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ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

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Old 09-14-2021, 06:10 PM   #9
Luca_Blight's Arena
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

These look very promising! I’m going to give these a shot.

Do you have home field advantage on or off? Also, I’m going to try fatigue off in main menu for better cpu play after halftime (for those who didn’t know that already)

I’ll give some feedback after i play several games in a dynasty.

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Old 09-14-2021, 07:40 PM   #10
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

These look interesting. How well do you think they'd play on AA? It'd be easier presumably, but other than that would it change anything specific about how the game plays?

Always heard that Varsity (or w/e the default one below AA is) is just AA with a hardcoded general boost to user/penalty to CPU, and vice-versa with Heisman, just AA with a hardcoded boost to the CPU/penalty to the user. I always figured AA would be the best starting point when experimenting with sliders for that reason, but most folks seem to prefer Heisman.

Across years of tinkering myself, I've kinda settled on a theory based on the fact that we look for 3 things when we modify sliders: one, realistic animations & gameplay that "feel" like real football. Two, realistic stats. Three, realistic challenge/difficulty. The theory I came to is that you can definitely get any one of the three, and a really great slider set can get you any combo of two of those three things — but getting all three just isn't practical just because of all the limitations in the game.

I'm glad folks are still trying though. I finally settled on the "all default, 50 threshold" slider set. It's too easy, but difficulty is probably my third choice of those three factors and I think it does a good job on the first two. I definitely might have to give these a try though, hopefully folks will chime in on what they think as they get bigger sample sizes of games with these sliders. Definitely gonna give your recruiting rules a try though, those look like a great system that isn't too forced or arbitrary.

Really wish EA had given us (or would give us, not bloody likely though!) hard data on what exactly every slider controls. Folks like you have discovered the unintuitive quirks like penalties affecting gameplay in unexpected ways, so we're stuck experimenting for hours and trying to make reasonable guesses what we're actually doing when we change a slider. Really appreciative of folks like you who put in the work, so the hours and hours I waste on the game can go to CPBs instead! Great work on this set.
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Old 09-14-2021, 11:23 PM   #11
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

Originally Posted by Luca_Blight
These look very promising! I’m going to give these a shot.

Do you have home field advantage on or off? Also, I’m going to try fatigue off in main menu for better cpu play after halftime (for those who didn’t know that already)

I’ll give some feedback after i play several games in a dynasty.

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Home field advantage on. I say leave fatigue on as well, but that’s up to you

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Old 09-14-2021, 11:25 PM   #12
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

Originally Posted by doncicfan77
These look interesting. How well do you think they'd play on AA? It'd be easier presumably, but other than that would it change anything specific about how the game plays?

Always heard that Varsity (or w/e the default one below AA is) is just AA with a hardcoded general boost to user/penalty to CPU, and vice-versa with Heisman, just AA with a hardcoded boost to the CPU/penalty to the user. I always figured AA would be the best starting point when experimenting with sliders for that reason, but most folks seem to prefer Heisman.

Across years of tinkering myself, I've kinda settled on a theory based on the fact that we look for 3 things when we modify sliders: one, realistic animations & gameplay that "feel" like real football. Two, realistic stats. Three, realistic challenge/difficulty. The theory I came to is that you can definitely get any one of the three, and a really great slider set can get you any combo of two of those three things — but getting all three just isn't practical just because of all the limitations in the game.

I'm glad folks are still trying though. I finally settled on the "all default, 50 threshold" slider set. It's too easy, but difficulty is probably my third choice of those three factors and I think it does a good job on the first two. I definitely might have to give these a try though, hopefully folks will chime in on what they think as they get bigger sample sizes of games with these sliders. Definitely gonna give your recruiting rules a try though, those look like a great system that isn't too forced or arbitrary.

Really wish EA had given us (or would give us, not bloody likely though!) hard data on what exactly every slider controls. Folks like you have discovered the unintuitive quirks like penalties affecting gameplay in unexpected ways, so we're stuck experimenting for hours and trying to make reasonable guesses what we're actually doing when we change a slider. Really appreciative of folks like you who put in the work, so the hours and hours I waste on the game can go to CPBs instead! Great work on this set.

I mean for me, my main focus for the sliders was on making ratings mean something. Like if two players had similar route running and man coverage ratings, it would be up in the air whether or not the WR would beat the DB on a route. Along those lines, inferior WRs get locked up by better DBs

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Old 09-16-2021, 08:01 PM   #13
VTWiseGuy's Arena
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

I forgot to add. If the original HC leaves and you are a OC/DC. You can stay are the school or whatever school you get hired by you can run your own playbook. I never knew a real life coordinator switching schools and running that HC coaches offense. They got hired a there for a reason

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Old 09-16-2021, 10:13 PM   #14
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

how do kick off and punt returns perform with these sliders?
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Old 09-17-2021, 06:22 PM   #15
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

Just a bump for any of you following this thread, I added an additional section to the original post on manual editing of player progression and regression. Shout out to "kawkeye" with coming up with a great system that I was able to build off of.
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Old 09-17-2021, 07:12 PM   #16
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Re: ViatorLion10's NCAA Football 14 Bible (w/ Sliders Set)

how is the kickoffs and punt returns with these sliders? do you get where players break one all the way if they are capable?
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