
NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

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Old 08-10-2009, 06:19 PM   #409
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Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

Originally Posted by HOLLIDAY1183
I really don't understand, can someone explain to me this one question.... why would anyone be a "2K Guy" or "Live player"????? I just don't get this, it happens on both forums. I mean, aren't we all just "Sports Gamers" period?? Meaning that, when the games come out, we'll buy the better one if only one is good/don't have the budget to buy both. Or buy both if both games are good (I bought both in 03, 05 and 06)???

I mean, I love these forums, I love how the devs improve their games and listen to our feedback, but I just don't get for the life of me why ANYONE not on a company's payroll can have a blind allegiance to a game/company. I see "2K'ers" poppin in to say "2K still rules Live sucks!" and "Live guys" saying "Live finally back on top!!" I just don't understand.

Why not we all watch vids, look at screens, play demos of both, and in the end buy one or both and be happy that there are people out there tryna satisfy our passion for this sport like 2K and EA?!??!

Am I the only one!??!?!?! Please, somebody answer, I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!! LOL
Because then things would make too much sense and people wouldn't know how to handle it.

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Old 08-11-2009, 01:08 PM   #410
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one of the best parts of the video to me that i keep replaying is the way the crowd got soooo hyped when josh smith dunked on the fast break at the end of the video. BIG DIFFERENCE FROM 09.
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Old 08-11-2009, 02:23 PM   #411
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Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

Originally Posted by HOLLIDAY1183
I really don't understand, can someone explain to me this one question.... why would anyone be a "2K Guy" or "Live player"????? I just don't get this, it happens on both forums. I mean, aren't we all just "Sports Gamers" period?? Meaning that, when the games come out, we'll buy the better one if only one is good/don't have the budget to buy both. Or buy both if both games are good (I bought both in 03, 05 and 06)???

I mean, I love these forums, I love how the devs improve their games and listen to our feedback, but I just don't get for the life of me why ANYONE not on a company's payroll can have a blind allegiance to a game/company. I see "2K'ers" poppin in to say "2K still rules Live sucks!" and "Live guys" saying "Live finally back on top!!" I just don't understand.

Why not we all watch vids, look at screens, play demos of both, and in the end buy one or both and be happy that there are people out there tryna satisfy our passion for this sport like 2K and EA?!??!

Am I the only one!??!?!?! Please, somebody answer, I DON'T GET IT!!!!!!! LOL
Yeah, same question I am asking myself everytime I read here. Why don't want people understand, that they can just profit, if they get (at least) two great games!!! Only competition leads to greatness. Wherever you look, they wouldn't be any kind of greatness (especially in Sports) without competition. This is our advantage. Just look how much 2k "improved" in the last two years. Not much in my opinion, unfortunately. But this year I think they are going the extra mile just because they know Live is coming with big steps. I am not sure if they would if Live still produced a broken BBgame.

But I guess some people will never get that...
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Old 08-11-2009, 04:07 PM   #412
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Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

Everything the video covered was look and feel, graphics and animations, but not intent. The big question to me isn't can they do this or that, can they rebound in a realistic way, can they size us up with a dribble, but will they?

If I'm playing the CPU Cavs, will Lebron size me up, will he drive past me. It isn't if a big can rebound more realistically, will he? Can I build a 7'11" or max height guy, max strength, max rebounding, who will dominate on the boards as a CPU player?

If it's just a button triggering an animation, the we'll be right back where we always have been with human controlled big dribbling around CPU players - because they can and will.

My question is if I'm playing the CPU Cavs, will LeBron ever drop 50 on me?
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:25 PM   #413
buzzguy's Arena
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Good video!
I also loved all the childish comments posted on Gametrailers for this video! And I thought the OS community was bad (on occasion)! ;-P
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Old 08-11-2009, 06:35 PM   #414
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i just want the passing to be more fluid player shouldn't stop to recieve ball on fast break. i don't need that slight pause.
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Old 08-12-2009, 11:20 AM   #415
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Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

Here is a HD 220mb video of the Mike Wang video:
http://www.gamersyde.com/leech_12355_1_en.html in case 1st link doesn't work
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Old 08-12-2009, 02:48 PM   #416
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Re: NBA Live 10 Video: Gameplay Enhancements w/ Mike Wang

@ SageInfinite & brs2305.... Co-sign ya'll 100%, and I'm glad I'm not the only one....

I agree that Live really hasn't been much comp for 2K in awhile, and yes, they have done the hype machine and back of the box gimmicks in previous summers, but I'm hoping they produce a great game this year. And hey, 2K9 had some problems (spacing, help D principle/lack thereof, animations-itis lol) that need to be addressed in 2K10. I think both games have something to prove this year, but I'm rooting for both to be great.

Cuz, man, I remember how much fun I had my first year away at college, all my friends/teammates LOVED Live and the new Freestyle moves and we had some Live marathons, but then I had my sim head friends I'd battle all night in 2K3, with strategy-filled games going to the wire. We appreciated both. A good game is a good game, regardless of what romantic feelings one may have toward one company or another.
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