
Inside Shooting skill

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Old 09-08-2018, 01:55 PM   #9
olajuwon34's Arena
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Re: Inside Shooting skill

Originally Posted by ILLSmak
Post moves are effective but I do think lay ups, goin around people, spins, drop steps etc are better. Inside shot Def affects inside shots. The inside scoring ability of Hakeem icon might seem like something every one gets but they don't. Contact lay ups, driving lay ups. Little floaters. All wet. The fade can be wet too. I did a dream like fade w kyrie messing around in the demo, but you gotta green it. Or if you can't green you're contested. Still be at the top. You get some badges for bad releases but release matter a lot. I brick mad mids with ai icon but he's a monster with athletic lay ups and floaters. I think you also might need to get ratings up higher.

I have a feeling you can probably just do a straight out fade and make it consistently if you set it up right.

Its honestly just better to attempt a layup though. I wish they would work on the smoothness of the post play in nba live, you can tell they worked on dribbling and guard slasher play, but the back down and movement still feels like im backing down with a 50 year old Al Jefferson, maybe even slower.
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Old 09-08-2018, 09:08 PM   #10
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Re: Inside Shooting skill

I like how str works. A lot. I like the physicality of live post play, but 2k has a lot more complex options. Hopefully they will get that too, but the way you can use the stick on a lay up to go around people is amazing. Like they can be _ with hands up and you can go / even with them being right there. Dunno if that makes sense but I'm on a phone.

Or like if you get a little man you can just bully him down then lay up right on his head. He won't even be able to jump if you do it right.

That being said (I do like live tbh so I have praises for it), Hakeem is a complex player. He is much better emulated in a game like 2k just like a player like Iverson is best represented in live.

It does have to do with the game being perimeter focused. I think they need more bumps inside. It's funny I was suggesting physical moves in 2k because the drop step was the only way you can pin, then they add all of these take over bumps.

In the same way, how you can get someone leaning in live then wet them with a jumper, they need to recreate that in the post where the way they are pressing on your back allows you to do something. It does already but it's v simple. Like for instance if I'm posting up with Hakeem and they are pressing into my back baseline to defend a possible drop step or spin, if I were to turn and fade over my right shoulder ( that is, to the middle) it should be a green able shot if they don't react fast. Now, they could contest it light by switching their left stick to the middle and pressing right stick up. And then your fade fake against that contest should allow you an easy turn back lay up (lite dream shake) or they could contest it hard by jumping, and you could turn back over the other shoulder and fade for a greenable shot or step thru also for a lay up. If you have those mechanics in place you can have an endless chain of fakes, counters, and stops. Also maybe adding in the ability to bump people off position a bit before your move like a step back would be for perimeter. Those simple tools would make the post the same as the perimeter, unfortunately, until they are there I don't think a dream shake will be good in the post. I'd Def give a try to that spin step back off the drive in the post w Hakeem tho. Maybe that's what they think a dream shake is.

Haha sorry for long post but Yea I love bigs and I hope some day a game gets inside play right.

Edit: also what I meant about lay up was you might think lay ups are op in live and in some ways they are, but the lay ups of post anchor are so ridiculously strong that it's hard to imagine why you'd not use them even if you do wanna throw some sauce on em.


Last edited by ILLSmak; 09-08-2018 at 09:11 PM.
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Old 09-09-2018, 03:37 PM   #11
olajuwon34's Arena
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Re: Inside Shooting skill


It called that a bad shot in the feedback, im sure thats considered an inside shot, i mean, clearly thats a good shot, duncan isnt even contesting the shot, but thats why i think the contesting system needs work for the post and paint play, in the games mechanics, duncan is contesting that shot because he jumped, but its not proper visual representation of that. I miss shots all the time like this with the defender sagging off of me. But like i was saying, on the next possession a guy can just do a dribble move and pull up in a defenders face from 3 with more of a contest of this, and nail it.

