
NBA Live 13 a $20 Digital Release This October?

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Old 08-31-2012, 05:54 PM   #313
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Good luck for the people buying this crap.

best link so far http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-dk8ruzgG4

what a rape!!

2k all the way!

Last edited by DashHyper; 08-31-2012 at 05:55 PM. Reason: short
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:08 PM   #314
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first of all those dorks didn't play the game so that video should not say hands-on. 2 they don't look like they know a good game if it slapped them in the face but that does not excuse the fact the game did look like unfinshed game at E3. So 3 posting this old axx link of this old axx video was really point less and wasting everyone on heres time!
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:10 PM   #315
videlsports's Arena
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LOOOOOL I hope nobody loses their job over this though. But live hase'nt been good scince.... when it was the only basketball game out? wow
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:10 PM   #316
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o its sad that you don't have a good mind of your own to think and judge for yourself...."rape" do you even know what that means, how does that word even apply to this subject?
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:11 PM   #317
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live never was the only basketball game maybe the only close to sim baskeball game but never the only basketball game out smdh
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:15 PM   #318
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Re: NBA Live 13 a $20 Digital Release This October?

no what it means is they seen the competition and they are not even close to what 2k has...and we could go back from day one with 2k when it first came out! and still!...FAIL!...But heres to hoping they can get it straight,cuz competition is a good thing...but for 20 bucks! I'd take a look.
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:28 PM   #319
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ok "ghm125" i agree with your saying. An from my standpoint from this, is that even tho 2k was 19.99 for different gen..some of us still bought the game when other games cost alot more. I'm not going to lie i thought 2k game was going to suck when saw that it was just 19.99 and at the time i didn't no nothing about it. So with that mindset from back then..to now why can't i do the samething for EA(like for get about the past)? if you ask me $60 dollars for any game is too much, alot of ppl don't even have a job and they want us to pay 60 dollars for a game that we don't even know if we going to like, rather not it has too many bugs in it, it might be a game that once you play for a few days and then you can't do anything with it. so i think 60 dollars for any game is crazy...yes i do buy certain games for 60 dollars still but thats because i'm just a gamer and thats one of my hobbies. but some games i just wait until price for it goes down. so 20 dollars for any game is ok to me and to me its a steal for this type of gen
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Old 08-31-2012, 06:31 PM   #320
D* B**rs!
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Re: NBA Live 13 A $20 Digital Release this October?

Originally Posted by fluent2332
Responses in bold.
I warned you not to compare this to 2K in 04. It's a TOTALLY different motivation and you know it. Both 2K games were FULL featured quality games that in MANY instances beat their EA counterparts critically. The ONLY reason they did that strategy was to make people take notice of the games. It's not that I'm assuming the worse because it's the worse. I'm assuming the most LIKELY case given the circumstances. ANY logical and objective person, knowing what little they do know, would be left with this being the likely situation. Of course, you won't see it from a more objective perspective.

Come on man. I'm speaking 15 year FIGURATIVELY! But since you're talking specifically, I'll bet that you did still buy Live all the way through Live 10. You've even said you played Live 07-10 if I'm not mistaken. And there you go again with veiled critiques of 2K. But I'm not going to touch that.

How are criticisms of a Live 13 video "ignorant"!? The video is right in everyone's face! Who cares if players slide? No one really as long as they don't slide TOO much. Apparently, that limit has been reached for many people. You say it was "rough around the edges". That's like saying a "skunk has a weird smell". It's that PRECISE choice of baby-glove wording that exposes you. I'm not projecting anything on you. I just want you - a vocal member of the community that has the games interest at heart - to be able to call a spade a spade. EA can't fix HUGE issues if people aren't honest about how huge they are. And that video showed MAJOR issues. That much is clear. It may be OK with you, but YOUR game is not just trying to sell to YOU and you and your clones alone. You know there aren't that many of you. At some point, look pass what you find acceptable and let others have their say.

Finally: "I am sure I will be happy with Live no matter what". Are you friggin' KIDDING me?! Really?! You're THAT committed huh? I've said it before and I'll say it again...


Yes, it IS f'ing crazy that someone is that naive and gullible to believe ANYTHING from ANYONE sight unseen. Dude, that whole last paragraph is just full of friggin' crazy. At least you admit it. So, much respect, man.
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