08-03-2011, 04:59 AM
OVR: 20
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Colorado
Re: SEC Quarterback Ratings
Here are how I have them rated in my rosters.
Aaron Murray/Georgia/87
Stephen Garcia/South Carolina/87
Tyler Wilson/Arkansas/87
Chris Relf/Mississippi State/87
Jordan Jefferson/LSU/85
John Brantley/Florida/84
Tyler Bray/Tennessee/83
Barrett Trotter/Auburn/83
Morgan Newton/Kentucky/82
Randall Mackey/Ole Miss/82
Larry Smith/Vanderbilt/82
AJ McCarron/Alabama/81
Now before people start going crazy, I do not go by overalls in my rosters, I work on specific rating to display how a player plays and whatever the game decides to give the player as an overall after I am finished is what he gets. I don't look at them and go "well player X should be better than player Y, so I better go bump player X's ratings so he is an 84 overall." In doing that, you are not making a player play like who it is suppose to play like. I also tweak mine a bit for Dynasty Progression, so they progress correctly in Dynasties. In a perfect world the game wouldn't have QB's accuracy jump 4-5 points every year in a dynasty, and instead would really only have a heavy impact on awareness.
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