I think i just need to deal with the fact that these guys making the basketball games dont know how to, or can replicate, Hakeems playstyle, which is disappointing.
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Old 09-09-2018, 09:58 PM   #12
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Re: Inside Shooting skill

Originally Posted by olajuwon34

It called that a bad shot in the feedback, im sure thats considered an inside shot, i mean, clearly thats a good shot, duncan isnt even contesting the shot, but thats why i think the contesting system needs work for the post and paint play, in the games mechanics, duncan is contesting that shot because he jumped, but its not proper visual representation of that. I miss shots all the time like this with the defender sagging off of me. But like i was saying, on the next possession a guy can just do a dribble move and pull up in a defenders face from 3 with more of a contest of this, and nail it.

I think i just need to deal with the fact that these guys making the basketball games dont know how to, or can replicate, Hakeems playstyle, which is disappointing.

Bad shot minus what? Not to go all kobe but bad shot just means you missed. Did it say guarded? I got a weird guarded on an amazing move I did off a spin back j w my Hakeem, similar level of contest and I replayed it and was like wattt. There are traits that might help, but if it's like bad shot minus 3 or something that's not really a bad shot imo. Bad shot - 13 and guarded is a bad shot, but I've taken a lot of "take open shots" that I bricked and were way more contested.

Something is weird about contesting sure, and the shot you shot was good, very similar to mine. I can't say why because I've played vs backcourt Shooters that pulled up right over me. It might have to do with who the defender is too. I find it easy to score on certain guys but others like Marc gasol or embiid are almost impossible. Block rating supposedly affects contests so maybe they had high contest. It's not real but maybe that's why? But I still think u could have wet that shot unless it said guarded. Its not a 100% shot but I think if it only said bad shot that you could prol make it 40% of the time at a perfect release. Or so haha. Dunno obviously.

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Old 09-09-2018, 10:29 PM   #13
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Re: Inside Shooting skill

Yo I just hit a lil shimmy fade "midrange green hundo" from like 6 feet over cpu. Maybe one of these days I'll make a YouTube to up clips to. Still working on getting the moves tho. I think we can do it.

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Old 09-14-2018, 12:49 AM   #14
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Re: Inside Shooting skill

Still think of you a lot while posting up. Even made some little videos that I'm never gonna post anywhere but I can watch them and think of you.

I've been putting in more work w my big. Remember he's 6'9 too, but I remember reading Hakeem was like 6'9 or 10 in reality. I can tell you more stuff I've learned.

First man that meter is fast on certain shots. There are little shots that are greenable that you can pull like one leg fades or something but they come so fast I always miss late.

As for hooks, pretty strong move if you set up and turn the right way. Fade away is a lot to do with release. Like you can get bad shot - 8 bad shot - 3 and take open shot +3 on the same shot. It's not an overly consistent shot but it's make able. You just gotta get a good release. Not sure if certain ones are greenable or if there is a v v tiny green spot at the top that let's you green cuz sometimes I get unexpected greens. To me, shooting is hard. Maybe it's other issues, like I'm in a slump but I'm liks a green ft shooter usually and I miss a lot. So work on your release. Employ the shimmy hook and fade (I think l2 does it while pressing shoot) and you'll be playing like Hakeem in no time.

One of the videos I made was of a lay up. I remember telling you don't underestimate Hakeem lay ups cuz that is his icon skill. I ended up with the ball at the 3 point line with 3 sec on the shot clock and did a driving shot that registered as a lay up but I released it like 12--15 feet out heavily contested. It dropped. Not a consistent shot but they can bail you out. Same with his fades. So I dunno. I think it's balanced. I think you can be Hakeem kinda but some animations are missing. The shimmy fade looks like a baby dream shake. There is a show the ball with one hand dream shake like fake too like the fake pass/lay up looking one

Just keep practicing imo.

If you're not at the top of the meter of a fade seems like there is virtually zero percent chance of it dropping.

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Old 10-09-2018, 02:36 PM   #15
olajuwon34's Arena
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Re: Inside Shooting skill

Yah iv realized that hooks can be useful when im using my player online, the fades are just hard to time with the input lag online. Also, Hakeem was 6"11, for the most part, its one of those things that no one really confirmed, he was listed as 7 foot though.

Iv been playing off and on over the past month, and im gonna hop back on sometime today to try this new update out.
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