2 guys could agree to play by a set of rules or try to play as realistically as possible. 2nd one is Sim environment, which pretty much replicates the rules / physics / action reaction of the sport. I'm cool with #2. As long as contesting a shot = affects shot %, or turboing = fatigue, I'm cool with that. Cuz then in that case if I choose to play sim / realistically, I'm rewarded for it. The game can't control how you play, but it could control whether realistic play is rewarded and unrealistic play punished.
You shouldn't need rules to play a game that is meant to be a simulation. We should be able to pick up the game and just play because anything we do will resemble basketball.

Sim gamers add those rules to cover up the flaws in the game. Every single rule is to avoid a flaw. There is only one thought of sim - just multiple rule sets. Sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles in that department.
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